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I'm Angry

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  • #31
    Actually those "random messages" as you call them were replies to your messages.I never PMed you anywhere until you began e-mailing me and Pming me.

    As for the proxies thing it was more of a warning to you,as we all know by now you use proxies now if i wouldn't have told you and suddenly you couldn't get to WU then what would you have done?I don't even need an answer because i know you would assume you were banned and begin doing exactly what your doing now moaning and bitching and doing the same thing you always get banned for again taking problems to other forums instead of keeping it to the board with the problem or PM.

    I am trying to give you a chance but you keep turning around and doing the same shit over again,you had a layout i made myself on your forums which you removed which solved the problem even though it shouldn't have been there in the first place.
    You had a link to WU on your site under affiliates even though i told you long before that the link was private and only given to very few people yet you added it anyway.

    Then you accuse me and PM me demanding an answer saying i told "mike" you took his content/layout or whatever when i dont know nor give a fuck who mike is and only e-mailed the link that was on,and i cant stress this enough YOUR site.

    If it wasnt for these actions we wouldn't even be having this convo right now.Now if you want to blame someone i suggest you blame yourself for having the wrong e-mail on your site.

    And i post when you post?WTF are you talking about?
    Last edited by BHXTyrant; 09-10-2006, 12:53 PM.


    • #32
      Yes i got your point about the index but you could have easily used another link or simply a plain text placeholder.As for why having a site and not wanting to give the link it's pretty simple.The site and forums are not complete.The site is not officially open technically the only ones who are supposed to be there are the staff who work on the site and few select people who were invited or found it.Other then that it's private until launch.

      On the mike thing i appreciate the apology as i said it's not that important to me.But a word of advice is to stop doing those things because that is what causes the problems.False accusations without proof solve nothing.Take it for what it's worth.

      But as for you jumping to conclusions by now you should know that if i wanted to cause trouble for you i surely wouldn't do something as tiny and meaningless as telling some dead RE site owner that you took a layout thats nothing more then 3 tables *wtf* i'm sure when you think about it you know exactly what i mean but i wont go into more detail cause that will only start more crap again.

      As i have said many many times in the past i really don't care what happens at other forums as long as it doesnt involve me or a site i work on i could care less.As you said yourself this is the internet there is no reason to care.
      Last edited by BHXTyrant; 09-10-2006, 01:26 PM.


      • #33
        The mod i have doesnt ban all proxies,It's about 80% effective and it wasnt only for you it's also for spam bots and all those crap that auto register and post on your forum as we have been seeing here at THIA.

        Mightly long grapevine we have there eh?Yep thats true as for the comment i know you said it was a joke but please remove that line as it personally offends me.I know you guys dont get along as well but as you can imagine if i have to choose sides im sure you know which side im on.So best to simply remove it and eliminate the problem.

        As for the site hopefully you do,website design is a good thing and way to pass the time,keep up with it and you never know.

        @Dot50-Since Pete isn't here anymore if you see this first would you mind editing the above post to remove that comment?
        Last edited by BHXTyrant; 09-10-2006, 02:04 PM.


        • #34
          To put it quite simply even though it was a joke i dont appreciate nor find it funny for someone to talk about my girl that way.I'm sure you would say the same or perhaps not but hey thats me.


          • #35
            I wont go into that because quite simply this isnt the time nor place for such a discussion and it's not anyones buisness.

            I am not bringing up any 2004 stuff i said nothing about any hacking.i simply asked you to remove that line.As you just said once again all that equals trouble so even more the reason to remove that line before it causes trouble.

            Also just for a note i wont get into i can say for 100% fact that Ada never deleted your boards.You may not believe that but it's the truth so take it for what it's worth once again.

            In any case just edit that post to avoid any further troubles.


            • #36
              No one is commenting on the music videos I made! >.<

              Yeah...ok, not really pissed off. If you want pissed off, give me a good reason and wait for the rant.


              • #37
                Well that was entertaining


                • #38
                  I find it's best never to get involved on a big forum for something you like. The only reason I came here when I did all those years ago was because there weren't too many people, and Ice kind of talked me into it. Of course, I don't really like RE as much as I used to.

                  I'd still never EVER join a StarFox board, even if furries didn't exist.


                  • #39
                    The first Resident Evil forum I ever signed up to was TotallyRE. Then it was Resident Evil Horror. I also joined RECommunity, Neo-WU, Resident Evil Fan, Bioflames, and Capcom Central. I got banned within a couple of months, or so at each of them. Hardly fair when they're all interconnected.
                    I'm not even gonna get on that topic but i just wanted to say that Neo-WU was not "interconnected" with any other RE site.It is and always was a stand alone site and has always been that way since the original White Umbrella.Dunno where you got that from lol.


                    • #40


                      • #41
                        I'm not even gonna get on that topic but i just wanted to say that Neo-WU was not "interconnected" with any other RE site. It is and always was a stand alone site and has always been that way since the original White Umbrella.
                        As a former Neo-White Umbrella Elite Agent, I can confirm that. To my up most knowledge, Neo-WU definitely is not intentional of interacting with other fan sites.EDIT-Unless you count the site that has been thought of by Scream and Dot50Cal. For those that don't know, a forum with its own title is in proposal where any and all fans of BH/RE can interact. The main point of it is to unify forum members from all RE fan sites, even webmasters.
                        Last edited by MeganGrass; 09-13-2006, 07:54 PM.
                        I'm a blackstar.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by MarkGrass View Post
                          As a former Neo-White Umbrella Elite Agent, I can confirm that. To my up most knowledge, Neo-WU definitely is not intentional of interacting with other fan sites.EDIT-Unless you count the site that has been thought of by Scream and Dot50Cal. For those that don't know, a forum with its own title is in proposal where any and all fans of BH/RE can interact. The main point of it is to unify forum members from all RE fan sites, even webmasters.
                          Ditto. Just re-affirming.


                          • #43
                            Hey mark,
                            But also you have to remember he is speaking of Neo-WU,not the new WU in the works now so back then Neo-WU had no ties with any site at all since the Scream/Dot50 project didn't begin until pretty recently as far as i understand it.


                            • #44
                              Yeah that project is kinda dead in the water. I had Pmed scream letting him know I cant really follow through with anything yet on my end, I have a ton of crap falling on my lap as of late and Id have no room to make another site. He hasnt responded and that was quite a while ago ;O


                              • #45
                                Alright this is a pissed topic, not a flames topic

