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I'm Angry

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  • I'm so mad! I got my 360 back from repairs two days ago.

    ...It broke yesterday. This is gonna be the third repair. At least after this, if it breaks then they replace it. -_-
    Last edited by Canas Renvall; 03-22-2009, 11:58 AM.


    • Originally posted by Gradon View Post
      Somehow I don't think I will.
      This makes me angry and want to hit you with the flaming punch of manliness.
      I think you'd evaporate under the strain of sheer masculinity.
      Grow up, its just a band.


      • And I've explained why I think so highly of them.
        I don't care if I'm overreacting or acting childish.
        I am still classified as a child, teenager; they are my passion, my idols, and they're going.
        But whatever, why argue in an angry thread?


        • Because arguments involve anger.


          • And what does that gain? More anger and a flame war.


            • Theres no arguement here, I just think Gradon has to be slapped in the face by the wet fish of masculine reality and realise that even as a kid theres alot more to life then just a band.


              • he is right gradon,theres more to life then just a band,theres girlfriends(probably the most important if you ask me)family,games,tv,friends,beauty


                • Jesus. My local e-friends are cheap asses. First they bitch about how they don't want to buy L4D since it costs 50 dollars. Now they still won't buy it even though one of our friends can get it for 20 dollars via his aunt who lives in California. Pathetic. This is why the videogame industry here isn't improving.

                  50 dollars? Too expensive for me. 20 dollars, which is less than half of the SRP? Still too expensive for me. One of them even gave me the "Sorry, I don't spend most of my time in front of the pc, unlike you" excuse, even though his status message on the IM box is "BUSY - DOTA (some popular warcraft mod over here)".

                  Last edited by biohazard_star; 03-22-2009, 10:51 PM.
                  Seibu teh geimu?


                  • i almost got into a wreck today.
                    the fuck head blamed me 4 it.

                    wat a big bag of douche


                    • im angry because im moving within the next couple of weeks,and because of the move i couldint afford to get RE5
                      The reason I am moving is because i am still living with my family and at my age you need a cosigner for a apartment
                      not only am i moving from the state that has truely been my home for six years(Arizona)and leaving all the things i know and love behind,snakes,scorpions,spiders,friends,places.
                      but im going to end up in FLORIDA!
                      gods waiting room!
                      not only that but while im moving the only thing i will have to entertain me is my Ipod,my dreams(they dont really help while im awake!),thoughts of my girlfriend and MAYBE if im lucky my PSP if i can find it..wherever IT is..
                      this sucks.
                      Last edited by adamb1029; 03-23-2009, 03:17 AM.


                      • I'm angry at some peoples opinions - I'm not allowed to like something now apparently.


                        • I'm angry because several games of mine were stolen. Granted, I didn't really play them alot and only one game was one I really liked, what truly angers me is I have a sneaking suspicion that my little sister is responsible in some way or another.


                          • I'm angry cause I'm 18 and still haven't DATED a girl yet


                            • My PS3 got the YLOD last night.


                              • YLOD?

                                Yellow light of death? That's something I didn't know about.

