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I'm Angry

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  • Hmmmm.....well....I heard it 3 its probably not paranoia

    However, this is old now xD
    Probably will never happen again lol


    • Reminds me of when I was home alone one night over the summer. My bro had a hockey game and my parents went while I stayed home. I was up here in the loft (we own a condo) and out of nowhere, my dad's 42" plasma screen flips on. I look over the edge of the loft down into the living room and sure enough, a second later it's on channel 6. Freaked the hell out of me.


      • i am so pissed of right now,

        stupid little proboards suck so much damnit,

        i go to a small little board, and i was like the 3rd person to join there other than the admin who started it, and his friend who is a mod there, but both are rarely on there ever.

        i made the board what it is and got heaps of people to join up there, and i suggest a lot of ideas and rules for the site which the mod of the site always took my advice whenever he logged on which was rarely.

        then i suggested we needed a new mod because some people got careless with the rules i had suggested to be made there and just spammed and flamed, and i said that we needed a new mod there that regularly visited the site.

        so he decided to take my advice again, but instead of making me mod (logical decision, since i suggested all the rules and act more like a mod there than him anyway, all he does is mess with peoples account names whenever he logs in), he made his stupid friend a mod, and now they both on all the time acting holier than thou towards me and everyone and do nothing but encourage spamming, and, now the mods are flaming people, there ruining the site, and now there acting like they have so much power and shit like that, but if it weren't for me making the board what it is for them, they would be on a crappy little site with 2 people,

        and that is the thanks i get for making there site succesful and getting as many people to join as i can


        • Sounds like it might be an idea to make your own and subtly suggest to a few folk that if they want a calm and quiet site they can go to your place as well. Never suggest folk leave an old place, as loyalty might hold them there. Simply offer a superior product.


          • I need one class...just one to get my associates...and that one class just so happens to be the bane of my existance: algebra. And basically I dont need anything for this semester and that last semester was also overkill. Sadly though...I'd rather take 100 hours than have to take a single math class.
            Are you tired, Rebecca?


            • Originally posted by Rosetta Mist View Post
              I need one class...just one to get my associates...and that one class just so happens to be the bane of my existance: algebra. And basically I dont need anything for this semester and that last semester was also overkill. Sadly though...I'd rather take 100 hours than have to take a single math class.
              But algebra is fun!

              ...please don't hurt me.


              • I would like to argue that algebra IS infact fun aswell,When your brain has been knocked unconcious and your running on instincts.

                Im angry for the same reason missV is.


                • Originally posted by Archelon View Post
                  But algebra is fun!

                  ...please don't hurt me.
                  You only really need algebra when you want to become a teacher...
                  ...Which demeans the point of algebra altogether, oh well.


                  • Originally posted by Archelon View Post
                    But algebra is fun!

                    ...please don't hurt me.

                    Originally posted by Gradon View Post
                    You only really need algebra when you want to become a teacher...
                    ...Which demeans the point of algebra altogether, oh well.
                    I'm a journalism/english major...and so far I have never needed anything higher than basic algebra. I totally wish I could swap the math with one of the science courses. Oh well...I'm getting what I'm paying for.

                    Which brings me to a class I'll probably drop tomorrow in favor of a math. It was called Literature and Place...but really its a class about Chinese culture and such. I was the only person in the class on Monday...and the instructor was different from the one last semester. He went back to China, and she just arrived two weeks ago. It was very awkward being the only person in the room. I'm going to feel bad about dropping, but I'd rather not waste another semester.
                    Are you tired, Rebecca?


                    • Had to pretty much go to a full semester of a Film and Literature class on my own during fresher year at uni, that was pretty awkward, then again the class was at 6pm and most students in my classes would have either come in drunk had they bothered to show up for the class anyway.


                      • i like small class. feels nicer to me. but i feel your pain.. i hate math too! i thought about leaving it last but i ended up taking it during a quick session, i work better under pressure and i'd rather a couple months of math rather than a full semester


                        • I want to become a teacher. Do I have to get algebra? I hate that shit.


                          • Originally posted by Rosetta Mist View Post
                            I'm a journalism/english major...and so far I have never needed anything higher than basic algebra. I totally wish I could swap the math with one of the science courses. Oh well...I'm getting what I'm paying for.
                            Hey, I'm tryin' to be a journalism major too! And I can't stand math as well. If I ever have to take another math class, I just might drop out of school and get a job doing manual labor. I had to take two math classes last year, and I passed them by the skin of my teeth.

                            And I'm just talking about math, here. Don't even get me started on algebra.
                            Last edited by Vector; 01-13-2009, 07:59 PM.


                            • Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
                              Sounds like it might be an idea to make your own and subtly suggest to a few folk that if they want a calm and quiet site they can go to your place as well. Never suggest folk leave an old place, as loyalty might hold them there. Simply offer a superior product.
                              i might make my own site, but ilike it here to, i already asked a few friends to come here from there, like Adam if you've noticed him around.

                              *sighs* i voiced my opinion and the idiot admin banned me, and then banned Adam for defending me.

                              funny thing is now his site is dead and no one goes there anymore,


                              • Well, hey, a superior product has been found. *Shrugs* As offended by the staff as some folk are on occasion we don't do stuff randomly and for no reason.

