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I'm Angry

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  • RE4 did a lot stuff right from general gaming perspective, even though it was not the revolutionizing gaming miracle it is said to be. Most of my non-RE-knowing/playing gaming peers know RE4 and have heard of the earlier RE-s.

    RE is not marketed for the masses, and its not a niche product anymore. Its not a survival horror game, that era is over.

    And of course it was marketed to hell. But thats what you do when your game relies on an established brandname. CAPCOM has been playing the Ubi/EA game for 5 years now.

    And while Im pissed at my favourite franchise becoming into cockfest, Im even more pissed at where the gaming industry as a whole is going. Things are at a dangerous point.


    • Originally posted by Alexia_Ashford View Post
      Capcom don't treat their fans bad. They take their games in the direction they want them and it didn't pay off, but RE4, despite what a lot of veteran RE fans think, was an extremely good game, extremely commercially successful and is looked upon as a fantastic game by a LOT of gamers. I don't like it as a Resi game but as a game itself, a shooter, I love it. Being angry at Capcom isn't really fair. They do what they can, it just didn't really pay off with RE5. They make some fantastic games. They've done a lot, even for this site; . You'll see THIA and Project Umbrella there. We have a good working relationship with Capcom and they don't do things just to piss us off. I don't particularly like RE5 a great deal, I like it, but I actually prefer RE4. Capcom have made some fantastic games and this site wouldn't be here and we wouldn't have Resident Evil without them.

      Also, finding out about games before you buy them; reviews, and neoGAF. And all games don't rely on word of mouth; they rely on advertising and word of mouth. If a game is good and has barely any advertising, it won't sell. Take Eternal Darkness. I've always told everyone about that game and almost everyone who's played it has said it's been great. Yet it had no advertising. I don't remember seeing one advert for it. Guess what? It didn't sell. Ka-pow.
      I agree about RE4. It's a fine game, not a good RE4 game but a fine game on it's own. I don't have much beef with it. By beef is with RE5 and Takeuchi.

      I'm sure there are good people at capcom, who do care about the series, as evidenced by the Beta's. But it's the top guys that don't really give a shit and want all the money.

      And reviews are flawed. Everyone knows this. And not everyone trusts reviews or even reads them anyways. I don't read them. Because sometimes they contain spoilers for one thing. Also the review could have completely different taste than you do and rate a game that you love, terribly. Most people know that, and people don't trust reviews. People go on what they think and feel by what the trailer said. People will check things out for themselves anyways.

      Also if a game is up for pre-order, then a review is impossible to read anyway. That whole RE5 pre order thing was to get people to buy it even before release in case some people do go buy the reviews.

      Also reviews in magazines can't be trusted, because reviews can be faked, people can pay of sites and magazines to write a good review for a bad game to increase sales. Many people know this.

      Reviews can't be trusted it's common knowledge.

      The only way to find out if a game is good or not, is to buy it and play it yourself.

      So yeah, RE5's sales are irrelevant. Completely irrelevant. It is a horrible game and ruined the series.


      • Originally posted by missvalentine View Post
        So yeah, RE5's sales are irrelevant. Completely irrelevant. It is a horrible game and ruined the series.
        RE was "ruined" with RE4. RE5 and any argument about the state of the series post RE4 is irrelevant and pointless.

        Reviews arent pointless. You need to be able to collect the relevant information from them. They are pointless only if you disagree with them, but thats not what a review is for. A combination of gameplay videos, reviews and community feedback is the best method tp check whether the game is a good purchase or not.


        • Originally posted by missvalentine View Post
          I agree about RE4. It's a fine game, not a good RE4 game but a fine game on it's own. I don't have much beef with it. By beef is with RE5 and Takeuchi.

          I'm sure there are good people at capcom, who do care about the series, as evidenced by the Beta's. But it's the top guys that don't really give a shit and want all the money.

          And reviews are flawed. Everyone knows this. And not everyone trusts reviews or even reads them anyways. I don't read them. Because sometimes they contain spoilers for one thing. Also the review could have completely different taste than you do and rate a game that you love, terribly. Most people know that, and people don't trust reviews. People go on what they think and feel by what the trailer said. People will check things out for themselves anyways.

          Also if a game is up for pre-order, then a review is impossible to read anyway. That whole RE5 pre order thing was to get people to buy it even before release in case some people do go buy the reviews.

          Also reviews in magazines can't be trusted, because reviews can be faked, people can pay of sites and magazines to write a good review for a bad game to increase sales. Many people know this.

          Reviews can't be trusted it's common knowledge.

          The only way to find out if a game is good or not, is to buy it and play it yourself.

          So yeah, RE5's sales are irrelevant. Completely irrelevant. It is a horrible game and ruined the series.
          Bearing in mind that's all your opinion.

          Reviews, as a whole, give you a general idea of what a game is going to be like. Not just one, but if you read several reviews beforehand it'll give you a good sort of idea. And again; neoGAF. Gaming forums is a great way to find opinions on a game, unbiased, unpaid. It's up to the individual concerned to find out about a game before they buy it.

          You make out sales as an indicator for a game's success is completely irrelevant. That's ludicrous. As a general rule, if a game's good, it sells. It gets good reviews, people say good things about it, more people buy it. If it's not, it doesn't sell. That's not always the case, but most of the time, it is.

          And again, a lot of people don't think RE5 ruined the series and even folk here really enjoyed the game. So to turn round and say "RE5 ruined the series, it's shit, sales figures don't matter", matter-of-factly, is a bit unfair. I didn't particularly like the game. I'm not sitting here trying to disprove the opinions of folk who did. It was an alright game, and I can see how it'd appeal to other people's tastes. Just not mine.
          Last edited by Alexia_Ashford; 08-01-2009, 05:27 AM.


          • Originally posted by Member_of_STARS View Post
            RE was "ruined" with RE4. RE5 and any argument about the state of the series post RE4 is irrelevant and pointless.

            Reviews arent pointless. You need to be able to collect the relevant information from them. They are pointless only if you disagree with them, but thats not what a review is for. A combination of gameplay videos, reviews and community feedback is the best method tp check whether the game is a good purchase or not.
            I agree with that. But can you honestly say that all 5 million people who bought RE5 did that? Not that many people take that much consideration when buying a game. They see a cool trailer, think Oh cool and go buy it. I mean this is why movie games get sales. If everyone was as smart as that the casual gamer market would be dead and the hardcore market thriving with sales.

            Also Yes RE4 ruined the series. It ruined any future RE games. That is why I dislike it. But RE5 went back and ruined the previous games. it retconed a bunch of things, ruined characters from the past games and ultimately stuffed up the games canon.


            • I agree about RE4. It's a fine game, not a good RE4 game but a fine game on it's own.
              RE4 ruined the series. It ruined any future RE games. That is why I dislike it.

              No, not everyone who bought it did that, but each of those 5 million people bought that game for one reason or another. You'll never be able to know why they bought it, as no one can. Point is, it sold well, and some like it, some don't. I really don't know where you're going with this argument, you're trying to say RE5 is a bad game because it sold well.


              • Originally posted by missvalentine View Post
                I agree with that. But can you honestly say that all 5 million people who bought RE5 did that? Not that many people take that much consideration when buying a game.
                They see the videos, and if they see what they like, they´ll get it. Most of those people got the game because they loved what RE4 offered them and for them, it was as surebet purchase as Modern Warfare 2 will be for MW1 players.

                They see a cool trailer, think Oh cool and go buy it. I mean this is why movie games get sales. If everyone was as smart as that the casual gamer market would be dead and the hardcore market thriving with sales.
                You mean the kind of hardcore market like THIA? The term "hardcore" is a dying breed and no way in *hell* is it ever going to secure sales for a game released in the modern videogame industry, when the games arent created with love and a couple of dozen or hundred grand anymore. GTA4 took 100 million to develop and market, Ive heard RE5-s figures were in the 50-s. Take that into perspective, then look at the state of RE-s community in 2009. I was around in 2002~2003 and even thought it was almost its peak time, the "Hardcore" community would not have been able to make the cost even. Which is why you see traditional RE-s ditched completely.

                Im leaving my opinion of CAPCOMs utter f*cking incompetence out of this, just to make my point.

                Also Yes RE4 ruined the series. It ruined any future RE games.
                No. It ruined the series pre-RE4, but secured CAPCOM a reliable income for years to come. Its "you win some, you lose some" situation.

                That is why I dislike it. But RE5 went back and ruined the previous games. it retconed a bunch of things, ruined characters from the past games and ultimately stuffed up the games canon.
                If you hoped RE5 to be the messiah for RE, then you deserve what you got. I think it was fairly obvious that one had to at least prepare themselves for some pretty bad moments.


                • RE5 is very very good game, RE 5 sold 5 million copies and becoming the best selling title in the series. if the game was bad than people will don't buy it!!!!!! that's mather of fact


                  • Originally posted by Alexia_Ashford View Post

                    No, not everyone who bought it did that, but each of those 5 million people bought that game for one reason or another. You'll never be able to know why they bought it, as no one can. Point is, it sold well, and some like it, some don't. I really don't know where you're going with this argument, you're trying to say RE5 is a bad game because it sold well.
                    RE4, is fine game, but I don't like it because it ruined the series future. But again, on it's own, it's a good game. I hate it because it didn't have zombies or camera angles though.

                    I'm not saying RE5 is bad cause it sold well. I'm trying to say the fact it sold well doesn't make it good. Which is what Aris was trying to say.

                    I was just venting my rages about capcom and there RE5 scam.

                    Also a lot of those 5 million people returned there copy's. What does that say about the game?

                    But just imagine if capcom released a classic styled RE game now. And advertised it just as much as they had advertised RE5. And they gave it super awesome trailers with heaps of cool things and everyone got really hyped for it. I think it would sell about the same as RE5. Any game would sell that good with the advertising RE5 got. I am pissed that capcom would rather focus on advertising the game, than making the game itself. If they had not wasted money on stupid add campaigns maybe we would have gotten things different. Like they were in the RE5 beta.


                    • no classic RE games would not be sell good that good as RE5 now


                      • for me zombies didnt make RE good it helped but didnt make it. It was what made the zombies and the plot behind it that made it good but thats just me.
                        Last edited by nemesiswontdie; 08-01-2009, 05:50 AM.


                        • Originally posted by Member_of_STARS View Post
                          They see the videos, and if they see what they like, they´ll get it. Most of those people got the game because they loved what RE4 offered them and for them, it was as surebet purchase as Modern Warfare 2 will be for MW1 players.
                          But the thing is, you can't judge a game by videos. Of caorse people will the the videos and see the shiny new graphics and want to buy it. You can only judge a game once you have already bought it, and played it to completion. Buying a game is a gamble. You will either get something good or get something bad.

                          I have played game that got great reviews and thought they were shit. And Ive played games that got horrible reviews and thought they were great.

                          It's just hype. People buy things out of hype sometimes. My best friend falls for hype all the time. He got most of his games out of hype. And he says most of them sucked.

                          You mean the kind of hardcore market like THIA? The term "hardcore" is a dying breed and no way in *hell* is it ever going to secure sales for a game released in the modern videogame industry, when the games arent created with love and a couple of dozen or hundred grand anymore. GTA4 took 100 million to develop and market, Ive heard RE5-s figures were in the 50-s. Take that into perspective, then look at the state of RE-s community in 2009. I was around in 2002~2003 and even thought it was almost its peak time, the "Hardcore" community would not have been able to make the cost even. Which is why you see traditional RE-s ditched completely.
                          Missed my point. Not what I meant.

                          If you hoped RE5 to be the messiah for RE, then you deserve what you got. I think it was fairly obvious that one had to at least prepare themselves for some pretty bad moments.
                          I never thought RE5 was going to be a messiah. I only got it cause I wanted to see if Jill died or not. And to see if the zombie and licker rumor was true. I never expected much from it. And was still disappointed with it. I knew it was going to suck, but not as much as it did.

                          Originally posted by Dark_Chris View Post
                          RE5 is very very good game, RE 5 sold 5 million copies and becoming the best selling title in the series. if the game was bad than people will don't buy it!!!!!! that's mather of fact
                          Assassin's Creed.

                          I didn't know you could play a game, completely finish it and form an opinion of it Before you purchase it. I thought that came After you buy the game.

                          Originally posted by Dark_Chris View Post
                          no classic RE games would not be sell good that good as RE5 now

                          And you know this how? Oh right cause you have a time machine and can see into the future.

                          Do you know Anything about marketing at all?

                          If it has good advertising, people will buy anything. A classic RE has every chance of selling just as well as RE5 if it gets the same amount of advertising and hype.
                          Last edited by missvalentine; 08-01-2009, 05:59 AM.


                          • I'm angry because someone reported me for just asking one simple question and it was not even a rude message just an simple yes or no answer. Some people are just drama queens.


                            • no classic RE games are not good for random player, of course we hardcore RE fans will buy it but no the others. that's for sure

                              I didn't know you could play a game, completely finish it and form an opinion of it Before you purchase it. I thought that came After you buy the game.

                              well one magic word: REVIEW


                              • Originally posted by missvalentine View Post
                                If it has good advertising, people will buy anything.

                                And I don't understand why miss valentine brought this argument in the "I'm angry" thread.
                                Last edited by aris13; 08-01-2009, 06:52 AM.

