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I'm Angry

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  • I'm trying to register my 360 on the damn XBox site and I can't select a region. Of course, I can't continue without selecting a region, it won't let me, despite the fact that THERE'S NOTHING TO CHOOSE. Bastard Microsoft.


    • I'm tired of people fucking with me. I'm not a bad person, in fact I'm a really nice person and I hardly ever let my temper slip. I'm tired of people taking advantage of me just because I'm a nice person too. I'm not your stepping mat. Fuck off.


      • Originally posted by BadWolfX View Post
        I'm trying to register my 360 on the damn XBox site and I can't select a region. Of course, I can't continue without selecting a region, it won't let me, despite the fact that THERE'S NOTHING TO CHOOSE. Bastard Microsoft.
        I hate it when they still list us as Humberside too it's East Yorkshire ffs it hasn't been Humberside since 1996.
        If he had a brain, he'd be dangerous.



        • Originally posted by TheMedic View Post
          I'm tired of people fucking with me. I'm not a bad person, in fact I'm a really nice person and I hardly ever let my temper slip. I'm tired of people taking advantage of me just because I'm a nice person too. I'm not your stepping mat. Fuck off.

          Ugh...I hate that too.


          • Had a bad day earlier in the week, lets hope things work out in the coming days / weeks.


            • No worries medic! I'm here to cheer you up!


              • I think..........she is still angry with me.......


                • Originally posted by TheMedic View Post
                  I'm tired of people fucking with me. I'm not a bad person, in fact I'm a really nice person and I hardly ever let my temper slip. I'm tired of people taking advantage of me just because I'm a nice person too. I'm not your stepping mat. Fuck off.
                  Ugh that sucks when that happens Taylor. People are real jerks sometimes. Just stand up for yourself and don't let them walk all over you Taylor.

                  I know your a nice person, it's hard being nice sometimes. But it's a very good quality to have. People should be ashamed to take advantage of that quality.


                  • where have I heard this before.......


                    • I am angry at capcom and at RE5.

                      Ive been thinking recently and I realized just how much of a con capcom pulled on us all with RE5. It's disgusting.

                      I'm going to ramble here but I don't care.

                      I hate RE5, I really do. It's the worst in the series, Id give it 5/10. It has a horrible story and terrible gameplay. It added nothing good to the series and only made it worse, it made more problems than it fixed.

                      First off, with the story. What is up with the fucking magical plant shit, that's a stupid idea. I liked it when the origins of the T-virus where with Ebola, but apparently that is retconed now my friend just told me. I hope to God it hasn't been. And the Wesker children idea, that s stupid and so annoying. It just completely ruined Wesker for no purpose at all. Why on earth did capcom even add that? What so they could have a reason to make Wesker wanna take over the world and complete his stupid illogical plan of world domination? When was RE ever about taking over the world? RE5's story severely fucked up the series. I mean yes RE4 had a bad story as well, but it didn't change a thing, it made no difference and it was irrelevant, but RE5 ruined so much about RE.

                      Also the main story in general sucked, and they milked it for all it was worth before it came out. Just imagine if they had never shown us Jill's tombstone before release, and we had seen that for the first time in game. How much better would that have been, that would have made me wanna play it so much more. But no capcom thinks they may be bale to get more sales if they put huge fucking plot spoilers in it's trailers. They ruined the story for everyone, just so they could look as if they had a MGS like story and make it huge in sales. They lied to us and tricked us trying to get us to make false assumptions about the game. I mean the amount of advertising that went into the game seemed bigger than the game development itself. I mean what the fuck were all these viral videos? Who directed and paid for these? Time was spent writing these crappy non canon things so that we would think RE5 is cool and by it, when more time and money should of actually been invested in making RE5. Capcom just took it a step to far this time. I find it offensive, it's like they are conning us, there fans into buying there crappy shitty game. And it pisses me off so much. All there behind the scenes interviews with the voice actors and the motion captures lead us to believe there was going to be so many huge important cutscenes were so much is revealed in them. Like MGS, but what do we get? No more cutscenes than there were in Remake. And most of them had no dialog anyway and were just Chris and Sheva shooting things, and the dialog was a few quick lines. They wasted so much money on there 3D camera and mo cap when they could have used that money to invest into the game and story and make what was the RE5 beta which looked very very good to me. When a game studio needs to trick it's fans into buying it's games there is something very wrong. Capcom should just do what it's fans want. Fuck this Chris/Wesker storyline and bring Sherry back, explain what happened to her, make Jill do something other than being sidelined by Chris, give Claire a good role again. Bring Barry back and go back to zombies. Tell us what happened to Rebecca and show her again! Capcom are so fucking stupid and Takeuchi is a money grubbing whore. I hate the bastard. All capcom care about, or rather Takeuchi cares about is how much his game makes. I don;t think he has a care in the world about the actual game itself. Capcom are like the EA games of the east.

                      RE5's gameplay was horrible too, it was a step backwards from RE4. RE4, and the classics have much better gameplay, and are tons more fun to play. RE5's gameplay is awkward and boring and feels like a chore to play. Yet is gets huge fucking sales? Why is this? Not because the game is good, but because of the colossal amount of time and energy and money capcom put into it's advertising. It's really unfair I think. And the sheer amount of used copy's of RE4 I see laying around back up my point that it's a shitty overrated game.

                      I remember someone saying capcom were investigating how Chris's shirt would look when wet, so they went to the company itself and got an interview with it's head and asked the about it and did experiments on how it looked wet. WASTE OF FUCKING TIME!! That is the most tiny stupid detail, that if you tell lot of people they assume that if that is being researched then what other secrets must they be doing, and that the game must be awesome. It's a fucking scam to make people buy there shit. They should be focusing on the game itself.

                      If capcom had spent all it's time on the actual game and had not advertised it at all. It would probably have turned out to be a phenomenal game. The story would have been much better and more thought out, and the gameplay would have been superb. But no that would take more effort so capcom takes the easy road and advertises the shit out of it.

                      I am sick of this. Just sick of the way capcom treats it's fans. It's disrespectful. I am so pissed. I like to just consider RE5 non canon, there series was better before it came out.


                      • Originally posted by missvalentine View Post
                        gets huge fucking sales? Why is this? Not because the game is good, but because of the colossal amount of time and energy and money capcom put into it's advertising.
                        missvalentine hates RE 5, so what else is new.....

                        RE 5 sold 5 million copies, becoming the best selling title in the series. No review or good promotion secures you these kind of sales.


                        • Originally posted by aris13 View Post
                          missvalentine hates RE 5, so what else is new.....

                          RE 5 sold 5 million copies, becoming the best selling title in the series. No review or good promotion secures you these kind of sales.
                          I and many other people hate RE5.

                          Sales doesn't mean shit. You know why? Because people buy a game before they play it. How can they possibly know the the game is good or not before buying it? It's a gamble that is greatly influenced by advertising. But you know what does mean shit? How many copies are returned after being bought.

                          I just asked my friend who works at a gamestore how many used copies of RE5 do they have. And just in that single store at the moment, they have 100 used copy's of RE5. Around 50 for each console. Now multiply that for every gamestore, and multiply it over time as well. That is a lot of people that bought RE5 and hated it enough to return it, and a lot of people that bought it because of advertising.

                          A review and promotion can make or break a series. RE5's success lays solely on the fact it was so colossally over hyped and advertised like it was the best thing ever.

                          You know what it reminds me off. Assassins Creed. That games sales are outstanding, it was one of the first platinum games on the PS3, it's trailers were amazingly cool. The hype was huge for that game. Everyone went out and bought it, including me. You know what? It's gameplay was boring and story was shitty. So many people took it back. Sales. Mean. Nothing.

                          It is impossible, and stupid to judge a game by sales. It is impossible now because of hype. it ruins everything. All there huge over hyped crap games get tons of sales, while really good but under hyped games get forgotten about.

                          Remember Beyond Good and Evil? Can that game be measured by it's sales? No! It was awesome but it was under hyped and no one got it, because it wasn't advertised well.

                          RE5 is shit and overrated. It's sales mean nothing at all. It doesn't deserve them at all.


                          • Originally posted by missvalentine View Post
                            How can they possibly know the the game is good or not before buying it?
                            WORD OF MOUTH!!!!!
                            Last edited by aris13; 08-01-2009, 04:54 AM.


                            • Originally posted by aris13 View Post
                              WORD OF MOUTH!!!!!
                              Yeah because it's so much better than a million TV and internet viral ads and stuff.

                              ALL games rely on word of mouth. ALL. ALL games. If word of mouth is so good, then why does every game not make RE5's sales? Does that mean RE5 is better? Certainly not.

                              Your thinking is so flawed.

                              RE5 got it's sales because of it's immense advertising campaign.


                              • Capcom don't treat their fans bad. They take their games in the direction they want them and it didn't pay off, but RE4, despite what a lot of veteran RE fans think, was an extremely good game, extremely commercially successful and is looked upon as a fantastic game by a LOT of gamers. I don't like it as a Resi game but as a game itself, a shooter, I love it. Being angry at Capcom isn't really fair. They do what they can, it just didn't really pay off with RE5. They make some fantastic games. They've done a lot, even for this site; . You'll see THIA and Project Umbrella there. We have a good working relationship with Capcom and they don't do things just to piss us off. I don't particularly like RE5 a great deal, I like it, but I actually prefer RE4. Capcom have made some fantastic games and this site wouldn't be here and we wouldn't have Resident Evil without them.

                                Also, finding out about games before you buy them; reviews, and neoGAF. And all games don't rely on word of mouth; they rely on advertising and word of mouth. If a game is good and has barely any advertising, it won't sell. Take Eternal Darkness. I've always told everyone about that game and almost everyone who's played it has said it's been great. Yet it had no advertising. I don't remember seeing one advert for it. Guess what? It didn't sell. Ka-pow.
                                Last edited by Alexia_Ashford; 08-01-2009, 05:03 AM.

