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I'm Angry

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  • Already told her after she watched the ending, but the fact we got to wait next year for the air date is damn harsh.
    Last edited by Zombie Fred; 10-06-2009, 01:58 PM.


    • He told me about it and I smiled, then he told me it was 2010, and I rolled around squealing with a pouted face.


      • My computer died, again D:

        I'm posting from College, which isn't the best way to do it.


        • Just had a shitty day in general. I got Cs on two different which I busted my ass on. My new phone decides it likes to do things on its own like constantly spacing down and not allowing me to input anything, so that's great. Work was balls to the wall bitches tonight, an odd happening for Wednesdays. And my boyfriend's mom is sick. I haven't gotten to speak with him so I don't even know what's wrong.
          Are you tired, Rebecca?


          • Originally posted by Rosetta Mist View Post
            Just had a shitty day in general. I got Cs on two different which I busted my ass on. My new phone decides it likes to do things on its own like constantly spacing down and not allowing me to input anything, so that's great. Work was balls to the wall bitches tonight, an odd happening for Wednesdays. And my boyfriend's mom is sick. I haven't gotten to speak with him so I don't even know what's wrong.

            I'm really sorry to hear about that. I hope everything turns out better for you. I know how it is to get a bad grade in something you've spent day and night studying for. College is definitely not easy, I've learned that this semester. I don't even know what I want to be yet and I've been shoved into nursing school like its my only choice. It's definitely hard to do something, but its even harder to do something you absolutely don't want to do.


            • Slight rant: Canker Sores

              Ugh... BLAGH!!! I hate them!


              • So, we bought a new tower.

                Turns out its XP Professional. And won't install WLM.



                • Originally posted by TheMedic View Post
                  I'm really sorry to hear about that. I hope everything turns out better for you. I know how it is to get a bad grade in something you've spent day and night studying for. College is definitely not easy, I've learned that this semester. I don't even know what I want to be yet and I've been shoved into nursing school like its my only choice. It's definitely hard to do something, but its even harder to do something you absolutely don't want to do.
                  ^__^ Thanks. I haven't gotten a C on an English The only time I can remember getting a C on any sort of essay was for my Modern Social Problems class...and that was because I really just didn't care too much about the work since it was an elective and I was more focused on my required classes. When I looked at my transcript before I transferred to my current college...out of 22 classes I took, only two were ever C's. 13 were As and 7 were B's. And one of my classes that I got a C in was a computer class...and it was because my instructor lowered my grade because I missed 5 days. <.< Oh well...New school, new way of doing things I guess.

                  Hope you don't have any more problems. Med classes definitely seem to take their effect on people. Good luck and try not to let it get to you.
                  Are you tired, Rebecca?


                  • Originally posted by Rosetta Mist View Post
                    ^__^ Thanks. I haven't gotten a C on an English The only time I can remember getting a C on any sort of essay was for my Modern Social Problems class...and that was because I really just didn't care too much about the work since it was an elective and I was more focused on my required classes. When I looked at my transcript before I transferred to my current college...out of 22 classes I took, only two were ever C's. 13 were As and 7 were B's. And one of my classes that I got a C in was a computer class...and it was because my instructor lowered my grade because I missed 5 days. <.< Oh well...New school, new way of doing things I guess.

                    Hope you don't have any more problems. Med classes definitely seem to take their effect on people. Good luck and try not to let it get to you.

                    Thank you, I need all the luck I can get haha. I know what you mean about the whole attendance thing, I remember when I went to community college and took a few courses there. I ended up getting a C in english/literature (my favorite subject other than drama/art) just because I had missed a few days. I would of gotten an A otherwise. It really shouldn't matter how much you miss, it should matter how well you perform. The reason why I was absent wasn't because I was partying all the time either. I have panic disorder, and I tend to get sick a lot so I had a valid excuse each time. I even spoke to the dean of the school about it, but he just stared at me blankly and said "Everytime you miss 2 days your grade goes down a letter." It pissed me off to no end.

                    Hopefully you can boost your average up soon though. You seem like a really intelligent person so I'm sure the rest of your papers will be straight A's


                    • Is this the "I'm Angry" topic or the "Let's Inspiration" topic? amirite


                      • Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
                        Is this the "I'm Angry" topic or the "Let's Inspiration" topic? amirite
                        yes your doing it right.


                        • The homework is piling on...

                          Soon it will taking me up to 4-5 hours a night.

                          Boy, I can't wait...


                          • I love my Brit Lit teacher, but Jesus!

                            While we're reading Macbeth in class together, we have to read another comedy of our choice (I chose Twelfth Night) in ten days, on top of another book we have to read of our choice with Anglo-Saxon themes by Oct. 28th, and then we take a test on it. Once we're finished with the comedy, however, the other five people in the book group and I have to create a 20-minute play, be it one long scene, or a bunch of smaller scenes by Nov. 19th. So much work!! D:


                            • fucking people on youtube man. I mean seriously I fucking hate it when they bitch and complain about the quality of a video and they dont upload any videos themselves AND its still not my fault about the quality blame fucking youtube.


                              • Originally posted by nemesiswontdie View Post
                                yes your doing it right.
                                Moar leik doin it wrong.

