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I'm Angry

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  • Thus told by darkmoon!
    Last edited by Guest; 08-15-2009, 09:13 AM.


    • No, judged by the site rules. We're supposed to act respectfully to each other even if we don't like each other. Goodness knows there are folk on here I am not fond of but I wouldn't yell at them simply for that. And if someone with my temprement can manage it the rest of you should find it a breeze.


      • Why did I just get a ringing in my ears, Darkmoon?


        • Probably cuz an arguments a brewin O.o


          • Nah, no argument. Helegad knows I'm not hugely fond of him. I think the arguing for his bans to be permanent gave him that hint. But he's not the person I like least on the site by a decent margin...and no, I've no intention of saying who is.


            • I see........
              Last edited by Guest; 08-15-2009, 01:10 PM.


              • Just saw Funny People today... and UGH! I love Adam Sandler, I love Seth Rogen, and I usually like Judd Apatow's movies (40-Year-Old Virgin is still my favorite), but man! This movie was awful! I had high hopes for it, too. At least it was a free ticket... I feel like it was the equivalent of Uwe Boll making a comedy. That's the only way it could be worse, if Uwe Boll directed it. Really a low point in Judd's career.
                Last edited by Canas Renvall; 08-15-2009, 09:33 PM.


                • Missv and CR29, knock it off. Find some way to get along or action will be taken against the constant off-topic posts in several threads.

                  CR, I don't blame you for having that kind of a reaction to her having a kid. I don't think anyone would feel well in that situation, despite what they might say on an internet forum.
                  Last edited by Dot50Cal; 08-22-2009, 08:26 PM.


                  • Well, a kid wouldn't phase me...but as I type this I've got a baby sleeping on my chest. Kids don't bother me at all.


                    • Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
                      Well, a kid wouldn't phase me...but as I type this I've got a baby sleeping on my chest. Kids don't bother me at all.
                      That's true, but some people have more paternal instincts than others. The impression I've always got from you is you're a family man and are very paternal so things like that wouldn't bother you . About the baby sleeping on your chest.. AwwWwWwWwWw ^.^
                      Last edited by Alexia_Ashford; 08-23-2009, 06:20 AM.


                      • So I was drunk last night, and since its Sunday, I figured I´d sleep in for longer. At 10AM I get a call from my mother, shes shocked and almost crying. With a terrified voice I hear her saying shes lost in the woods. Apparently she went for a walk to get some mushrooms and whatnot and got lost in woods in the village shes been living in for 25 fucking years! So I log on to a map service site, ask her which direction she went to and where did she turn in... As it turns out, the woods she got lost in was 800 x 700 metres in dimensions! Thats just a tad over half a square kilometre! And its surrounded by roads and fields she KNOWS! How can a woman wander around in woods of 0.56 sq km for TWO HOURS?

                        So Im pissed at two things. One, this. Two, I got so angry at her that instead of giving her emotional support, I just told her to get a direction and stick to it, thinking that some male logic and common sense would get her through. Shes got a head on her shoulders, but she can be incredibly stubborn and I guess that combined with fear got the best of her. And I acted like a complete and utter fucking asshole to boot.


                        • I'm doing a short animated film for a school project that I've got to deliver tomorrow, and I'm doing it alone, even tho I'm supposed to have a team helping me out. The deal is, the dudes are too uninterested to help me in any meaningful way, and I'm way behind schedule =/.


                          • I'd help you...that sucks.

                            Of course, I have no experience with animation whatsoever, so that probably wouldn't work out...
                            Last edited by WeskerIncarnate; 08-23-2009, 03:25 PM.


                            • I'm not exactly angry at the moment. Just a bit grumpy. Plus my brother has been really getting on my nerves lately.

                              These two songs sum up my feelings pretty well.

                              Lenny Kravitz - Fly Away.


                              Jefferson Airplane - Somebody to Love.


                              • Originally posted by Rock it. View Post
                                I'm doing a short animated film for a school project that I've got to deliver tomorrow, and I'm doing it alone, even tho I'm supposed to have a team helping me out. The deal is, the dudes are too uninterested to help me in any meaningful way, and I'm way behind schedule =/.
                                Ugh. Well when you guys fail and they bitch at you, tell them to eat a dong and maybe they wouldn't have failed if they actually did something.

                                Also, mention this to your teacher(s). Maybe ask for a little more time.

