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I'm Angry

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  • #46
    Currently no i have no plans to reopen Biohazard-HQ but one day it will make a return thats for sure.


    • #47
      i sure will,you might wanna do the same with your site *thumbsup*


      • #48
        I am pissed off at PeTA (People for the Ethical Treatement of Animals)!


        • #49
          Don't say i didn't warn you *wink* you wanted to keep it going after saying numerous times to forget the past.Yet you felt the need to post at both reHorror and some no name forum about me so bye bye pete.Guess you thought i wouldn't see it huh?Congrats on getting yourself banned at yet another site lol nice list you are building up.

          Perhaps others are afraid of banning you because all you will do is spam there account or forum but sooner or later it will happen here as well.Perhaps when Dot see's his name in your rants (like your "list" you put up at reH) and also gets sick of it then it's bye bye for you here as well.
          Last edited by BHXTyrant; 09-22-2006, 04:38 PM.


          • #50
            Banned again*


            • #51
              I dont even care by this point. I've seen his lists but Im past all that. Let him rant all he wants. If hes just gonna re-register here everytime he gets banned Im not even gonna deal with it.


              • #52
                No i deliberately sent you PM's because you were the one who originally started PMing me.The only PM i sent you unrelated was when i told you of the proxy modification.

                As i said numerous times it was your own stupidity of leaving the e-mail in your html code,if you would have been smart and changed it then you would have got the e-mail as intended.and not this "Mike" character.

                Small Edit-i would just like this opertunity to ask a very simple question pete.You tell me how else could i have gotten an e-mail address of a guy who i don't even know other then the layout which you took and modified from there site?

                I waited long enough the PM i had sent a week before,seemed kinda funny to me that you were seen on the forum everyday then as soon as i PMed you suddenly didn't see a tiny bit of your usual moaning posts or even a login anywhere.So i sent you an e-mail.Thinking perhaps you finally got a life and actually left the PC and did not see the PM.

                No im not trying to start anything,you already started it by coming here and posting about me rather then keeping it via PM you felt the need to bring yet another problem from another site here which is exactly 99% of the reason you usually get banned from forums.That is when i decided to join as i said in my very first post here "@Dot-First thing i wanted to apologize just coming here just to make this post.I would have signed up before but as you can imagine i had my reasons for not doing so but thats another story." so yes i did come here strictly to reply to your original post.

                I wont go into why Dot should care as maybe he does or doesnt.I guess time will tell.As for what you said of Dot50 well maybe not recently or that someone has seen but seeing the way you continue to post things like that about numerous others such as myself im sure you do.

                So thats the end of yet another 2 minutes wasted on you goodbye pete.
                Last edited by BHXTyrant; 09-23-2006, 01:45 PM.


                • #53
                  Your offended that people use your full name?i didn't see where anyone so far has mentioned your full name.So where that came from no idea.

                  Yes we did sort this out and what always happens after we sort this out?Someone somewhere "pisses you off" then you go on one of your little rants about how you get banned.Then you go somewhere and spam the place.Then you post about people such as myself in this occasion which starts it all again.I tried asking you,telling you,numerous times if you keep my name out of your crap we had no problem but appearently that was just a bit to hard for you.

                  Lets just say i know more then a fair share of people who have been spammed by you and such and when they happen to see a post reguarding me they let me know.Not to mention the wonders of google,just look at Dots thread.


                  • #54
                    I have no idea how it started all i know is how it started with me.That of course you joining Biohazard-HQ and making multiple accounts and harassing members who you didn't get along with aka Breaking clearlly posted forum rules.


                    • #55
                      No matter which members it was rules are rules and you broke them.After all you have done if you honestly can't see why they ban you then you are blind.If you had a forum and someone did to you what you did to others you damn sure would do the same and your a liar if you say otherwise because i have seen you ban quite a few on your various forums you tried to start.

                      Actually im still waiting for the day when you can actually admit to yourself that it was your fault for breaking rules but i wont hold my breath on that one
                      Anyway i wasted enough time arguing with you even though it was fun while it lasted.
                      Last edited by BHXTyrant; 09-23-2006, 02:29 PM.


                      • #56
                        Why does she hate you?That must be a trick question.why not hate you?Hmm for starters how about messing up her forums after you claim she deleted yours (which is 100% incorrect)?how about years worth of harassment by e-mail,spamming her forums,insulting her,then PMing her asking stupid questions like the one above?How about the numerous times you openly admitted to hacking her forums and deleting them?How about the harassing PM's at every other forum she is a member of?How about registering at other forums using her name,avatar and sig pretending to be her?Think that sums it up eh?


                        • #57
                          Hmm you like 80's music right?That means you probally responde to 80's music topics,Point is whatever is fun for you thats what you will do so thats what she does.I fail to see how that has any sort of impact on this discussion.

                          And personally i wouldn't wanna talk to you either.what the hell is that?why would someone want to talk to someone who wrongfully accused them then hacked there forum?The only call you would have got from me is if there was a lawyer of some sort involved.
                          Last edited by BHXTyrant; 09-23-2006, 02:53 PM.


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by Spaceeeee View Post
                            I hate people that are really slow in public, yet insist on always being first or hogging the mechanical stairs.

                            Cyclists who think they are pedestrians. I don't mind that you're on the sidewalk, but please be careful.

                            Cyclists who don't know what breaks are for. I'm blocking the way, and I can't see you? Don't yell watch out, hit the breaks you fucking moron.

                            Next time a cyclist rides by me too fast, im gonna swing my leg up and kick him into the road. Preferably in front of a bus.


                            • #59
                              I'll tell ya what chaps my ass..

                              Either Windows Vista or I-Tunes corrupting my music files!! Songs will not play or drop out half way through.. AAARRGHH.

                              OK. I'm calm...


                              • #60
                                Son of a bitch! I just got outbid on Yahoo Japan on the entire set of Biohazard 2 comics. I was really looking forward to winning that and would have bid more had I known some sniping ass would have come in at the last few moments


