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I'm Angry

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  • Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
    Well, hey, a superior product has been found. *Shrugs* As offended by the staff as some folk are on occasion we don't do stuff randomly and for no reason.
    i made my own little site, Adam and I are admins there,

    oh and i think you mods here are great, best mods ive ever seen, i don't see why some people complain about you guys so much, your just doing your jobs and quite well i might add.

    the little site is now kicking me while im down, they see im banned, and now im getting flamed by almost everyone i hear cause i can't defend myself, some people are just ungrateful


    • Yea, the mods here are awesome. Most of the other forums I visit either have mods that are either too lax or too strict ("Oh hey, there's a topic about the exact same thing sitting on page 224424242323231 of this forum, now go use the search button and necropost in that thread just because we're forum nazis and we want everything to be in order"). The latter being just incredibly sad.
      Seibu teh geimu?


      • Getting my tooth pulled urgghh. Gotta be awake during the procedure as well, so this is gonna be fun. Off!


        • Wind chill of -15 degrees right now...and I have two classes. Joy.


          • Yuck, getting your teeth pulled sucks. I remember when I had to have that done and it just feels like they're yanking at your face, plus your mouth being horrible and numb. How come you're getting it pulled?


            • When I was 10 I had my tooth pulled but it wasn't that horrible, of course the anesthesia doens't worked so well so I felt my tooth getting pulled. Then my mouth was numb for about 8 hours...I don't really remember.
              Last edited by aris13; 01-16-2009, 11:10 AM.


              • Long story, basically I'm allergic to the material they used in a root canal I had done. Its out now. Didn't feel a thing and it was super easy.


                • Originally posted by Dot50Cal View Post
                  Long story, basically I'm allergic to the material they used in a root canal I had done.
                  You should sue.

                  Sure, it's not technically their fault, but I'm sure you could easily find an ambulance chaser who'd be more than happy to make a case. >.>


                  • I'm angry because the European Collector's Edition of RE5 is crap, like a lot of the European things from Capcom >.> (like no competition). I wanna ask Shawn if he can send me a US Collector's edition with a PAL disk.


                    • Flight delay!

                      Gotta be up @ 5am for the replacement > <.


                      • Lol, get some good sleep then


                        • hello my friends !

                          im ANGRY about a guy from the united states ... says ebay that he is from the states !

                          he loves my ass i think or maybe he thinks that a owend his mom or somethink like that !

                          let me tell you some details ....

                          in November 08 i began to sell my collection on ebay ...... but there is a guy he dont want that i sell it .... *g* and he began to bid on the items .... but he want pay for the stuff !

                          ok in the beginning i thought ...ok a freak ...but now its scary me ...he have so much criminal energy in his mind that he open 4 new ebay fakeaccounts for ONE auction !

                          link to my auctionbids ...scroll a little down ! klick
                          it takes me some seconds to banned him from my auctions ! ...but it go on my nervs ....

                          this guy is so dumb .....and i think he is very smallbrained ! .....

                          so when you maybe read this.... YOU ARE A LITTLE KID !

                          here is the list of the fakeaccounts :









                          this guy is not realy inteligent i think because he use everytime this 201 shit hehehehhe



                          Last edited by 3.22.biorebirth; 01-18-2009, 12:50 PM.


                          • Today I and 2 other friends caught the train to the beach, but there were issues, delays and the train had to terminate at another station. So the beach has to be delayed until Wednesday.


                            • Waking up in the early mornings, knowing you're going to get wet on the way to work, is so not cool!


                              • I'm angry at being so bored.

