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I'm Angry

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  • Feeling under the weather myself.....


    • The mature thing would be sticking to your guns and doing what you're doing now as its not worth the effort of dealing with someone like her.

      The immature thing *although for some people it might actually be more theraputic would be getting even* or hurting her back for what she's done to you.

      Just depends what kind of a person you are I suppose.

      When my ex cheated on me a few months back and ruined my life *I was going through a really bad time with ill health at the time and she dumped me even further down that road when she broke things off with me then immediately hooked up with someone else*, I tried being the mature one, and moving on, getting into another relationship which was great, until my ex came back on my birthday and through one email and an AIM conversation not only messed with my life again, but managed to completely sabotage the new relationship that I was in without so much as an apology, when I chose my current girlfriend, she immediately hooked up with the guy she was seeing, then procceded to make my life a living hell with constant putdowns and whatnot.

      I still tried to take the moral highroad, and repair the relationship I had with my current girlfriend who was hurt by the ordeal, but because I was stupid enough to let my ex get involved in my life again, I had conflicted feelings which led to more problems between me and my girlfriend leading to her breaking it off leaving things in limbo.

      Lessons of the day is, sometimes I suppose its best you just leave psycho's be and not get involved, I suppose though if you had a chance to crush her and make sure she stays gone forever, you could take the chance as recently I chose not to, but honestly wish in a vindictive way I had chose to crush my ex's current relationship so that she'd feel the same suffering and hurt I had to go through.

      Its sad but after being a complete sucker trying to be nice to the fairer sex all my life and treating every girlfriend with respect and decency, only for most my relationships to fall through by being taken advantage of and/or screwed over, it all makes me feel angry enough to think that its probably justified that some people deserve to suffer for treating others badly.

      Again, it all depends on what kind of person you are.


      • ^ I wasn't talking about absolutly crushing her, just incase thats what your assuming T.D.

        I agree with you for the most part though. I've always had a short fuse when dealing with things. And when a girl/guy starts messing with me in a relationship after I've tried about twice already to calm things down, I just don't show mercy on people that think they can walk all over me. Granted, I'm nothing special, but I still don't like it.

        But yeah, the most mature thing, like you say is ignore them.

        Spera: Best of luck to ya buddy.


        • I just fucking broke my new fucking headset because I got so sick and fucking tired of the thing never fucking working properly. It's in little pieces at the bottom of my bin after I ripped and tore it apart, snapping each piece of plastic with fucking anger. That's thirty fucking dollars down the fucking toilet. If only it would have worked properly, I wouldn't have had to rip the piece of shit apart. Of course, with my shitty luck it will probably have something to do with the computer settings and nothing to do with the headset itself. But whats done is fucking done and now i dont have any thing to record with except my shitty built in microphone in the screen of my fucking laptop that records more noise than voice

          Last edited by Helegad; 11-22-2008, 07:19 PM.


          • Surely they'll be a similar headset floating around on Ebay, except cheaper...


            • I suppose so. Oh well, here we go. I'll start looking...


              • I think you need some anger management.
                Last edited by biohazard_star; 11-22-2008, 10:04 PM.
                Seibu teh geimu?


                • Did you want to say something more? Your edit tags says so...


                  • Err... you need some more anger management?
                    Seibu teh geimu?


                    • What did you edit your post for?


                      • A "Jesus" before the sentence. Is it so hard to assume that I committed a typo or something?
                        Seibu teh geimu?


                        • Nah, thought you were saying something like:

                          "Dude, fuck, you need some goddamn anger management before you go breaking shit like that "


                          • My poll in the "Umbrella Labs" forum has been tottally fucked up Why are guests allowed to vote??? WHY??? This is bullshit


                            • Originally posted by Helegad View Post
                              Nah, thought you were saying something like:

                              "Dude, fuck, you need some goddamn anger management before you go breaking shit like that "
                              Well you do.
                              Seibu teh geimu?


                              • I know, but that's the first time I've really spazzed out in ages

