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I'm Angry

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  • I'm really pissed off cause my PC wasn't turning on, and I've find out that I've lost EVERYTHING.
    Good-bye Disney's pics, my sister's graduation...........
    Last edited by Guest; 05-18-2009, 12:40 PM.


    • Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
      I'm the opposite...I had my PS3 for almost two years when I got my 360. I get multiplats for PS3 and pretty much only exclusives for my 360. They're both good but I definitely enjoy my PS3 a lot more than my 360, for many reasons. I don't regret getting a 360, though, because now I can experience the best of both worlds.
      I'm a sony whore and have been ever since Nintendo started to lose the consle war. Anyway I just play 360 exclusives at my friend's apart. or hope they come out for the PC.

      I'm angry that after a long weekend off, I have to go into work in 8 hours.


      • I would have bought a PS2 if it wasn't twice as expensive as a pre-owned Xbox (which I got for $49).

        I love Xbox now.


        • Since i'm a games design student i have all platforms, ya can't beat a bit of the old megadrive with streets of rage or the original golden axe though


          • idk, sort of just pissed off about a lot of things right now, I got this annoying research paper to do. Need to find quotes from some damn scholars. School's ending and I really dont want to see it gone, every time i step into that gym there's sadness building up in me. And some pple are just annoying, I don't even want to get into that right now.

            I am so sick of shit talkers, I wish they'd all just burn somewhere, if you want to talk shit make sure you got what it takes to back it up if not then just shut up. It's like a formula, Pple Talking Shit + Me = Ima drop 50 on you
            Last edited by TheBlackMamba; 05-19-2009, 04:55 PM.


            • I'm angry because I got a speeding ticket this morning on my way to work, a 83mph in a 55mph zone. Also sucks because I work with a lot of the cops in the area but Sgt. Robot didn't care. Plus I'm waiting to get into the police academy so a ticket doesn't look good.


              • that sucks about the speeding ticket. i remember talking my way out of a speeding ticket. i was going 70 in a 50mph zone (yes i was racing a friend lol) and a lady cop pulled me over and i told her i was speeding home cause i was having a panic attack (at that time i figured she wouldnt let me drive home i figured for my safty she would take me home) but she said its ok and to just relax and she followed me home and helped me to the door thank you uncle matt for the awesome excuse. it totally worked ahahah.
                Last edited by nemesiswontdie; 05-20-2009, 12:36 AM.


                • I'm aggravated because I just got into my first car accident the other day.

                  The worst part?

                  Not even a day earlier I was messing with my friends, saying how they all had already gotten into car accidents...and I had yet to. Karma...You are SUCH a bitch.


                  • Originally posted by YamiYumes View Post
                    I'm aggravated because I just got into my first car accident the other day.

                    The worst part?

                    Not even a day earlier I was messing with my friends, saying how they all had already gotten into car accidents...and I had yet to. Karma...You are SUCH a bitch.
                    LOL, the same happened to me a few weeks ago. I was talking too with friends about that, and the next day... BAAAAAAAAAAM, car crash. So I know how you feel.

                    "I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key


                    • That's not karma, that's tempting fate. When you say stuff like that, you're supposed to say "touch wood" and you know, touch some wood. I'm always careful about jynxing myself.
                      Last edited by Alexia_Ashford; 05-20-2009, 02:15 PM.


                      • Im am so pissed right now. My incompetent ISP sent a tech guy to my house yesterday and because of his incompetance he didn't even bother to turn my PC on to check if my internet was connected before leaving quickly.

                        My internet is now connected but it's not running through my browser, it's bypasssing it somehow. I have no idea what to do, does anyone know how i can fix this? cause i really don't want to make another million phones calls and then have them send another incompetent moron out again to have him ruin my PC even more.


                        • Oh dear God. FML.

                          First I get into the accident, mentioned above. And now? I get pulled over right in front of my house. Speed trap, for the fucking FAIL.

                          The kicker? I was only going about 5 miles over the speed limit. ARGH.


                          • you guys are horrible drivers that or you dont know how to talk your way out of a ticket.

                            use my tip up above. i said

                            i was going 70 in a 50mph zone (yes i was racing a friend lol) and a lady cop pulled me over and i told her i was speeding home cause i was having a panic attack (at that time i figured she wouldnt let me drive home i figured for my safty she would take me home) but she said its ok and to just relax and she followed me home and helped me to the door thank you uncle matt for the awesome excuse. it totally worked ahahah.
                            just fake a panic attack or something. dont say "im having a heart attack" cause they would know your lying.
                            Last edited by nemesiswontdie; 05-23-2009, 12:42 AM.


                            • lol im angry in the good way if that makes any sense. once again, more shit talkers, and once again i feel an overwelming need to just make them look stupid. got a big game tomorrow in a HUGE venue so i'm already hyped as it is, oooo am i gonna burn them tomorrow


                              • Good luck tomorrow lol

