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I'm Angry

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  • Gradon, dude, here's what you have to do:

    1. Take a photo of your hair and post it here, as Skunky said.
    2. DON'T dyed it with another color scheme, it may change to a more drastic appeareance.
    3. Don't care about others opinions, just tell them: 'yeah, I dyed my hair blue and now I know how bad it looks', and laugh about it, if you get ashamed they will laugh of you. Laugh with them! =)
    4. You only live once, next time, dyed it with a fluorescent blue and you can shine in the dark, that would be pretty cool.
    Last edited by Ridley W. Hayes; 08-04-2008, 10:59 PM.


    • Is it Blue/Black, cause thats cool! You suit dark hair, i dyed my hair that way a few times. You're folks/friends might be surprised but it's just a drastic change from light to dark, the initial shock will wear off quick, trust me. Like Ridley said, DONT dye it again, god knows what you'll end up with! It'll wash out eventually, don't worry.

      Oh and, happy birthday!
      Last edited by rewak; 08-04-2008, 11:27 PM.


      • Originally posted by rewak View Post
        I'm not angry at this (far from it), but i can't think of anywhere else this fits really. I stumbled over a page at Encyclopedia Dramatica about a very, very well known person (who's name i can't even type cause it just comes up as *'s!) in the RE community, and fuck! Links to THIA, quotes from Dot and various others, way too far! Justice, and funny, but extreme!
        He's the one who added those quotes. If you look, the account is banned now. I really think hes just an attention whore now. Trying to see his name in lights.

        Gradon, why not just re-dye it with a more neutral color? Happy birthday

        I can't sleep :|


        • His names up there alright, dunno if it's quite the way he wanted it though

          And no no no! DONT re-dye it, it's like mixing paint, you can't dye it then dye over the dye, you'll end up with something really bad.


          • gradon i think you look fine with the color. you should've gone with a brighter blue but this looks ok, maybe they're just laughing at you because it's such a drastic change. i agree with the others you should be happy and laugh with them, if they're doing it to be mean to you then that'll make them even more mad when you laugh don't let them get you down.

            a few years back, i used permanent hair dye when i tried to get some highlights in my hair. your hair will grow out and you'll be blond again. it's best though for you not to dye it immediately, as too many chemicals can make your hair fall out. wait a week? then you'll probably have to get it bleached, and then blonded back. i think you should go to a professional though, they'll give you better advice on what to do with your hair.

            if you think it's that bad wear a beanie or a hat? try not to let it get you down
            Last edited by SinValentine; 08-05-2008, 03:22 AM.


            • Thanks for the support and HapBdays.
              My friends Mum who said I can get the colour stripped?
              It like removes the colour in for another one which you can dye over, I'm not sure what she means, but I'll leave for it about a week or so and try that.
              I've calmed down a bit now, but my Mums sure gonna have a shock when she comes home today.
              Again, thanks.


              • Get a tattoo. They won't worry about the hair .

                In all seriousness, it doesn't look that bad. You could just shave it all off, and then let it grow back out. I'd say this is a FAR better option that re-dyeing it.
                I used to have long hair, and I shaved it to raise money for charity. People told me I shouldn't shave my hair (even though it was helping kids with leukaemia). For about a week after everyone told me how much better it looked, and the only one who disagreed was me. You can't really predict peoples reactions. I still have my hair short too, after about 2 years.


                • that's really nice of you to donate your hair. i was going to donate mine but i needed ten inches of it to give to the locks of love foundation. my hair was at my hips though, so i'm going to try it again next year sometime. the longest i've ever had it was at my knees when i was like 12. indian hair, grows like weeds :/


                  • There's a leukaemia charity in Australia that runs it. You say you're gonna do it, collect sponsors for 2 months or so, then finally have to cut it. I think people were saying I shouldn't because they thought I'd get about $50 tops. But I made $300 for the charity. Each year they make thousands. Quite a few people get into it. Even whole companies shave their heads. It's a really good vibe they give the kids too. Like a solidarity thing. The kids hair falls out because of the chemo, and everyone shaves theirs alongside, so the kids aren't so scared and singled out.

                    Anyways, what's done is done Gradon. Short of getting a time machine, you can't change it. You might be suprised with peoples reactions. I really was when I took the plunge and shaved my head. It'll only be a few months before it's completely grown out.
                    And you're young. Youngsters do foolish things, and I'm sure your parents expect that.


                    • Parents saw it, were shocked, not mad, but making me keep it.
                      So I've got blue hair for 3 months.
                      Actually, I'm getting used to this now.


                      • The blue will probably wash out before 3 months and just be dark.


                        • Usually you're meant to dye it a lighter colour before dying it dark, housemate used to go peroxide first, then dye it a different colour, he'd use different colours each month to look stylish but it was usually to disguise the fact he was a boring prick with the personality of a corpse. :p


                          • Don't make a big deal out of it Gradon. I mean...smurfs are blue....everybody loves smurfs Just kidding you!!!!!!!
                            Last edited by cerberes; 08-06-2008, 02:57 PM.


                            • why does that smurf look wrong to me


                              • The dust cloud looks alot like a...ew

