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I'm Angry

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  • Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
    I've already started cracking down. I haven't clicked on the Spoiler thread here in days. I'm not going on any other sites. I'm being really fucking careful because I actually want to experience the game for myself. I think everyone who wants to spoil themselves and other people should fucking burn alive.
    yup, i dont even watch the interviews anymore
    i dont see how people can spoil there selfs? i might as well read the bible but just skip 2 the end
    Last edited by nemesiswontdie; 02-26-2009, 01:03 AM.


    • Originally posted by nemesiswontdie View Post
      yha i no, hell i cant even go 2 youtube cuz theres spoilers on there.
      The only thing I'm going to youtube for is because I'm watching a person playthrough Super Ghouls and Ghosts...and waiting for him to start up his Final Fantasy Tactics 1.3 vids again.
      Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
      I've already started cracking down. I haven't clicked on the Spoiler thread here in days. I'm not going on any other sites. I'm being really fucking careful because I actually want to experience the game for myself. I think everyone who wants to spoil themselves and other people should fucking burn alive.
      If you went to the other forum and read the converstation I had with that guy then I have to tell you that the argument went even longer in private messages. He just couldn't seem to grasp that discussion does not equal post every spoiler you can find. I'm tired of giving warnings to people...they better hope that I dont lock the thread come March.
      Are you tired, Rebecca?


      • Originally posted by Rosetta Mist View Post
        If you went to the other forum and read the converstation I had with that guy then I have to tell you that the argument went even longer in private messages. He just couldn't seem to grasp that discussion does not equal post every spoiler you can find. I'm tired of giving warnings to people...they better hope that I dont lock the thread come March.
        Umm...that's actually a good idea. You should lock it. 'Those people' have no morals.


        • Originally posted by Perry Barclay View Post
          Sorry to hear Miss Valentine. It's a sod when you can't have anywhere to yourself, you have my sympathies.
          I'll let you into something about txt speak though. Soemone told me it came about during the early days of texting (another word I hate. You hear people at the bus stop...goes something like this..
          [girl in pink trakky and with pram] "Yer he texted me like last night!"
          That is just plain bad English. Sorry...back to the reason...
          Text messages were so expensive originally that the best way to send text was to shorten it so mates became m8ts etc.
          That is what I was told though we don't have to like it.
          Another thing that makes me angry is when people write like that on forums, I mean, it isn't that you have to pay per letter is it!
          interesting, i never knew that but i also heard another theory that kids were just lazy and talked like that, but yours is better.

          i always type reasonably well no matter how long it takes me.


          • Yer me too. I have been known on other sites to have correct spelling and re-wording stuff I posted months ago.

            I think you are right about kids being much harder is it to type
            You understand what I mean? than... U kno Wot I meen?
            WTF *giggles*


            • Im verry angry and sad right now
              My girlfriend just wants alonetime,forum time and school time,guess whats missing..BOYFRIEND TIME!


              • Originally posted by adamb1029 View Post
                Im verry angry and sad right now
                My girlfriend just wants alonetime,forum time and school time,guess whats missing..BOYFRIEND TIME!
                OK, I'm sorry, but is February the month of girlfriends dumping boyfriends? My girlfriend dumped me the beginning of this month for the same exact reason, and a few other people that I know have had this happen to them this month as well... I mean seriously, what the fuck is going on? Its starting to really annoy the shit out of me.
                Last edited by Spera01; 02-27-2009, 03:13 PM.


                • I was spoiled by the RE5 Mug Revealing the location RE5 is set in called


                  Wait that wasn't a spoiler? :p
                  Last edited by The Dude; 02-27-2009, 08:06 PM.


                  • im pissed off, i JUST now relized how awesome NIN's "Lights In The Sky" tour was AND THEY NEVER CAME HERE!

                    IVE BEEN WAITING 2 YEARS TRENT!
                    2 LONG YEARS TO SEE YOU IN CONCERT!

                    UR FUCKING AMAZING!


                    • im pissed of because my internet is broken and will be broken for another week or two. im using my moms boy friends laptop right now. but i can't use it all week so i have no internet access which sucks.

                      now i can't acess RE5 news or more importently do research for all my assianments that are due in march.


                      • Originally posted by missvalentine View Post
                        im pissed of because my internet is broken and will be broken for another week or two. im using my moms boy friends laptop right now. but i can't use it all week so i have no internet access which sucks.

                        now i can't acess RE5 news or more importently do research for all my assianments that are due in march.
                        Really sorry for you MissV, hopefully you can pass those assignments, too.
                        I hope your internet comes back soon. *Thumbs up*


                        • my p.o.s computer stopped working out of know where
                          im bout to throw it in the fucking trash, right where it belongs


                          • NOOO!!!!! FUCK IT!!! WHAT THE FUCK?!
                            t.A.T.u. FUCKING SPLIT UP!!!! WHAT IS THIS SHIT?! WHHHYYYY?!
                            Fucking, OH MY GOD. OH MY FUCKING GOD, SO FUCKING UPSET.
                            GAAAAH!!!! NO FUCKING WAY! What a depressing day, fucking SHIIT.
                            A band you live for, the idols of your life, split up because of some shit they wont even release? WHAAT?!
                            I Give Up.



                            • I STIL don't have my f***ing Resident evil 5!!!!! I hate having o wait like a month for a game!!!!!


                              • Originally posted by Gradon View Post
                                NOOO!!!!! FUCK IT!!! WHAT THE FUCK?!
                                t.A.T.u. FUCKING SPLIT UP!!!! WHAT IS THIS SHIT?! WHHHYYYY?!
                                Fucking, OH MY GOD. OH MY FUCKING GOD, SO FUCKING UPSET.
                                GAAAAH!!!! NO FUCKING WAY! What a depressing day, fucking SHIIT.
                                A band you live for, the idols of your life, split up because of some shit they wont even release? WHAAT?!
                                I Give Up.

                                Christ, you make it sound like it's the end of the world.
                                See you in hell.

