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I'm Angry

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  • i broke me knuckle yesterday

    im super pissed its hard as hell to play ps3 when ur knuckle hurts like a bitch


    • I'm pissed because when I finally come up with the money, I found an BC ps3 for $430. I get it home hook it up, fire up the machine and in the process of deleting the previous owners crap on it. I stop for a minute to do something else and come back and the screen went black. So I turn it off and turn it back on to find the same result. While I'm unhooking it, I notice that it's hot as hell, so I take it back to GameStop and wind up grabbing the 80gig model that I have now. So I'm plenty pissed still.


      • I woke up this morning and it's still fucking January!
        Is this the slowest month ever????


        • Got a snow day, so now I can't get the stuff for the project i need to do.


          • Ow, my arm seems to be bleeding.


            • I needed to finish off a job application tonight, but on the night I needed to send it off, Microsoft Word decided to tell me it needs a product key to work now. The trial won't download quick enough, all my installation disks won't work and I can't download a PDF format of the application.


              • I got 5 letters from my electricity company yesterday, each containing a separate bill.
                'Apparently' they have been undercharging me (although I havn't even received a bill for about a year. They are supposed to come every quarter).
                'Apparently' I now owe them $1237.38!!!

                I'm seeking some legal advice asking are they actually allowed to do this. It seems they are entitled to back-bill customers for a period of 12 months. I might just have to pay up.

                The company is AGL. Stay away Australians! Stay far away!
                I tried calling to ask WTF is going on but the customer support is just an Indian call center and the 'curry muncher' on the other end of the line was most unhelpful.
                My parents have only recently cleared up a ridiculous bill which they got from the same company. It took months, dealing with an ombudsman...


                • I'm angry cause I bought a bluetooth mic on internet, and I payed for the fastest delivery.
                  Today I sent an email for the guy, and he said he didn't send me yet T___________T


                  • im so pissed cause everytime i want something on ebay it ends soon and i dont ever have the
                    f#$%1ng money for it!

                    im about done looking at ebay when i dont have the money cause it just pisses me off


                    • Originally posted by Skunky View Post
                      I got 5 letters from my electricity company yesterday, each containing a separate bill.
                      'Apparently' they have been undercharging me (although I havn't even received a bill for about a year. They are supposed to come every quarter).
                      'Apparently' I now owe them $1237.38!!!

                      I'm seeking some legal advice asking are they actually allowed to do this. It seems they are entitled to back-bill customers for a period of 12 months. I might just have to pay up.

                      The company is AGL. Stay away Australians! Stay far away!
                      I tried calling to ask WTF is going on but the customer support is just an Indian call center and the 'curry muncher' on the other end of the line was most unhelpful.
                      My parents have only recently cleared up a ridiculous bill which they got from the same company. It took months, dealing with an ombudsman...
                      the same thing happend to my mom and me around christmas time, it's a mistake, don't pay it.

                      my mom had a arguement with the lady at the counter of the company, cause she was being a total bitch to my mom, and the next day she received a bill saying she owed them $10.000, WTF!! she spent days talking to them over the phone about it and calling them and eventually they realised that they had made a mistake,and that they were actually over charging my mother and they had to pay my mom back.

                      stupid companys should be shut down for stuff like that.


                      • I'd say its not really an oversight but more of them testing their luck to see if people are mugs enough to actually pay the over evaluations.


                        • Originally posted by The Dude View Post
                          I'd say its not really an oversight but more of them testing their luck to see if people are mugs enough to actually pay the over evaluations.
                          your probably right there, i bet some companys would do that, they should be shut down for that, or fined.


                          • Ordered World of Warcraft from Amazon, it was supposed to be first class delivery coming yesterday, the orders been updated on their site that it was sent 2nd class delivery and won't be here till the 31st, however they had already charged me the extra for first class postage and have been debited that amount on my account.

                            Sent a complaint to Amazon about it, but I doubt to hear much back, they usually have piss poor customer service.


                            • Angry because we lost power due to an ice storm. Half the city is without power. Its freezing and there is a hole in my roof and a few tree limbs destroyed my car. Im making this post from my cell phone. Dont know when power will be back. And im missing the re updates. See you all soon.
                              Are you tired, Rebecca?


                              • Angry because every time we think we are near the end of a really big work, we always find a lot of things that we still have to do.... =/
                                That's a little frustrating, you never get the feeling that you're almost ending it =///

