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I'm Angry

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  • Originally posted by Gradon View Post
    Haha, sorry, it's just I can imagine that.
    Really sorry for your lack of peace, MissV, isn't there anywhere were you can just relax alone?
    And NWD, are you bothered at all she left you?
    not really, i have NO space here. right now my brother is in MY room, using MY TV, to play MY copy of COD5, and it's 2:04 AM and i wanna go to bed.

    and my moms boyfriend and her best friend are over as well, now i have even less space, argh!!

    soon there probably gonna steal my bed and ill have to sleep on the damned lounge.

    and yes, breaking up in text speak would be heartbreaking (if you loved them) and hilarious at the same time.

    "srry hune bt i wana b8k up wit u"

    seriously, why do people even type like that? it makes no sense at all.

    you know, once my friend asked someone where they work at, and they replied "WPM" and he was like what does that mean? and they replied back "West Point Mall" how the hell can one figure out WPM meant West Point Mall? it baffels me how people can speak like that. i mean i don't have perfect grammer, but at least it's legible.
    Last edited by missvalentine; 02-21-2009, 09:15 AM.


    • Of course it'd be heartbreaking if you really loved them, but it'd be so pityful to read "srry hune bt i wana b8k up wit u".
      It's like they put no effort in, or aren't even serious.
      And really, thats unfortunate, if you're tired, can't to go get some sleep?
      Kick your bro out of your room.


      • kick ur bro out, thats wat id do.

        but yha we were in a conversation win she said it.
        her: hey u up?
        me: yha, im on my ps3 wats up?
        her: i want to break up
        me: huh? y?
        her: because u act childish and immature and ur friends are rude and ur not emotionally attached, sorry but we don't work.
        me: LOLOLOL, ok. sorry im not emo enough 4 ya.
        her: don't reply back.
        me: okie dokie homey.

        i liked her alot we were dating since summer of 08 but she wanted 2 break up, cuz im not EMOTIONALLY ATTACHED! wtf!?
        but, i still cant help but laugh.
        but i don't get the childish and immature part. i always acted nice around her except wen she brought up emotions and feelings lol. i distance my feelings from anyone and everything.

        NOTE: it was regular text not voice text


        • so I've been dying to get street fighter 4.

          I only want the game. I don't care about the extras or whatever that comes with the collectors edition.

          Problem is, my older sister wants the Ryu figurine. She doesn't even play the damn games, she just likes the characters. And she kept bitching at me until I could guarantee that I would get it for her. So I had to preorder the collectors edition from back in January.

          The estimated arrival date was... TODAY... Which means I had to wait a week after the game came out to get it... Also, I'm at university and it's being shipped back home, and it means that if it came today I wouldn't be able to play it until the weekend.

          EXCEPT, amazon decides to email me YESTERDAY saying that "they're still trying to get my order ready" and basically delayed my order indefinitely =.=

          ALSO: more computer woes, but I've ranted about those on here enough already.


          • i have about 10 assignments all due throughout march. and one essay due just a few days after RE5's release, i will get hardly any time to play and i wil have to sit and concentrate on a million assignments all march.


            • Sorry to hear Miss Valentine. It's a sod when you can't have anywhere to yourself, you have my sympathies.
              I'll let you into something about txt speak though. Soemone told me it came about during the early days of texting (another word I hate. You hear people at the bus stop...goes something like this..
              [girl in pink trakky and with pram] "Yer he texted me like last night!"
              That is just plain bad English. Sorry...back to the reason...
              Text messages were so expensive originally that the best way to send text was to shorten it so mates became m8ts etc.
              That is what I was told though we don't have to like it.
              Another thing that makes me angry is when people write like that on forums, I mean, it isn't that you have to pay per letter is it!
              Last edited by Perry Barclay; 02-25-2009, 07:37 AM. Reason: Too much time on my hands!


              • I have a heap of assignments, just like you:

                A computer lesson music video,
                a science report on the Ozone layer and the problems with it,
                and an English report which I've finished but I'm yet to present.

                Also, there's amazingly unnecessary homework every night, and my phone has been stolen. Added to that, I don't have an Xbox 360 or PS3 so I can't enjoy RE5 and it will inevitably be spoiled for me by the time the PC version comes out. My best friend has started acting like a selfish asshole (pfft, who am I kidding? He always was), and my laptop has had the wrong recovery disk put onto it, so now when I press the external mute button, it opens up my internet

                Oh well. At least I HAVE the laptop back


                • Originally posted by Perry Barclay View Post
                  Sorry to hear Miss Valentine. It's a sod when you can't have anywhere to yourself, you have my sympathies.
                  I'll let you into something about txt speak though. Soemone told me it came about during the early days of texting (another word I hate. You hear people at the bus stop...goes something like this..
                  [girl in pink trakky and with pram] "Yer he texted me like last night!"
                  That is just plain bad English. Sorry...back to the reason...
                  Text messages were so expensive originally that the best way to send text was to shorten it so mates became m8ts etc.
                  That is what I was told though we don't have to like it.
                  Another thing that makes me angry is when people write like that on forums, I mean, it isn't that you have to pay per letter is it!
                  i only type like that when im on my ps3


                  • Top Chef season 5 is over...and I'm so pissed that the two people I wanted to win lost. That...and my breast still hurts from where a book hit me at work today. >.<
                    Are you tired, Rebecca?


                    • Originally posted by Rosetta Mist View Post
                      and my breast still hurts from where a book hit me at work today. >.<
                      *sets timer on his watch to see how long it takes for someone to offer to kiss it and make it feel better*


                      • im failing social studys,
                        DAMMIT! i hate that class. i need 2 pass it tho, but heres wats hard about it,

                        he doesn't hand out assignment he talks all day.
                        when he does talk he has the super ability to make me tired (no joke ) then when we do have a assignment ITS A FUCKING TEST!


                        • Originally posted by Archelon View Post
                          *sets timer on his watch to see how long it takes for someone to offer to kiss it and make it feel better*
                          Well, said it, no one else
                          Last edited by Vector; 02-26-2009, 12:04 AM.


                          • Originally posted by Archelon View Post
                            *sets timer on his watch to see how long it takes for someone to offer to kiss it and make it feel better*
                            Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
                            Well, said it, no one else
                            o.O Men...

                            I'm getting annoyed with people and spoilers...not just on this site. The lack of consideration some people have... (in before welcome to the internet)
                            Are you tired, Rebecca?


                            • Originally posted by Rosetta Mist View Post
                              I'm getting annoyed with people and spoilers...not just on this site. The lack of consideration some people have... (in before welcome to the internet)
                              yha i no, hell i cant even go 2 youtube cuz theres spoilers on there.


                              • I've already started cracking down. I haven't clicked on the Spoiler thread here in days. I'm not going on any other sites. I'm being really fucking careful because I actually want to experience the game for myself. I think everyone who wants to spoil themselves and other people should fucking burn alive.

