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I'm Angry

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  • #61
    They look great! I havn't even seen those ones before...

    It reminds me of one of my early experiences on ebay. I was a noob at the whole ebay thing and hadn't learned all the tricks. I was bidding on the full set of Bio3 HK comics and was already doing a little 'victory dance' over how cheap I was getting them for. Then at the last second I was outbid. The final bid was also much lower than what I was prepared to pay... Aarrrgh! I've never seen them since


    • #62
      Originally posted by UBCS View Post
      I'll tell ya what chaps my ass..

      Either Windows Vista or I-Tunes corrupting my music files!! Songs will not play or drop out half way through.. AAARRGHH.

      OK. I'm calm...
      Don't be suprised if its I-tunes, does that to me with long music files.

      I think the funniest ebay story i've had was late last year, I won a bid for a decent Gibson accoustic last year, however the bidder who lived 30mins from on train demanded that I pick the Guitar up myself.
      He chose a relatively public spot in lambeth, but alot of muggings have happened there and I did win the bid for a measely 140 quid for what was a 300-350 pound guitar so naturally I was paranoid :p.

      I was right to be, he apparantly had 4 people around the area looking very suspicious talking to the guy before the collection took place, reason I know that being the fact that my brother was on Duty in the area being a Police officer and made the drop in full uniform next to his squad car with 3 other PO's in it :p.

      Saw the 4 leaving the location extremely sharpish after picking the guitar up.


      • #63
        GRRR Rackin' Frackin' scumfuckers....

        I got a winning bid of 25,000yen on a 10th anniversary biohazard box set, then they cancelled and didn't go through with the sale!

        For fucks sake! Grrr I'm pissed!


        • #64
          I just managed to contact the guy who sold me the bootleg RE2 and RE3 for PC. Hahahaaaaaaa, I'm gonna try and get a refund!!! And if not, I'll contact eBay about it. Either way, he's in for a whole lotta shit!


          • #65
            ebay are good with refunds, so im sure you'll get your cash back Helegad and Gene at least you saved money


            • #66
              I'm 50/50 with the chances of a refund 'cause the deal took place a few years ago and the auction page has been wiped from eBay's archives. Doesn't mean I won't try though!


              • #67
                Lost out on a bid for a Sony Ericsson w710 by a pound coin, A F*CKING POUND COIN cause I got distracted while on the house phone.
                PISSED!!!!! -_-


                • #68
                  that happend with a chirs moby dick moc for cheap a few days ago, but the thing that pissed me off, was that i missed out, not by being away from the computer but by being on msn :S
                  How the hell that happend, i had no idea


                  • #69
                    Lol, MSN can be addictive.

                    Hmmm... it seems the guy who sold me the bootlegs has not responded yet. Well, it's time to take this to the eBay staff!!!


                    • #70
                      you best hurry, as you said you bought the items a few years ago.


                      • #71
                        Ah, screw it, I'll leave the little shitter be. I doubt I'd be able to prove I bought the items off him anyway. Being a pirater and all, he'd probably deny everything. Bastard.

                        I almost got my hands on a boxed RE2, but since the stupid seller didn't have the international postage calculator working, he/she couldn't let my Buy It Now request through. What's worse is that he/she accidentally activated immediate payment required. So I had no chance in securing the item before someone else got it. Which they did


                        • #72
                          Those bloody calculators never work lol
                          And you shouldn't screw it, that seller shouldn't be on ebay selling fake copies to us good old r.e fans or anyone for that matter.
                          Last edited by nemesis_lover; 04-18-2008, 06:12 AM.


                          • #73
                            My t.A.T.u. CD's have been fucking cancelled! Why? Invalid credit card number? IT IS FUCKING FINE!

                            Oh, and to make things worse, Ape Escape Million Monkeys (The only one on eBay) was sold! T_T

                            And my brother won't be back till like 4am, so I can't play ObsCure II with him!!
                            Oh dear...


                            • #74
                              Okay, I'll contact eBay support about it.

                              UPDATE: Ugh, I can't proceed with the complaint unless I put in an item number for a listing that hasn't ended yet. Stupid 'contact us' system.
                              Last edited by Helegad; 04-18-2008, 11:18 PM.


                              • #75
                                You wont get anything, its way too late.

