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I'm Angry

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  • i hope you'll be ok.


    • Originally posted by The Dude View Post
      Felt really down/bummed/depressed because of a recent betrayal this week and drank for the first time in 18 months almost, feel completely hung over today and regretting it.
      That's no fun man, hope things get better for you
      I got really stressed out this week and started smoking again after quitting 4 months ago.
      "One can only match, move by move, the machinations of fate... and thus defy the tyrannous stars."
      Resident Evil/Castlevania/ Silent Hill/Onimusha/Tekken /Dark Souls


      • damn she makes that much noise you can hear her in your house?
        are they serperate houses or duplex' or what?


        • Basically i have a mate who i've known for 6 years who i care about alot she doesn't know that or maybe she just doesn't care but the thing is yesterday well actually these past couple of days she's just been a total bitch with me and ignoring me when i've told her i've been busy and i have been, so with all that said i'm ignored and now last night she just bitched at me for no apparent reason only because i said be careful because she's going too london supposed too be getting drunk etc so she has really pissed me off, 6 years and this is what i get for caring.


          • Originally posted by DXP View Post
            Basically i have a mate who i've known for 6 years who i care about alot she doesn't know that or maybe she just doesn't care but the thing is yesterday well actually these past couple of days she's just been a total bitch with me and ignoring me when i've told her i've been busy and i have been, so with all that said i'm ignored and now last night she just bitched at me for no apparent reason only because i said be careful because she's going too london supposed too be getting drunk etc so she has really pissed me off, 6 years and this is what i get for caring.
            Women's mind. The biggest mystery of the world.

            Anyway I'm pissed because I crashed my car yesterday... And I really don't have any money to fix it. The car can move and all but I hate how it looks.

            "I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key


            • Originally posted by zomBD View Post
              Anyway I'm pissed because I crashed my car yesterday... And I really don't have any money to fix it. The car can move and all but I hate how it looks.
              That sucks so much, i know how you feel with not having the money to do what you need. Also this reminds me of a few days ago when some idiot teenagers decided it would be funny to drench someones car in gas and set it alight. Fucking morons, i don't know who's car it was but i really felt for them.


              • argh the Lakers frustrate me all the time, i mean cmon! no Yao no T-Mac and you get murdered? seriously I knew they would come out sloppy cus of the whole non Yao thing, but ugh that game was an embarrasement


                • I'm sodding angry at myself for being me. Unfortunately the girls I like, feel comfortable around and enjoy their company always turn out to be gay. I feel kind of f***** over. Not the worst problem in the world since I have my health, four limbs and am not currently being hunted down by bayliffs for cash (I would include sanity in that list but it left a while ago, shhhh!) but its starting to really piss me off. What does that say about me that the girls I seem most compatable with are gay?



                  • I've just recently become clean from all alcohol/weed and now all of my friends are starting to ignore me because of that. Just now I was on MSN with one of my friends and I told her "Hey I have great news I don't drink or do drugs anymore!" and she was all like "Great, now you're not gonna be any fun to hangout with... Im gunna go bye."

                    In other words it seems like now that I'm doing everything right everything is starting to go all wrong lol I guess I need to meet better friends who will actually be HAPPY for me and not pissy.


                    • Yea you don't need drugs and alcohol to have a good time so your better off without those kind of people. I'm mad best the alternator went on my car and I just replaced it not even a year ago.


                      • Originally posted by TheMedic View Post
                        I've just recently become clean from all alcohol/weed and now all of my friends are starting to ignore me because of that. Just now I was on MSN with one of my friends and I told her "Hey I have great news I don't drink or do drugs anymore!" and she was all like "Great, now you're not gonna be any fun to hangout with... Im gunna go bye."

                        In other words it seems like now that I'm doing everything right everything is starting to go all wrong lol I guess I need to meet better friends who will actually be HAPPY for me and not pissy.
                        Taylor you don't need those kinds of friends. There not true friends, a true friend would stick with you through thick and thin. i know it sucks when people are like that but that's life, you should choose your friends carefully and make sure you don't hang with the wrong people.

                        I think it's great that you have a strong enough will power to be able to say no to drugs and alcohol from now on. You go girl!
                        Last edited by missvalentine; 05-12-2009, 01:13 AM.


                        • Originally posted by TheMedic View Post
                          I've just recently become clean from all alcohol/weed and now all of my friends are starting to ignore me because of that. Just now I was on MSN with one of my friends and I told her "Hey I have great news I don't drink or do drugs anymore!" and she was all like "Great, now you're not gonna be any fun to hangout with... Im gunna go bye."

                          In other words it seems like now that I'm doing everything right everything is starting to go all wrong lol I guess I need to meet better friends who will actually be HAPPY for me and not pissy.
                          I agree with missvalentine Medic the fact you have got the will power too get over that kind of stuff is amazing so congrats on that


                          • Originally posted by TheMedic View Post
                            I've just recently become clean from all alcohol/weed and now all of my friends are starting to ignore me because of that. Just now I was on MSN with one of my friends and I told her "Hey I have great news I don't drink or do drugs anymore!" and she was all like "Great, now you're not gonna be any fun to hangout with... Im gunna go bye."

                            In other words it seems like now that I'm doing everything right everything is starting to go all wrong lol I guess I need to meet better friends who will actually be HAPPY for me and not pissy.
                            i'm happy for you Taylor, it's hard doing what you did, or at least I heard it was hard, if they can't appreciate it then they're not really your friends


                            • If people only like you when you're drunk, stoned or both then they don't really like who you are, just the things you do.

                              And are therefore dumbasses.


                              • Or maybe she really is a boring person? *rimshot*

