Originally posted by Mr. Spencer
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I'm Angry
Shit! Is this is what I've been missing in the off-topic forum...? No wonder the 'Gaming in General' forum has population = 0.
Smiley after total & complete rejection. (if only it wasn't a hoax...looking at the happy thread)
"I'm just getting warmed up. This is one Clausewitz full-shit total fucking war...It's going to be Biblical"
Last edited by Kaneco; 02-14-2012, 01:52 PM.
Craziness today...I work in this small food stand at a department store. I have a line going around our railing, and then I hear a huge BANG. I go around the corner(A Starbucks is right next to us and we share a kitchen) to make sure nobody was hurt and the water filter BURST so there's water spewing everywhere while this was going on....a kid in the register across from my coutner was screaming BLOODY MURDER and her mother of the year was ignoring her. She has an accident on the floor then mom starts screaming at HER for it. Lovely. The whole situation gave me a headache which wasn't helped by what happened when I went to give blood. Now I'm not afraid of needles and the pain is never that bad. The lady had to stick my arm twice, but the first time was EXTREMELY painful, I was nearly moving my arm it was so bad. When it was all said and done, it didn't stop bleeding. My arm was numb and apparently I wasn't putting enough pressure on it, and blood got all over my arm, the seat, the floor, and while I didn't panic, it was kind of odd and kind of scary to see myself bleeding that much. Headache worsened, even after a nap to help me feel less woozy. And the thing is, I'm not even really mad, just wanted to share a story today day where everything went crazy all at once. xD That's kind of how it's been at work lately anyway. I'm rather happy now though, that it is all over.Last edited by Inferno04; 03-03-2012, 10:12 PM.
So I submitted a few pieces of my 3D work to a RE DeviantArt group bare in mind the 3D work is all my own and pretty much took me a few hours here and there to model,uv map, texture and render they both get declined without any reason as to why... and now I am so fucking pissed off about the whole situation there are people who steal actual artists models and get all kinds of fucking credit, praise and they do jack shit, but no when it comes to an actual qualified artist who does his own stuff its just declined!
Oh and the fact that today's youth seems to think the Titanic was just a film? SO what the fuck is that huge wreck at the bottom of the Atlantic another fucking publicity stunt by Hollywood?!
Yeah i'm not having the best of days today.... *sighs*Last edited by DXP; 04-12-2012, 02:23 AM.
Younger sister has skin cancer, fortunately it was caught early on but its scary shit.What scares me is that she and I both have fair skin and I cant help but be scared for both our futures.
Shes only 29, which is also quote scary. Cancer doesn't run in my family, it stalks us like a fucking lion in the jungle :/.
I can empathise. The only part more disturbing than, 'Your elder brother has a type of bowel cancer usually only found in elderly men' was, 'And you and your sister need to go and get tested now.'
Hope all goes well for you and your sister, especially as they caught it nice and early.
I got called on for jury service about a month ago. My first reaction was "fuck yeah!" until I read where it actually was. It was a courthouse 3+ hours away. Still rather excited, I looked up the bus timetable online and left to venture to this place I'd never been to.
That's when things got a bit shit. When I finally got to the bus centre, it turned out that the online timetable was wrong. Very, very wrong. I was set to be at the court for 10am so I went for the 8:30am bus, but the bus I was to get wasn't there. At all, even. The timetable actually in the place said it wasn't due for another hour. Ended up luckily getting a 8:40am bus that wasn't on the online timetable. Took longer than the other one would have, but I got there in time and managed to find the courthouse... eventually, after discovering that the only indication of its location was a backwards sign facing a wall.
I would never expect court to be exciting, and naturally it wasn't. Both cases ended up pleading guilty, so there was no need for a jury. I didn't get sworn in, but I had another 4 weeks to go, and that's where it pretty much went straight to shit. The next time I had to go, I missed the bus on account of having to wait for a black taxi for 30 minutes, and then construction and an accident blocking traffic (what the fuck.). These buses only come once an hour, and the next one would take an hour and 30 minutes and make me late. I immediately called the court and explained. The jury officer was nice, and excused me and said I should write an e-mail explaining my situation to see if I could be permanently excused, since my circumstances were too difficult. I sent two.
Fast forward to today, same shit happens. Construction, traffic, completely wrong timetable. On top of that, I'm unemployed and didn't have any money for the bus (going from home -> town -> court is about £20, not counting food expenses). I once again immediately called up. New girl was a snooty bitch and kept interrupting me while I was trying to explain. After finally explaining, she went into silence mode for a few seconds and then blurted out "you should be here anyway". After explaining about the e-mails, suddenly they "weren't good enough" and they "didn't get them". Now I had to post a handwritten letter for the judge to review. Then she went on to say that I will most likely be getting fined £1000 (or more) despite the circumstances being completely beyond my control.
So I just posted the letter. Now I'm hoping the judge is understanding.
Boring story but fuck. Don't know what to do now. Can't pay the fine, so it's likely jail time (three months) or community service. I've always wanted to be on a jury, the thought of it was awesome to me, so I have no intention or desire to try and skip out on it, yet I still get fucked over. I was already depressed this weekend over personal issues, now it's just snowballing.PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium
^ That sucks man, somehow I've managed to get out of jury duty twice now."One can only match, move by move, the machinations of fate... and thus defy the tyrannous stars."
Resident Evil/Castlevania/ Silent Hill/Onimusha/Tekken /Dark Souls
Originally posted by Dot50Cal View Post*address and info removed*
This asshole ripped me off. I sold items to him on ebay and 2 months later he says he didnt get them. Then he does a paypal refund and holy shit, he getsh is money back DESPITE ME PROVING THE ITEMS SHIPPED TO HIM. WTF! So I call the USPS to get my money back (thanks insurance) and they tell me he got them on May 23rd! WTF!!!
Sometime in June he emails me telling me to refund him and he will cancel the refund request! HAH! A couple days later PayPal decides he needs his money back. So now Im out the money and the goods. FUCK YOU ERIC! YOU GODDAMN ASSHOLE!
I feel like buying a ticket to france, then hiring a local to take me to these addresses..Then when I get there [SIZE="6"]ILL EAT HIM ALIVE!!!![/SIZE]
To top it off today, I brave asshole drivers who dont realize theres two lanes and just edge their way into mine. Im doing 40, and this asshat decides "Oh shit, I gotta go to the mall!" So he stops dead in the other lane SLOWLY turns his wheels to the left and begins entering my lane, meanwhile im coming around the corner doing 40. Hes in my lane now, and half of the opposing traffics inching along at 3MPH. WTF! I slam on the brakes. I stop about 12 inches from him. I look around and see the guy that was behind him is super pissed at the guy too. I lay on the horn. Asshole finally makes it across the road into the mall.
But thats not it! I get to my destination: The Cingular store! I want to get my phone activated! Yay finally I can go places with my POS vehicle and not worry about dying from dehydration when it breaks down. But whats this? I dont have credit! That'll be a $500 deposit!Oh no im sorry fuck you. ASSHOLES!
[SIZE="5"]Feel free to voice your anger about stuff in this thread as well![/SIZE]
Subject: Refund
Note: Refund for True Story Behind Biohazard Resident Evil I bought 5 years ago. Sorry for that.
Guy actually refunded my money. Damn man.