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I'm Angry

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  • Well you WOULD say that, you're her boyfriend so your opinion is less than objective.
    See you in hell.


    • I'm speaking as "the movie guy" when it comes to directors.


      • I'm actually a bit pissed with someone I work with. Yesterday she went through my Facebook because we were talking about one of my friends, and she wanted to know what he looked like. Okay, fine, I'm not too thrilled with you snooping around on my friends' profiles, but to look at a picture no real harm done. Do we stop there? No, we decide to scoure his entire page for every interaction between myself and he, and I even told her that that was a bit on the creepy side (Sort of my way of saying, I would appreciate you move on from his page as this conversation has gotten weird). She basically ignores me and keeps on digging, and then decides to friend request him because "he seems fun." Why the hell are you going to add some random person to your page to basically spy on them? It is creepy. So I log on this morning to see that he has accepted the request because he is one of those people that just accepts whoever adds him.

        This is not the first time this has happened either. Another time I was texting a friend from my old job, and she feels the need to text this person also. Again, is your life that boring that you need to hijack talking to my friends? This woman has friends of her own, and isn't at deprived of social interaction, and I think these are all a ploy to find out more about me, which is pissing me off extremely. It isn't like these friends have information that I care about them sharing, but it's more the principle that I feel like someone is invading my privacy for no real reason.

        I think the next time it happens we are talking about this. Ordinarily, I would talk to the person about it on the second offense (first one you let slide since you don't know what was going on that day), but when you work with them, it creates a whole different atmosphere.

        It's just creepy and annoying. Play with your own friends.




          • Comment

            • Everything in my computer sucks right now. It's slow as shit, it gets overloaded with Flash applications, the speakers suck, some keys on the keyboard don't work and the mouse is just trolling me, the middle button gets stuck and opens/closes a shit load of tabs and sometimes the left and middle buttons get stuck together and when I click on a tab it gets closed. The only thing that works properly is the monitor.

              It's like the computer knows I'm going to buy a new one and it's trying to get revenge on me for the short time it has.


              • Friends only son committed suicide a few days ago. This was out of the blue, there were no signs of depression or anything.

                I'm still in shock, even though I found this out an hour ago. I cant imagine the pain his father is going through now. He was a good kid,he really was. Life can be cruel.


                • The only thing I am pissed about now is that my Kindle Fire is still backordered through Amazon. My order pages says it's estimated delivery is the 6th of January. I pre-ordered this bad by on October 11th. Well whatever I don't understand it but at least it's comming.
                  My Head-Fi Page


                  • Originally posted by Wrathborne View Post
                    Friends only son committed suicide a few days ago. This was out of the blue, there were no signs of depression or anything.

                    I'm still in shock, even though I found this out an hour ago. I cant imagine the pain his father is going through now. He was a good kid,he really was. Life can be cruel.
                    I'm not trying to come off as creepy, but I'd be interested to hear about anything that comes up in this situation. I find it extremely fascinating when people commit suicide and there is no real reason on the surface as to why he/she did it. Usually when you start looking for signs or clues to it, most of the time it is too late (but they were there; half the time they are just overlooked). Just because someone seems normal (happy, social, enjoys life) does not necessarily mean they are. I think people who want to genuinely commit suicide will always succeed rather than those just seeking attention. I really see nothing wrong with suicide if you've looked at life, and given the matter considerable thought. Obviously, people who do it for trivial reasons like their boyfriend/girlfriend broke up with them, I find that pointless. But to actually examine your life and find no meaning in it; granted this may be sad, but there are people out there who see life in this way.

                    Anyway, if you do find out his motivation, I would be interested to know. I find it most interesting when there weren't any noticeable signs.

                    Also, how old was he?
                    Last edited by Xander Ashford; 12-19-2011, 01:21 PM.


                    • I pretty much had a breakdown at work and had to come home. I spoke with the manager, they were very understanding. See, I work long night shifts and have been for the past two weeks or so. But tonight I just felt emotionally drained, depressed, customers treating me like dirt. So I spoke to my manager and a guy I work with, both were really understanding. The guy I work with said he's been through the same thing, told me to take a couple of nights off, speak to my brother and come back in another night. It sounds sad to say this but I was literally on the verge of tears. I'll have a talk with my brother about it, he told me that my mum would be proud of me for working. I know it sounds like such a simple thing, but for me to be working it's a huge achievement. Like a major step in the right direction in my life. I'll most likely be back in Friday night, then Christmas eve.

                      The guy I worked with gave me a comforting hand on the shoulder, told me that three years ago when he started work there, he went through the exact same thing. He's a great guy. I don't have an aversion to work, I want to work, I enjoy working there and I don't want to let anyone down, just that night was rough for me.
                      See you in hell.


                      • ^ Don't feel bad about it, John! That's completely normal. Overnights can be very taxing. Glad you're able to just stay home and relax though! It'll be fine, don't worry!


                        • I feel bad because I like my work mates, I don't want to let them down. All of them were supportive though, told me not to worry. But still, I want to work.
                          See you in hell.


                          • Glad to hear you got through that alright. There are definitely times when I'm tutoring and I'm not able to get through to my student that I get frustrated. I try to cheaply rationalize to myself that its their fault but I'm denying my impatience, really. Any workplace is a breeding ground for stress, but the trick is to see it as eustress.

                            Nonetheless, I'm glad you're working finally, it took me a while to get a steady part time job also. Feels good to pay for shit with your own money.


                            • Originally posted by Mr. Spencer View Post
                              I pretty much had a breakdown at work and had to come home. I spoke with the manager, they were very understanding. See, I work long night shifts and have been for the past two weeks or so. But tonight I just felt emotionally drained, depressed, customers treating me like dirt. So I spoke to my manager and a guy I work with, both were really understanding. The guy I work with said he's been through the same thing, told me to take a couple of nights off, speak to my brother and come back in another night. It sounds sad to say this but I was literally on the verge of tears. I'll have a talk with my brother about it, he told me that my mum would be proud of me for working. I know it sounds like such a simple thing, but for me to be working it's a huge achievement. Like a major step in the right direction in my life. I'll most likely be back in Friday night, then Christmas eve.

                              The guy I worked with gave me a comforting hand on the shoulder, told me that three years ago when he started work there, he went through the exact same thing. He's a great guy. I don't have an aversion to work, I want to work, I enjoy working there and I don't want to let anyone down, just that night was rough for me.
                              Sounds more of a depressed than angry post, no?
                              Freedom of Information.


                              • Originally posted by Mr. Spencer View Post
                                I pretty much had a breakdown at work and had to come home. I spoke with the manager, they were very understanding. See, I work long night shifts and have been for the past two weeks or so. But tonight I just felt emotionally drained, depressed, customers treating me like dirt. So I spoke to my manager and a guy I work with, both were really understanding. The guy I work with said he's been through the same thing, told me to take a couple of nights off, speak to my brother and come back in another night. It sounds sad to say this but I was literally on the verge of tears. I'll have a talk with my brother about it, he told me that my mum would be proud of me for working. I know it sounds like such a simple thing, but for me to be working it's a huge achievement. Like a major step in the right direction in my life. I'll most likely be back in Friday night, then Christmas eve.

                                The guy I worked with gave me a comforting hand on the shoulder, told me that three years ago when he started work there, he went through the exact same thing. He's a great guy. I don't have an aversion to work, I want to work, I enjoy working there and I don't want to let anyone down, just that night was rough for me.
                                I couldn't be anymore proud of you John, seems like you're doing a complete 180' in your life for a better tomorrow.

                                Epiphany much, wouldn't you say?

