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I'm Angry

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  • Eh, an old friend of mine(who is on thin ice with me as it is) just pissed me off by getting snippy when I asked about RE. We haven't talked in awhile and I told him how I was into it. He said he wasn't and I was just curious why, and he bitches back at me:

    I don't really understand what compels people to devote their lives to playing that game over and over and over again... So, I don't expect you to know why I don't like it. They talk about ALL RE... I hung out with one of them once, and guess what they did? They somehow had the notion that I would enjoy watching them play their RE game with their unlimited rocket launcher. And showing me all of the outfits they had for their chick.

    Now keep in mind, I never said anything about obsessing, nor was I babbling about it excitedly, yet he bitches at me just for asking. How was I supposed to know about all his friends? We haven't talked in months, how the fuck was I supposed to know? Devote their lives, how overdramatic and overexaggerating ARE YOU?

    It's not even like his opinion pissed me off, not at all, to each his own. It just really pissed me off mostly because, I'm the kind of person that can listen when someone is bummed out, or angry, and I'll try to help them. Practically everyone I know takes advantage of this and just yells right directly at me, like I'm the problem itself.

    There is a big difference of ranting/listening to if you're upset, and just plain blaming me because there's no one else to blame, as if I knew all of your problems anyway.

    This was just the ticker because it's been happening A LOT to me lately, and I'm very, very tired of it. I brought up a topic you're apparently sick of, oh blame me for not knowing. Your WMM is messed up and I offered an alternate method of fixing it, please, treat me like I'm stupid! =D


    • Tell him games help drown out his annoying fucking voice. I hate it when people do that... I have no problem extending a shoulder to lean on, but when they lean on it and start hitting me because I'm the nearest person, I get so pissed off. So I feel for ya, Inferno.


      • Originally posted by Canas Renvall View Post
        Tell him games help drown out his annoying fucking voice. I hate it when people do that... I have no problem extending a shoulder to lean on, but when they lean on it and start hitting me because I'm the nearest person, I get so pissed off. So I feel for ya, Inferno.
        Thanks man.

        That's IT. That's exactly it! We are pillars to lean on, not to take a sledgehammer to. ><


        • I hate the human race.

          One of my closest friends (happens to be a girl) started going out with some guy about a month ago. Fair enough, I thought. A month later, and she literally starts crying while talking to me about him. She says how he lies to her constantly, ignores her, ditches her to go somewhere else and generally doesn't acknowledge her (none of his friends even knew she was going out with him).

          To top this off, he is extremely unnattractive. No, rather, he looks like someone shaved a monkey and manhandled its skull with a shovel.

          So, I go out for the night, on my own at a bar/venue thing for some time-out. And I end up seeing the guy there. Now, I KNOW he wasn't meant to be here, as my friend said the day before that they were going to the cinema together. So I call her up, turns out she's at the cinema waiting for him, with no idea where he actually is. At this, I hang up without telling her anything. I confront that mother fucker right there. I walk up to him, and get straight to the point, asking "hey you know _______?". His response was "Who?". I repeat. He replies "dunno who you're talking about".

          Now I can't see shit. Just red. So I basically break his nose and walk away as fast as I can before his douchebag friends realize what happened.

          How do cunts like these come into being?
          PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


          • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
            I hate the human race.

            One of my closest friends (happens to be a girl) started going out with some guy about a month ago. Fair enough, I thought. A month later, and she literally starts crying while talking to me about him. She says how he lies to her constantly, ignores her, ditches her to go somewhere else and generally doesn't acknowledge her (none of his friends even knew she was going out with him).

            To top this off, he is extremely unnattractive. No, rather, he looks like someone shaved a monkey and manhandled its skull with a shovel.

            So, I go out for the night, on my own at a bar/venue thing for some time-out. And I end up seeing the guy there. Now, I KNOW he wasn't meant to be here, as my friend said the day before that they were going to the cinema together. So I call her up, turns out she's at the cinema waiting for him, with no idea where he actually is. At this, I hang up without telling her anything. I confront that mother fucker right there. I walk up to him, and get straight to the point, asking "hey you know _______?". His response was "Who?". I repeat. He replies "dunno who you're talking about".

            Now I can't see shit. Just red. So I basically break his nose and walk away as fast as I can before his douchebag friends realize what happened.

            How do cunts like these come into being?
            Aye, I wonder the same darn thing sometimes. People can be real assholes (pardon my language) and just flat out disrespectful, and when you find out that a friend is dealing with that, who happens to be IN A relationship with that person, it makes it even worse.

            They probably come from the bottom of the ocean or something. Although I wouldn't be surprised if they hitchhike on space ships from the farthest reaches of space back to Earth. Only there, can you find them in great amounts.

            It's too bad there are so many in existence here already...


            • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
              I hate the human race.

              One of my closest friends (happens to be a girl) started going out with some guy about a month ago. Fair enough, I thought. A month later, and she literally starts crying while talking to me about him. She says how he lies to her constantly, ignores her, ditches her to go somewhere else and generally doesn't acknowledge her (none of his friends even knew she was going out with him).

              To top this off, he is extremely unnattractive. No, rather, he looks like someone shaved a monkey and manhandled its skull with a shovel.

              So, I go out for the night, on my own at a bar/venue thing for some time-out. And I end up seeing the guy there. Now, I KNOW he wasn't meant to be here, as my friend said the day before that they were going to the cinema together. So I call her up, turns out she's at the cinema waiting for him, with no idea where he actually is. At this, I hang up without telling her anything. I confront that mother fucker right there. I walk up to him, and get straight to the point, asking "hey you know _______?". His response was "Who?". I repeat. He replies "dunno who you're talking about".

              Now I can't see shit. Just red. So I basically break his nose and walk away as fast as I can before his douchebag friends realize what happened.

              How do cunts like these come into being?
              Good on you for punching him. I would of done much more though. People like that don't deserve a thing. They don't deserve the friendship of whoever they hang around with. People like that are a menace to society. I cannot understand people like that and I hate them with a passion.


              • Originally posted by WeskerIncarnate View Post
                Reasoning has no effect on them. If I want to spend anything at all, they both need to talk about it and agree first.
                Start hiding their stuff. Retaliation is better than reasoning.
                Last edited by Anders; 08-13-2009, 08:29 AM.
                lostreleases // demopals


                • So, I work at a Gold's Gym. There's this girl I've seen come in almost every day for the past two months. She seemed to be in her mid-twenties. Dark hair, tan skin, gorgeous face, rocking body, big brown eyes. We always traded glances, said hi to each other, being nice in general.

                  Now, a few weeks back, she starts smiling at me every time we make eye contact. So, naturally, I smile back. As I work, I always catch her looking at me, and she looks away really quickly.

                  And then today, I grew a sack and really started talking to her. She was about done with her workout so I went onto the treadmill next to her and started wiping it down, when I looked up and struck up a conversation. We started shooting the shit about nothing in general, but she seemed really freakin' cool. By the end of the convo, I asked for her number and got it. I was beyond thrilled, and in my head I was doing cartwheels and high-fiving everyone, but on the outside I was chill, cool, calm, collect, suave. A real pimp.

                  So, she says her goodbyes after I put her number in my phone and tell her I'll give her a call this weekend(and I had every intention to) and she makes her way for the door. Before she leaves, though, she heads over to the nursery. I hear a little kid scream "mommy!"...and a little boy who had to be at least 5 or 6 runs and jumps into her arms.

                  She carries him to the door and WAVES to me on her way out. I dunno what kind of look I had on my face, but it couldn't have been too great. I felt like I just got kicked in the dick and had my intestines ripped out all at the same time.



                  • Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
                    So, I work at a Gold's Gym. There's this girl I've seen come in almost every day for the past two months. She seemed to be in her mid-twenties. Dark hair, tan skin, gorgeous face, rocking body, big brown eyes. We always traded glances, said hi to each other, being nice in general.

                    Now, a few weeks back, she starts smiling at me every time we make eye contact. So, naturally, I smile back. As I work, I always catch her looking at me, and she looks away really quickly.

                    And then today, I grew a sack and really started talking to her. She was about done with her workout so I went onto the treadmill next to her and started wiping it down, when I looked up and struck up a conversation. We started shooting the shit about nothing in general, but she seemed really freakin' cool. By the end of the convo, I asked for her number and got it. I was beyond thrilled, and in my head I was doing cartwheels and high-fiving everyone, but on the outside I was chill, cool, calm, collect, suave. A real pimp.

                    So, she says her goodbyes after I put her number in my phone and tell her I'll give her a call this weekend(and I had every intention to) and she makes her way for the door. Before she leaves, though, she heads over to the nursery. I hear a little kid scream "mommy!"...and a little boy who had to be at least 5 or 6 runs and jumps into her arms.

                    She carries him to the door and WAVES to me on her way out. I dunno what kind of look I had on my face, but it couldn't have been too great. I felt like I just got kicked in the dick and had my intestines ripped out all at the same time.

                    I really don't see what is bad about this. She has kids, makes no difference at all. Did she seem like one of those good mothers who cares for her children? Or one of those girls that just got pregnant and now has a kid but didn't want one? If it's the latter I could kinda understand, but if the only reason your pissed is because she's a mom. That's just stupid and picky.


                    • Originally posted by missvalentine View Post
                      I really don't see what is bad about this. She has kids, makes no difference at all. Did she seem like one of those good mothers who cares for her children? Or one of those girls that just got pregnant and now has a kid but didn't want one? If it's the latter I could kinda understand, but if the only reason your pissed is because she's a mom. That's just stupid and picky.
                      I'm 20 years old. I'm not looking to date a girl that has a child. A single mom deserves a guy who's ready to be dating a single mom, and who is ready to take care of and provide for the woman and her child -- and I'm clearly not ready for that. I'm angry because she's hot, pretty damn cool, seems to like me and I was interested in getting together with her, fooling around a little bit and seeing where it went from there -- but all that went out the window when I saw she had a little boy. I don't wanna get involved with her, start liking her, and then get dumped because I'm clearly not ready for that type of situation, OR: get involved, start liking her and then have her depend on me when I'm clearly not ready for that type of responsibility. I need to figure out how to take care of my own situation before I possibly become a 'father figure' of some sorts for a father-less child.

                      I'm probably thinking too much into it, but I believe I'm justified here. Someone tell me if I'm wrong. Or if I'm "stupid and picky."
                      Last edited by Vector; 08-13-2009, 04:15 PM.


                      • I'm 20 years old. I'm not looking to date a girl that has a child. A single mom deserves a guy who's ready to be dating a single mom
                        I really like this and I will give you huge props and respect, however, you shouldnt fold your cards just yet. In todays age, young lasses can be successful and pretty good at taking care of their kids. Besides, shes in her mid 20s, its not like she wouldnt mind a male company every once in a while. See who she is, how good is she financially and try to get a grasp at her personality, try to figure out how well shes dealing with her life and if shes single (and actually content with it). Then make your move. Its not necessarily a case where youll wipe her off her feet and have to feel guilty about it afterwards.


                        • Originally posted by Member_of_STARS View Post
                          I really like this and I will give you huge props and respect, however, you shouldnt fold your cards just yet. In todays age, young lasses can be successful and pretty good at taking care of their kids. Besides, shes in her mid 20s, its not like she wouldnt mind a male company every once in a while. See who she is, how good is she financially and try to get a grasp at her personality, try to figure out how well shes dealing with her life and if shes single (and actually content with it). Then make your move. Its not necessarily a case where youll wipe her off her feet and have to feel guilty about it afterwards.
                          Thanks. I'm not cashing in my chips just yet. I still have her number in my phone, and she comes to my place of work, so I'm gonna have to see her eventually. Right now, I'm gonna stand pat and see what happens the next time I see her.


                          • Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
                            I'm 20 years old. I'm not looking to date a girl that has a child. A single mom deserves a guy who's ready to be dating a single mom, and who is ready to take care of and provide for the woman and her child -- and I'm clearly not ready for that.
                            Good good. Well if that's your reasoning then I can agree with that. If your not ready to be a father figure then you shouldn't try yet, you might make mistakes. Sorry I jumped to the wrong conclusion. You just seemed like a little bit a of a douche before for not liking her just cause she has a kid that's all.


                            • Originally posted by missvalentine View Post
                              You just seemed like a little bit a of a douche before for not liking her just cause she has a kid that's all.
                              That was never the case, though. Now you just seem like "a little bit of a douche" for misunderstanding.


                              • Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
                                That was never the case, though. Now you just seem like "a little bit of a douche" for misunderstanding.
                                I've got one word to say about this entire situation.


                                Oh and sorry you didn't make your post clear enough before, because it did make you look quite shallow. Maybe include the insight of WHY such a thing is bad next time, your reasoning DID get my respect. But wow, you just lost it again. Don't be a jerk just because somebody misunderstood you and dared to say anything against you, especially since he just said he was sorry.

                                I can clearly see enough drama on THIA as it is, so I'm not going to get into a petty flame war over this.
                                Last edited by Inferno04; 08-13-2009, 07:50 PM.

