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I'm Angry

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  • Thanks Jon, we are upset how this had to be (it wasn't none of our fault why this happened) but happy with what we are doing and being strong about it in the short term situation. We still be in each other's life a lot, like family/brotherly love, and still do the stuff we done as we did as usual but not as a couple since we want to explore ourselfs and do different things now. This was done very maturely with respect and the future for us will, if not, bring us more closer together as people still
    I swear that post sounds like an automated it was rehearsed after several beatings..:p (that was a joke....sorry if it was a bit over the top didn't mean anything by it...) Spoiler:
    Last edited by Ghostface; 01-23-2012, 05:37 PM.
    "Movies don't make psychos, movies make psychos more creative!" Billy Loomis


    • Originally posted by alexdz View Post
      Look at the bright side DM, you can use the money to buy Operation Raccoon City!
      I know where you live.


      • Hmm, I'm not angry, but rather annoyed...

        I found out that this pretty, intelligent Asian playgirl (the only girls I'm really into are Asians) from my previous college is dating this young, naive Norwegian student. He's at least three years younger than her. It's like looking at a child with a woman. Seriously. He's pretty much in dream land while she is with him for the sole purpose of marrying him later to be able stay in this country. You see, female Asian exchange students tend to do this. To make things even more annoying, this guy went to school with my younger sister.

        Why in seven hells does a mere child get a woman like this? I swear, sometimes I wish I didn't graduate that early...
        Last edited by Trent; 01-25-2012, 04:40 PM.
        Freedom of Information.


        • But that kid's just a puppet being used to serve someone's agenda, whereas you are a free man.

          A man chooses, a slave obeys.
          See you in hell.


          • Went to the doctor today. I am left with more questions than I had before. In a way I feel better, but mostly it's aggrivation, hense posted here. I told her everything. I found a solution to the 'lady problems' but it can't be said if this solution will fix my recent emotional BS. There's just no way to tell immediately if it's an actual depression issue or much more temporary. A week to decide what to do, hmm. I swear this thread is going to start becoming my medical log or something. xD Need an eye exam too.
            Last edited by Inferno04; 01-27-2012, 02:39 AM.


            • We need to stop letting bored, privileged white men and women submit articles to newspapers if they can’t be bothered to get their facts straight and do a little research. It is so easy to spew hateful garbage about already marginalized groups when you’ve got no idea what their lives are like, as groups and as individuals. I understand that it is hard; you can’t help the fact that your reality is not the same as theirs but just for once in your life, please try to visualize yourself as somebody else and what it might be like in their shoes.

              What inspired this surprisingly swearless rant was an article on a local news website by an ignorant though privileged white woman about prostitution. It was degrading, sexist trash offensive to men and women alike. I JUST ARGH.


              • Well said, Spence, well said. Alas, we are but the pillars of women.
                Freedom of Information.


                • *cough* I believe credit should be diverted to one Andrew Ryan...


                  • Spent all day in the hospital when my daughter started being unable to walk. She's fine now, but after ten plus hours (five of which were spent on the world's most depressing ward full of baby horror stories) the response was, 'eh, we dunno, you go home now.'



                    • A couple days ago I saw 'The Grey'. Now I'm terrified to fly because of how realistic the crash looked in the movie. It didn't help that when I woke up this morning the time on my phone said 9:11. Well I better knock back a few. Happy trails, I'm off.


                      • Talk about an annoying day and it's only lunch time.

                        So, today is actually my birthday. I'm currently on leave from work for a couple of weeks... HOWEVER, my work repeatedly fucking calls me from 5 a.m. onwards, leaves me voicemails asking me to work when I am clearly marked out as "UNAVAILABLE - LEAVE" and YET THEY KEPT CALLING.

                        I haven't had much sleep due to that and that I also have to take anti-biotics at the current time too.

                        Anyway, I was looking forward to picking up the Metal Gear Solid HD Collection that I had pre-ordered... Only to find out it's been pushed back YET FUCKING AGAIN, to next week.

                        Oh and it's pouring down rain when I had been thinking about washing my dogs today too. So there goes that plan as well.

                        And to top that off as well, dead animal photos and dead baby photos all over my Facebook stream.
                        Last edited by Enetirnel; 02-01-2012, 07:22 PM.
                        Non-blurry Signature Version
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                        • My flight's delayed. I'll have to rush just to make it to the next one.


                          • Originally posted by Smiley View Post
                            My flight's delayed. I'll have to rush just to make it to the next one.
                            Argh. WTF is with today?!
                            Non-blurry Signature Version
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                            • Worst case scenario. I'm stuck in LAX. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.


                              • Originally posted by Smiley View Post
                                Worst case scenario. I'm stuck in LAX. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.
                                Seriously? You've got to be fucking kidding me.

                                Have they reorganized it for you?
                                Non-blurry Signature Version
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