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I'm Angry

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  • This girl I've known since we were about 7 or 8, her father just passed away from a long bout with bladder cancer. I'm angry/upset/sad because we haven't been friendly for a really long time, but I was really jarred by the news of his passing...he was a really nice guy, very young, way too young to go. And now I don't know what to say to her.
    Last edited by Vector; 02-08-2009, 06:12 PM.


    • Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
      This girl I've known since we were about 7 or 8, her father just passed away from a long bout with bladder cancer. I'm angry/upset/sad because we haven't been friendly for a really long time, but I was really jarred by the news of his passing...he was a really nice guy, very young, way too young to go. And now I don't know what to say to her.
      Very sorry to hear that. Best advice is just to be there for her. Sometimes you don't need any words to help bring comfort to someone.
      Are you tired, Rebecca?


      • Originally posted by Rosetta Mist View Post
        I hate those types too...only they come to my work, bounce basket balls at the building and into traffic, and get smart when I ask them to be careful. I would say I wished the main asshole of the group that was being a dick at work today got hit by a truck...but I wouldn't want the drive to feel guilty.
        there's always an alpha male, or some leader in those groups, i hate guys like that, there so full of themselve and stuck up, and they think they own everything and can get away with being total assholes.

        i would love to see soemone come up and just kick all there asses, thye need a good lesson tought to them.

        kids have no respect for anything these days.

        Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
        This girl I've known since we were about 7 or 8, her father just passed away from a long bout with bladder cancer. I'm angry/upset/sad because we haven't been friendly for a really long time, but I was really jarred by the news of his passing...he was a really nice guy, very young, way too young to go. And now I don't know what to say to her.
        that's a tough spot your in, you could always just try and comfort her, or talk to her about it.


        • Originally posted by missvalentine View Post
          i hate stupid idiot teenagers, fucking punks and wannabe gangsters thought it would be oh so funny to start throwing rocks at the school bus.

          now the bus driver refused to come to my bus stop, so i was left waiting there for hours and ended up walking all the way home, i missed school today i missed my favorite class.

          sorry to hear that

          but like i said in another thread in the off topic section

          "the 2000's are flat out shitty times"
          and thats because there's a bunch of shitty people out there who make it that way

          but chrisredfield29

          sorry to hear that, theres nothing on this earth i hate more than cancer
          ive no so many people who has or had it and ive known dozens who have
          passed away from it, my dad has it in his neck, he has had it for 3 or 4 years
          he had it when my family was still together (me, my brother, my dad and my mom)
          when he was diagnosed with it, my mom stopped giving a shit about all of us. my mom
          started cheating on my dad with 2 guys, while my dad was going through keymo
          therapy, and she moved out saying she needs some space so she rented a apartment
          then after 3 months she said she wanted to stay together with my dad, she said she
          wanted the house painted and we repainted the whole house and changed all the carpets
          which cost us $2000, then she said she wanted a divorce,

          to this day i still hate my mom which i get pissed off every time i hear someone
          talk about her
          which i heard my dad mention her about 5 minutes ago...


          • Originally posted by nemesiswontdie View Post
            sorry to hear that

            but like i said in another thread in the off topic section

            "the 2000's are flat out shitty times"
            and thats because there's a bunch of shitty people out there who make it that way

            but chrisredfield29

            sorry to hear that, theres nothing on this earth i hate more than cancer
            ive no so many people who has or had it and ive known dozens who have
            passed away from it, my dad has it in his neck, he has had it for 3 or 4 years
            he had it when my family was still together (me, my brother, my dad and my mom)
            when he was diagnosed with it, my mom stopped giving a shit about all of us. my mom
            started cheating on my dad with 2 guys, while my dad was going through keymo
            therapy, and she moved out saying she needs some space so she rented a apartment
            then after 3 months she said she wanted to stay together with my dad, she said she
            wanted the house painted and we repainted the whole house and changed all the carpets
            which cost us $2000, then she said she wanted a divorce,

            to this day i still hate my mom which i get pissed off every time i hear someone
            talk about her
            which i heard my dad mention her about 5 minutes ago...
            your mom is a total whore, and a bitch, im glad my mom is nothing like that.

            i cannot believe some people these days, leaving your dad while he had cancer, that's just heartless. people like that don't deserve to live.

            people these days just don't care about anyone else, and i hate that.

            kinda like the lady who lives next door to me, she and her stupid boyfriend are both on drugs, and fight all the time, and yell and scream at each other all day long, and throw things at each other, there fighting right now. anyways, my mom walked out on her veranda to see what was going on, and the stupid whore told my mom to fuck of or she will kick her head in, then called her a slut! my mother never did or said a thing to her, why does she deserve to get yelled at by some gutter trash bitch, she screams her head of every day and disturbs th peace all the bloody time.

            oh YAY, police are here to take her away.
            Last edited by missvalentine; 02-09-2009, 01:40 AM.


            • Edit: Never mind. I'm just asking for trouble.
              Last edited by Helegad; 02-09-2009, 05:36 AM.


              • Originally posted by missvalentine View Post
                your mom is a total whore, and a bitch, im glad my mom is nothing like that.

                i cannot believe some people these days, leaving your dad while he had cancer, that's just heartless. people like that don't deserve to live.

                people these days just don't care about anyone else, and i hate that.

                kinda like the lady who lives next door to me, she and her stupid boyfriend are both on drugs, and fight all the time, and yell and scream at each other all day long, and throw things at each other, there fighting right now. anyways, my mom walked out on her veranda to see what was going on, and the stupid whore told my mom to fuck of or she will kick her head in, then called her a slut! my mother never did or said a thing to her, why does she deserve to get yelled at by some gutter trash bitch, she screams her head of every day and disturbs th peace all the bloody time.

                oh YAY, police are here to take her away.
                If someone had said that to my mum, I would have gone over there and kicked her head into a bloody pulp, kinda like that dude in Fight Club. Fuck that.


                • Had a bust up with my best mate about 7 years ago he left me in the middle of Cardiff which is bout 10 miles away from where I live and it was about 3 a.m. lol. We still dont speak he lives opposite me dont even aknowledge each other when we pass in street. Dont even know why he had a go, his dad was sick with cancer at the time guess he took it out on me. If your mate dont like you for who you are then you shouldnt be mates. Go kick his head in!
                  Last edited by P Anderson DIE; 02-09-2009, 08:28 AM.


                  • Ok, well, I'm extremely depressed. Yesterday, my girlfriend who I was in love with broke up with me due to her not having enough "time" for a boyfriend since her life is always apparently busy. I told her that I was fine with not seeing her all that much, I still wanted to be with her, but she said that just couldn't happen. I feel like my heart has been ripped out. I told her I loved her too and now I just don't know what to do anymore. She said she still wants to be best friends but I don't even know anymore, I mean yeah sure that's great. But I can't ever really be close to her again. I won't be able to hold her, kiss her, or anything anymore. It's really been breaking me down lately. I hardly got any sleep last night from my thoughts racing a mile a minute. I just don't get it. She said she still really really likes me a lot and thinks I'm amazing but she just doesn't have the time to commit and doesn't have a lot of free time. I told her I didn't care about that and I still wanted to be with her. But she just didn't understand. I don't know what to do anymore. I don't know how to get that through to her. I just feel like total shit.


                    • Originally posted by Spera01 View Post
                      Ok, well, I'm extremely depressed. Yesterday, my girlfriend who I was in love with broke up with me due to her not having enough "time" for a boyfriend since her life is always apparently busy. I told her that I was fine with not seeing her all that much, I still wanted to be with her, but she said that just couldn't happen. I feel like my heart has been ripped out. I told her I loved her too and now I just don't know what to do anymore. She said she still wants to be best friends but I don't even know anymore, I mean yeah sure that's great. But I can't ever really be close to her again. I won't be able to hold her, kiss her, or anything anymore. It's really been breaking me down lately. I hardly got any sleep last night from my thoughts racing a mile a minute. I just don't get it. She said she still really really likes me a lot and thinks I'm amazing but she just doesn't have the time to commit and doesn't have a lot of free time. I told her I didn't care about that and I still wanted to be with her. But she just didn't understand. I don't know what to do anymore. I don't know how to get that through to her. I just feel like total shit.
                      All women are malignant twats, didn't you know? Breaking up sucks, but sooner or later you'll be better off.


                      • Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
                        All women are malignant twats, didn't you know? Breaking up sucks, but sooner or later you'll be better off.
                        agreed, i think every guy has been through this situation, ive been through it and it blows a hard 1 but 2 b 100% honest with u the best thing i ever did after she dumped me was i avoided her, i completely stayed away from here and then n a few months i was a brand new and better me


                        • Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
                          All women are malignant twats, didn't you know? Breaking up sucks, but sooner or later you'll be better off.
                          No we're not, and I find that offensive. I've never treated anyone like that, nor would I. I'm a loyal and honest person and saying "all women" are like that is a generalization. "All women are twats" is extreme.
                          Last edited by Alexia_Ashford; 02-09-2009, 04:00 PM.


                          • Lol Redfield in my experience girls are alot more unfaithful than guys, I was head over heels for this girl before and turned down 2 girls I always wanted to get with, because I was stupid enough to be faithful turned out she was cheating on me anyway lol. Then again I know alot of girls who are very faithful so you just gotta pick the right one.


                            • Then again I know alot of girls who are very faithful so you just gotta pick the right one.

                              That's the key. I've never understood why people, or how people rather, could cheat. There's no purpose. The guilt and dishonesty would always be there, and there's nothing to gain from it. If you're in the right relationship, all your needs should be fulfilled with your other half.


                              • Originally posted by P Anderson DIE View Post
                                Lol Redfield in my experience girls are alot more unfaithful than guys, I was head over heels for this girl before and turned down 2 girls I always wanted to get with, because I was stupid enough to be faithful turned out she was cheating on me anyway lol. Then again I know alot of girls who are very faithful so you just gotta pick the right one.
                                i give u props *pounds chest and gives the peace sign* i give props 2 ANY guy who says they loved / head over heels a girl cuz im pretty sure that those 3 words r the hardest words 4 a guy 2 EVER say

