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I'm Angry

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  • im sick of these peice of shit logitech usb headsets not working.This is the 2nd one ive had they and they all had the same problem,they just stop working out of the blue

    fuck logitech.


    • Originally posted by nemesiswontdie View Post
      im sick of these peice of shit logitech usb headsets not working.This is the 2nd one ive had they and they all had the same problem,they just stop working out of the blue

      fuck logitech.
      Logitech has the best customer service Ive ever seen, so you should contact them ASAP.


      • Originally posted by Enetirnel View Post
        You can park on certain ones, in particular circumstances. However the one they choose the park in isn't one of those valid "islands".

        I guess so.

        I'm kind of fed up with being dragged into crap, like on my main FF site one of the younger members is getting stalked and harassed constantly by a bunch of morons poor kid, and one of them even made quite a nasty Encycl. D. article about her and continued to threaten her and spammed the site with graphic material that I had to remove before I could even try and calm her down and cheer her up... *Sighs*

        Working on projects and designs, and I end up getting randomly brought into stuff on MSN whilst I've fallen asleep working at my laptop, I wake up to a bunch of weird spam from a prank OR arguments over games, music or movies - it really isn't funny to wake up to stupid pranks or messages considering that I do use MSN for work a lot, so I wish I wouldn't wake up to "OMFG, how can you like Gears of War?! You're an idiot! IDIOT!" and that sort of arguing in multiple windows or stupid questions "IDK why my computer has viruses", "Do you have an anti-virus and firewall?", "No, why?"... (cue facepalm here at just the chat logs).

        Then, my laptop freezes and I have to shut it down - and all of my graphic design, voice work and other stuff for my projects is completely corrupted so NOW I have to go back over a few THOUSAND FRAMES and reclean them ALL.
        Re-record audio but wait... I now can't re-record the audio because my nice, new headset accidentally gets broken by my dogs.

        "Oh, I'll just use my headphones and the shitty laptop mic"... my headphones get broken moments later.

        Damn it, fed up with this past week with stuff breaking, being harassed on my break, being harassed to and from work...

        And I'm also supposed to do my driver's test this week. I don't want to put up with the idiots on the road, or have to deal with the fact that the computers for the tests have a 85% chance of being broken and/or faulty whilst I take the test... Basically, I'm not doing it this week OR the week after.

        I'm just going to relax, have some chocolate and ignore this past weeks shitty moments.
        Damn that sucks, my computer did the same thing a few months back. Hope things get better for you
        "One can only match, move by move, the machinations of fate... and thus defy the tyrannous stars."
        Resident Evil/Castlevania/ Silent Hill/Onimusha/Tekken /Dark Souls


        • My Logitech USB headset, I went to remove it from my computer and the USB component came completely away from the set on the inside. Not impressed, I've only had it a couple of weeks and it's already broken. *Sighs* Just going to save up and get a wireless one since my record with Logitech goes:

          1. Suddenly dies within three days, shop can't do a return on it because it was paid with cash and I couldn't remember what day my Mother bought it. So, into the bin that one went. $45 down the drain.

          2. The one that just broke/died on me then, my Mother decided to clean my room so NOW I can't find the receipt to do a return OR have it replaced. Mind you, I've still got all of the packaging and warranty stuff for it however I'm thinking about switching to wireless because I have to extremely energetic dogs - one purposely tries to screw with my laptop, and the other one stops that one from doing so which makes it difficult to have all chords organized in order to prevent them from damaging it. Will most likely end up in the bin, so that's $90 down the drain too.

          ... I guess I better save up to get a wireless one, as long as it has good quality. I am not trusting their products with chords if that crap continually happens.

          Originally posted by REmaster View Post
          Damn that sucks, my computer did the same thing a few months back. Hope things get better for you
          Ouch, thank you. I hope you've slowly gotten all of your work back.
          Non-blurry Signature Version
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          • Parents don't understand that us teens, have an ORGANIZED mess. It may be messy, but at least we know where everything is. >< I lose stuff AFTER cleaning.


            • Originally posted by Inferno04 View Post
              Parents don't understand that us teens, have an ORGANIZED mess. It may be messy, but at least we know where everything is. >< I lose stuff AFTER cleaning.


              • Enetirel, get in contact with Logitech directly, explain them the problem. Its very likely that you will never even need a receipt. Their return policy with the MX518 mice, which cord sometimes got busted in a year or so, was phenomenal, you just needed the product ID and they sent you a new one.


                • Originally posted by Alexia_Ashford View Post
                  I just had my first driving lesson and it was one of the biggest mindfucks, ever. I had no idea such a proposterous invention such as a "clutch" existed before today. "You have your three pedals, clutch, brake, and accelerator" "lolwut".

                  I also had trouble doing the clutches while switching gears and asked if I could just stay in first gear, to which my instructor told me the engine would blow up. There's so much to remember, I can hardly take it in.

                  I also had to drive back to my house on my first lesson, and the instructor kept having to do the clutches cos I kept forgetting. I was too scared to go fast so I was going at 2mph on a 30 mph limit road, and he kept telling me "more gas" while I was terrified of crashing into someone. Good times.
                  haha i know what you mean im only learning to drive aswell and it really is confusing at first, after a couple of lessons though it begins to sink in my biggest problem right now is that i have to use my mirrors more, you have to use your mirrors so bloody much that it gets confusing. For example when making a turn you have to check your wing mirror before indicating and changing gear, then just before you turn you have to check the mirror again and finally when you have completed your turn you have to check your mirror again to see whats following behind you lol trying to do all that in the few seconds that it takes to make a turn is confusing as hell


                  • I tried calling logitech customer service and was on hold for 25 minutes so i decided to hang up and say fuck it.


                    • I'm angry because I keep seeing senseless complaints from simpletons.

                      Originally posted by Swagger View Post
                      This economy gets worse and worse, the increase of tax% in illinois is supposed to be increase. What a bunch of BS
                      Wait...why do you care about the "increase of tax% in Illinois is supposed to be increase?" Your profile states that your location is "Westcoast." Or are you just one insanely confused individual - Cloud Strife or Swagger? Is it you in the picture of the dead celebrity, or are you in the picture you posted before the one of the dead celebrity? Are you a 21-year-old college student from the Philippines, or ????

                      Anyway, Illinois is known as a "low tax state," which is a misnomer since loopholes in the income, sales, and property tax base actually shift most of the burden on the lower class taxpayers. But, you probably don't even know that.

                      Still, I'd like to know why raising the taxes is now all the sudden BS in your view, especially since when Obama was campaigning, he proposed raising taxes (on the upper class, though).

                      Originally posted by Swagger View Post
                      The government dug their own hole that caused the bad economy and they can't escape their problem so they involve us the citizens and raise tax. What a bunch of BS!
                      Are you mentally challenged? The government is for the people, by the people. How does the government of a nation (which involves "us the citizens") generate operational cash flow (needed to run the country)? By taxation. Yet here you are claiming they are a separate entity who dug "their own hole." Except the hole that was being dug was allowed by the citizens, who kept electing the government officials that allowed the hole to be dug. Since the 1980s, the U.S. government was increasing the national deficit through ridiculous measures, but if you look at it, the citizenry allowed it because they were complacent with the increasing quality of life, foreign wars, military upkeep, etc etc.

                      You are just another ungrateful chump who enjoys a high standard of living in the US, yet are dumb enough to bitch about everything that you don't fully comprehend. If you hadn't noticed, the current economic crisis is a global one. It just so happens that a domino effect occurred because worldwide stock markets follow the US as a benchmark.

                      A huge influx of cash to the US from other countries allowed easy credit conditions, which consumers (a.k.a. "the people," like you) ate up, incurring a huge debt load. The government did their part by allowing low interest rates. This enabled institutions and investors around the world to invest in the U.S. housing market, which became fragile/volatile. Borrowers/lenders started reporting significant losses, and then consumer spending took a hit, which in turn decreased the financial potency of banking institutions. These losses snowballed and then spread into other areas of the economy.

                      People want and want and want, and that is the cause of the previously mentioned huge debt load. Do you even grasp the basic idea of "credit?" Just where do you think that money comes from, anyway? You need to read up on "over-leveraging." And maybe go and learn what many different uses your taxpayer dollars go toward.

                      I am not saying the government isn't to blame. It shares the blame with the people. But it has done what it could, bailing out companies, banks, etc. The Fed kept cutting interest rates, etc.

                      Originally posted by Swagger View Post
                      Ugh! the government is getting too pathetic dragging us down with their problem cuz they can't fix the economy.
                      I am beginning to wonder if you really are a 21-year-old college student. If so, you'd better seek a refund on your tuition.
                      Last edited by Jill's Boob; 09-09-2009, 11:51 AM.


                      • I have no idea how the US economy works, but I know the UK economy (and Government) is ridiculous. One day you hear they are sending unfit vehicles to our troops in Afghanistan, and 200 of them have to share 6 makeshift loos, and they don't get any socks, toothpaste or showers. The next, 40 terrorists are being let out of prison (after the Lockerbie incident). The next, the Queen is having a go at the Government because our PM is so pathetic. Makes me sick how Brown has given us a bad name to the US. Then one girl who died because the medic was too scared to go in the pub to save her. Another woman who collapsed in the road was waiting for an ambulance for THREE HOURS. Labour are the vision of incompetence. Can't wait for the next general election so we can get the Tories in.

                        Ugh, driving lesson in 10 minutes!

                        (JB, try and cool it a bit with the personal remarks. Calling him "mentally challenged" isn't called for.)
                        Last edited by Alexia_Ashford; 09-09-2009, 12:20 PM.


                        • ^You're right. I was rather brusque, which is (somewhat) uncalled for. I just can't understand how people who don't grasp something still feel an overpowering need to complain about it. Repeatedly.

                          It's like if I - having never played a single "Devil May Cry" game - entered a discussion on the game series and constantly offered negative comments about it. It would make no sense.


                          • Originally posted by Alexia_Ashford View Post
                            Can't wait for the next general election so we can get the Tories in.
                            I remember what my life was like when the Torries were last in power. It was...interesting. And by interesting I mean we didn't always have the money to heat the house if we wanted to eat that week because they shafted us blind, not being rich. I am not looking forward to them getting in again. I'm still not that rich and my mother, who is disabled, lives on money from the government. I don't imagine there policies have improved...assuming, of course, they have policies now.

                            I say we let the Liberal Democrats in. It must be there turn to fuck up the country by now.

                            All told, Labour have done pretty damned well. If Blair hadn't bent over for Bush on so many things like Iraq we might be better off. Hell, I'm still better off than when the Torries were in power.


                            • Took my driving lesson, wasn't as bad this week, still a mind fuck though. Learnt junctions (turning left and right) today, still struggling with the clutch, but I have my steering sorted and it's a bit easier changing gear. It's just remembering everything like which gear you have to be in, checking your mirrors all the time, you constantly have to be doing something, ugh.


                              • Originally posted by Alexia_Ashford View Post
                                Took my driving lesson, wasn't as bad this week, still a mind fuck though. Learnt junctions (turning left and right) today, still struggling with the clutch, but I have my steering sorted and it's a bit easier changing gear. It's just remembering everything like which gear you have to be in, checking your mirrors all the time, you constantly have to be doing something, ugh.
                                Yea that's one of my biggest motivations to get famous and someone can drive me around all day
                                "One can only match, move by move, the machinations of fate... and thus defy the tyrannous stars."
                                Resident Evil/Castlevania/ Silent Hill/Onimusha/Tekken /Dark Souls

