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I'm Angry

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  • #76
    Yeah, I'll just leave it. He's selling nothing anyway.


    • #77
      Just spent like 20 USD on a gachapon dispenser (random trading figure buy) at the mall trying to get this one figure that I like. After 5 tries, all I got were the ones that I didn't really want. Worse, when I got home my friend told me that the one I wanted was being sold non-randomly at this one hobby shop that she frequently goes to. What a bitch.... *SIGH* Friggin Japanese people and their addicting random buy mini-figurines.
      Seibu teh geimu?


      • #78
        im quite happy atm because those mini figs machines are getting quite popular in england, even my super market is getting them in. I've seen some mario ones and what not, so every month i might treat myself to one or two


        • #79
          I have a mate who just bought one for his shop, loaded it with anime merchandise. Not doing too badly.


          • #80
            as long as they stay cheap, i'll enjoy them


            • #81
              Well, I'm a completionist whore when it comes to trading figs. I won't rest until I get all of them, even if it means my wallet getting depleted of it's entire contents. >_>
              Seibu teh geimu?


              • #82
                I find it easier to buy the singles you need. But I can't find the Zelda: Phantom Hourglass figures anywhere! I found one machine and bought the last 14 figures inside it. Not 1 Tetra...


                • #83
                  Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
                  Well, I'm a completionist whore when it comes to trading figs. I won't rest until I get all of them, even if it means my wallet getting depleted of it's entire contents. >_>
                  lol thats my life story atm
                  Last edited by nemesis_lover; 04-26-2008, 05:20 AM.


                  • #84
                    Ok, I'm pissed off at the people at this one local forum I always go to. Some of the retards over there seem to misunderstand some of my posts as a flame or something, worse, some of the said retards are moderators. Here's a sample of what happens:

                    *retard makes a topic about one of those short (entertaining) anecdotes where at the end, it is revealed that the protagonist turns out to be a well-known genius/scientist/etc.*

                    *I post saying that the story was good, but the famous-person-revelation cliche at the end is getting old*

                    *retard thinks I'm attacking him and his topic, argument commences*

                    *I get modded, I get a warning, he doesn't*

                    If that isn't fucked up and unfair, then I don't know what is.
                    Seibu teh geimu?


                    • #85
                      Wow, very stupid, considering you were polite enough to say it was a good story and he taken it the other way.

                      Oh yeah, I'm pissed at how some people treat me at school.
                      You be nice to everybody, don't insult them in one way, then they think they can trample over you with insults.
                      Another thing, this dude I never talk to, walked over to me and my friends...observing us for some reason, then shouting "MINGS!", the teacher didn't even care I flipped him off.

                      I wish they would grow up and get a life.


                      • #86
                        High school sucks, period. There are some fun times yeah, but most of those take place outside of school. College is much better, people are actually mature.


                        • #87
                          true, college stops all the silly divide with idiots that you hate to get involved with and the normal ppl (like me) ;)


                          • #88
                            Originally posted by rewak View Post
                            High school sucks, period. There are some fun times yeah, but most of those take place outside of school. College is much better, people are actually mature.
                            In my experience, that is totally false. The difference with college is there is 3, 4, or more times the amount of people, so if you want to avoid them, you may have a better chance. But on the whole, its the same deal, if not worse, with the idiots that were protected by mommy now going out and partying and what not. The idiots are there if you look, trust me lol.


                            • #89
                              College is a bit different here in the UK ;)


                              • #90
                                Basically the whole educational system is, high school, primary school, college, they're all different.
                                Our high schools arn't as big as US', and have less people, I'm suspecting it's the same for College.
                                I on the other hand can't wait to leave school.

