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I'm Angry

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  • Haven't been this pissed off in awhile now.

    *i'll use this rant in a spoiler box as its a long one*



    • Sorry to hear that dude i've been in the same boat so I know how you feel, only thing I can say is hang in there forget the past and eventually you will find someone who will accept you for who you are. It's just a lengthy progress.


      • The whole area was spray painted but the cops wanna say it never happen? That's kinda funny. I mean what is the vandals had hit the police station? They would of had a hell of a time dening it then.

        Anyways. Sorry about your woman Dude. Some people will do crazy things. The woman I been seeing the pass few years maybe a little paranoid of my past, but she thinx my exs are too far below her, for her to ever speak to. So I am safe there.


        • The dude, that really sucks about your ex. If you guys broke up on good terms then it would be alright to still talk to her but in your case don't. It's hard to get back into another relationship after a bad breakup but the only advice I can give you is just take some time for yourself and when your life is in order, then get back into the game.


          • First, Dude, your situation sucks. Trust me, I know how you feel... is very hard to find someone who loves you no matter what.

            Second, today I went to a concert... a free concert organized by a local manager with a lot of great ska-reggae bands, including some bands where I have friends. So it was going to be awsome... and free!! I went to the place and make the long long line to entry. It was supossed that they were going to give us a ticket in the line (at the moment we get closer to the entrance) with the only purpouse to count the people that asisted. So I wait.... and wait... and wait... under the freaking sun I wait 3 hours... and the line didn't move ¬¬. So what was going on? The smartass of the tickets didn't print enough tickets...!! There was over 1500 person already in there and other 1000 outside... so we (me along with two more friends) were out and all my other friends were already in.... ¬¬!! And the place had capacity for 3000 people.

            And yeah, the thing got uglier... At this moment the people was demanding the f***ing free entry!! And the police start to piss them of pushing them to the fence on the sidewalk... but there was too many people!! And the fence starts to bend =/ to finally fall... We run and scape the orde of people demanding the entry and screaming names to the cops. Finally everybody calmed down and we acomplish to entry... with the help of a staff member friend of us, wich we finally got in touch and told him about the situation, so he let us pass... 6 hours after the event started. The bands of our friends have already played =(.. but well, we were finally in =). We ask him about the tickets thing and he told us that they didn't spect so many people, in fact, at the end of the event there was an over-quota of a few hundreds of people, there were more than the 3000... all in there dancing... it was pretty cool.

            But no. No no no. There had to be one more issue before everything ends... My friends were a lot more down that we were (the place was like a huge theater), so I ran down the stairs to get to them... and it was pretty dark... and I didn't saw the people that were sitting on the freaking stairs... and I tripped over a girl.... and I fall... I flew through the air... in slow motion... and land with all the weight of my body over my face... mostly over my nose... u_u Surprisingly I didn't broke my neck (or I wouldn't be writting this right now) but damn, I was so worry for my nose when I got up off the floor, I was affraid that I broke it and have to go to the hospital (after all I pass to entry T_T), but surprisingly -again- it only bled through a little scar... a LOT!!

            So now I have a swollen nose that hurts like hell... and I'm pretty pissed with myself for running down the stairs like that ¬¬.
            Last edited by Ridley W. Hayes; 08-10-2008, 12:16 PM.


            • Originally posted by Ridley W. Hayes View Post
              First, Dude, your situation sucks. Trust me, I know how you feel... is very hard to find someone who loves you no matter what.

              Second, today I went to a concert... a free concert organized by a local manager with a lot of great ska-reggae bands, including some bands where I have friends. So it was going to be awsome... and free!! I went to the place and make the long long line to entry. It was supossed that they were going to give us a ticket in the line (at the moment we get closer to the entrance) with the only purpouse to count the people that asisted. So I wait.... and wait... and wait... under the freaking sun I wait 3 hours... and the line didn't move ¬¬. So what was going on? The smartass of the tickets didn't print enough tickets...!! There was over 1500 person already in there and other 1000 outside... so we (me along with two more friends) were out and all my other friends were already in.... ¬¬!! And the place had capacity for 3000 people.

              And yeah, the thing got uglier... At this moment the people was demanding the f***ing free entry!! And the police start to piss them of pushing them to the fence on the sidewalk... but there was too many people!! And the fence starts to bend =/ to finally fall... We run and scape the orde of people demanding the entry and screaming names to the cops. Finally everybody calmed down and we acomplish to entry... with the help of a staff member friend of us, wich we finally got in touch and told him about the situation, so he let us pass... 6 hours after the event started. The bands of our friends have already played =(.. but well, we were finally in =). We ask him about the tickets thing and he told us that they didn't spect so many people, in fact, at the end of the event there was an over-quota of a few hundreds of people, there were more than the 3000... all in there dancing... it was pretty cool.

              But no. No no no. There had to be one more issue before everything ends... My friends were a lot more down that we were (the place was like a huge theater), so I ran down the stairs to get to them... and it was pretty dark... and I didn't saw the people that were sitting on the freaking stairs... and I tripped over a girl.... and I fall... I flew through the air... in slow motion... and land with all the weight of my body over my face... mostly over my nose... u_u Surprisingly I didn't broke my neck (or I wouldn't be writting this right now) but damn, I was so worry for my nose when I got up off the floor, I was affraid that I broke it and have to go to the hospital (after all I pass to entry T_T), but surprisingly -again- it only bled through a little scar... a LOT!!

              So now I have a swollen nose that hurts like hell... and I'm pretty pissed with myself for running down the stairs like that ¬¬.
              OUCH sorry to hear that Ridley, least your still in one piece though
              Last edited by DXP; 08-10-2008, 12:52 PM.


              • This thread seems so tame now because of the name...Can we rename these two threads to "The I'm Pissed Thread" and the "I'm Ecstatic Thread"? It just seems more...extreme that way.

                I don't think I really have anything to be angry about right now, aside from one of my best friends moving a couple thousand miles away.


                • it's not an anger reply more of a upset reply, but me and my girlfriend have hit a rough patch in our relationship, at the moment she doesn't want a relationship and just wants to be friends but says she still loves me no matter what, worse thing is i'm going down to spend ten days with her in 5 days, so at the moment i don't know how i'm gonna cope or how to act around her its hard....


                  • Ya gotta be careful when them women start getting on that whole "Let's just be friends" kick. From what I have learned : Majority of the time when they say "Let's just be friends" , They already have someone else in mind that they want to "Be more than friends with." If ya know what I mean. They just put on that "friends" front with ya to (in their mind) let you down easy. Or in The Dude's case: They want the best of both world. I'm not saying that's what's for damn sure going. I'm just saying it happen enough to me that I've seen that kind of pattern.


                    • Yeah, from experience, be careful, Lets be friends is usual international language for they've already got someone lined up for the rebound, or have been with them to begin with so you can either shut up and be my bestest buddy who i'll drain for help and support as you're a sucker for it, or go.
                      Usually its best just to go.
                      Be careful what you do dude, most the time they'll play with your emotions and feelings even if they're unwittingly doing it.

                      EDIT: BTW thanks for the earlier support gents.
                      Last edited by The Dude; 08-10-2008, 06:55 PM.


                      • Damn right. Another dead give away is "I think we should see other people." Again: That translates to "I've already got someone in mind." Or "I been diddling someone behind your back."


                        • i say "let's be friends" when i'm not interested, because seriously that's all the guy's gonna be. i don't want to lead him on or get stuck in something i don't want. it is an easy way to let em down easy. but it doesn't mean i'm going to drain him for all he's got, that's just sad and he doesn't deserve that

                          although when i'm dating someone and i don't want to see them anymore, i'm just honest about it and say what it is that i think we're lacking and why i feel i'm past this. i don't tell ex's let's be friends because frankly from experience i don't get along with them afterwards

                          and what about men? most of them can't make up their minds. even when you're with them they'll still give other girls the scan although they keep it more discrete.

                          it's easier for a guy to get a girl than a girl to get a guy


                          • I was only speaking from my own experiences. I don't bash women like some men do. (Infact I'm a wuss when it comes to women. My current girlfriend decides when I can shave and clip my own fingernails). I believe all women think alike. I do believe women are complex and different from each other, as they are from men.


                            • Originally posted by SinValentine View Post
                              it's easier for a guy to get a girl than a girl to get a guy
                              Not when it comes to sex

                              Girl : Hey do you wanna f--
                              Guy : YES!!11one
                              Girl : Awesome! I knew I could count on you to file my taxes!
                              Guy : What?


                              • I'm pissed off right now because of the whole deal with the schedule conflicting and stuff I mentioned before.

                                The running between classes isn't as much as an issue now since I spaced out some stuff.

                                What's annoying is I couldn't fix the conflict without taking out the course. Which means I had to find a new course as a substitute. Only every other course I wanted to take is now full. Ain't life perfect?

                                Also, my desktop's been freezing for no reason. I've restarted the computer like 4 times today.

