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I'm Angry

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  • Mr. Spencer, my best wishes for you and your family; hope everything turns ok!

    "I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key


    • Originally posted by Mr. Spencer View Post
      It's been a really distressing night. Last night or rather the evening yesterday, my mum suffered a heart attack and collapsed, at the time paramedics were attempting to sustain her pulse since she wasn't breathing and was unresponsive, I've spent the majority of the night at the hospital, got back about an hour ago or so, at the moment it's not looking very hopeful at all, she's still in a very critical condition right now and is due to be moved to the intensive care unit, the next 24 hours will pretty much be the most important. Will be back at the hospital tomorrow, I know it seems inappropriate to post such things on here, but I felt like you needed to know in case I'm not around for a while.
      Aw shit. Best wishes to you and yours.


      • Originally posted by Mr. Spencer View Post
        It's been a really distressing night. Last night or rather the evening yesterday, my mum suffered a heart attack and collapsed, at the time paramedics were attempting to sustain her pulse since she wasn't breathing and was unresponsive, I've spent the majority of the night at the hospital, got back about an hour ago or so, at the moment it's not looking very hopeful at all, she's still in a very critical condition right now and is due to be moved to the intensive care unit, the next 24 hours will pretty much be the most important. Will be back at the hospital tomorrow, I know it seems inappropriate to post such things on here, but I felt like you needed to know in case I'm not around for a while.
        That really sucks a lot John. I hope your mom can overcome it.


        • Originally posted by Mr. Spencer View Post
          It's been a really distressing night. Last night or rather the evening yesterday, my mum suffered a heart attack and collapsed, at the time paramedics were attempting to sustain her pulse since she wasn't breathing and was unresponsive, I've spent the majority of the night at the hospital, got back about an hour ago or so, at the moment it's not looking very hopeful at all, she's still in a very critical condition right now and is due to be moved to the intensive care unit, the next 24 hours will pretty much be the most important. Will be back at the hospital tomorrow, I know it seems inappropriate to post such things on here, but I felt like you needed to know in case I'm not around for a while.
          Sorry to hear that.


          • I'm sorry this is happening. You have my blessings, and I hope your mother recovers.


            • Thank you, it means a lot to me to hear your words. Just got back from the hospital, they'll be bringing her round tomorrow but anything could happen, she's stable but at this point she should be breathing on her own but she isn't, she's still on the ventilator.
              See you in hell.


              • Originally posted by nemesiswontdie View Post
                so yha yesterday i was going into DQ to get something to eat and i see this girl come out of a alcohol store and she looks about my age so i just ignore it and go on with my life. while waiting for my food i look outside and i notice that, that girl was in a white truck and she was pretty close to my car (1995 blue Camaro) but i didnt check cause i figured hey she didnt hit it or scrap it. i get my food and go outside and the white truck moves and BOOM fucking dent in my door,scratches on my door and fender. the first words i said was "MOTHER FUCKER!" (lol) she comes out of her car and starts freaking out and says "how much do you think this will be?" around $300 cause i got to re paint the door and put a new fender on it and pop the dents to and he hands me $450 cause she didnt want to call insurance. well... she followed me home and i got out of the car and she said "well my boyfriend says that its not gonna cost that much, its gonna cost $150"

                uhhh yha your dumb ass boyfriend doesnt no ANYTHING about cars appearently, and im not gonna repaint it and put on the new fender myself ill take it to a repair shop."

                she also said "well lets go up to wal-mart and ill buy you new paint"
                yyyhhhaa no that color and style of paint isnt at wal-mart (i already looked and its not fucking spray paint)

                well ok...ill come back in a month and see if its been done
                ok mom

                well did i sleep for a month? is it july 30th? she came by today and woke me up.
                "well i see the paint didnt get done"
                (yes i actually said that)
                and she left.

                there is some scratches you cant see and the scratches go farther down but i didnt take a pic of it
                dont u have insurance ?


                • umm yha you have to have insurance to drive pretty much.

                  well i was at the hospital all day and me and my dad got back my dads liver test and guess what? FUCKING CANCER! its always cancer it just wont go away. he's had it for 5 years now. if i could trade i would. i hate seeing my dad go through all this shit ecspecially for 5 long years.


                  • Originally posted by nemesiswontdie View Post
                    well i was at the hospital all day and me and my dad got back my dads liver test and guess what? FUCKING CANCER! its always cancer it just wont go away. he's had it for 5 years now. if i could trade i would. i hate seeing my dad go through all this shit ecspecially for 5 long years.
                    That really sucks, i would hate that too. I hope your dad can overcome it man. And that it will go away permanently.


                    • Rather shocking day today at work, someone I know from there just had a heart attack and dropped dead infront of the whole office.


                      • Good lord, are you alright? I imagine that the whole office must be pretty shocked right now.
                        See you in hell.


                        • Yeah, I'm fine thanks. I didn't know him as well as others did, it's just a shock more than anything else. Just walking past then he drops to the floor, completely unexpectedly.


                          • Originally posted by Alexia_Ashford View Post
                            Rather shocking day today at work, someone I know from there just had a heart attack and dropped dead infront of the whole office.
                            Jesus what the hell? Have they found out why he had the heart attack yet or is it to early to tell? That must of been so shocking.


                            • It was, they don't know yet why he had it, it must have been an underlying heart problem probably aggravated by the heat wave though, given that he was only 35.


                              • Last night I was doing my usual routine of 6 guinness', 2 glasses of wine, and then to top it off sliced assorted cheese's. I got the butcher knife out and started to slice away at the cheese, then the knife suddenly slipped and cut the tip of my index finger almost fully off. It was just hanging there as I looked in shock and ran around the kitchen bleeding everywhere looking for something to apply pressure to it. I finally found some surgical tape and gauges to wrap it in and its still wrapped like that... I can't go to the hospital until tomorrow because tonight I'm having a party with friends and my family is over. Pouring alcohol on it every 10 hours hurts like a mother fucker. I've never felt this kind of pain in my life. I won't be playing guitar anytime soon either, just as my band gets back together

