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I'm Angry

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  • I don't know. He's a reasonable guy and isn't much older than I. So hopefully he won't be a complete arse about it. I'm clutching tightly to my lottery ticket. Bound for some good luck soon. So many problems. I've been working for my Uni, sitting around till closing time at night, then turning the air con and PCs off in their going green campaign but they still haven't paid me yet, took them 3 months to process my forms so i should get paid at the end of february.


    • Ouch, Enrico.


      I just burned my hand with a hot frying pan, which, while being distracted, I took out of the stove with my bare hands. It hurts so fucking bad. Does anyone have any quick tips against the pain? And no, I dont have any morphine.

      [EDIT] The skin on my palm looks shiny, as if it was polished, or the skin has melted a little. That sucks, but looks pretty awesome.
      Last edited by Member_of_STARS; 02-06-2010, 08:27 AM.


      • ^ If it's not too late, wrap it in a towel with lukewarm-to-warm water...? I'm not sure if that helps or not.

        And... shiny? Sounds awesome... but is that good?


        • Originally posted by Member_of_STARS View Post
          Ouch, Enrico.


          I just burned my hand with a hot frying pan, which, while being distracted, I took out of the stove with my bare hands. It hurts so fucking bad. Does anyone have any quick tips against the pain? And no, I dont have any morphine.

          [EDIT] The skin on my palm looks shiny, as if it was polished, or the skin has melted a little. That sucks, but looks pretty awesome.
          That's... really bad. Shiny skin = really burnt skin. And you're right, that's when the skin is burnt off, right down to the lower layers. Basically, your hands are now raw and will be really sensitive until the skin develops again. You should run them under cold water for a while. It'll suck 'cause your hands may go numb, but definitely better than the burn. Afterward, whatever you use to dry them, do not rub dry. Pat them dry. Then you want to wrap your hands in something like... Well, if you have gauze in a first aid kid somewhere, that would be preferable, but I guess maybe something like dish towels would suffice if wrapped around tightly. That's serious stuff...

          Glad I paid attention in health class my freshman year.
          Last edited by Canas Renvall; 02-06-2010, 09:13 AM.


          • Originally posted by Canas Renvall View Post
            That's... really bad. Shiny skin = really burnt skin. And you're right, that's when the skin is burnt off, right down to the lower layers. Basically, your hands are now raw and will be really sensitive until the skin develops again. You should run them under cold water for a while. It'll suck 'cause your hands may go numb, but definitely better than the burn. Afterward, whatever you use to dry them, do not rub dry. Pat them dry. Then you want to wrap your hands in something like... Well, if you have gauze in a first aid kid somewhere, that would be preferable, but I guess maybe something like dish towels would suffice if wrapped around tightly. That's serious stuff...

            Glad I paid attention in health class my freshman year.
            I dont have any blisters, and the skin hasnt come off, which is surprising. Its just that at some places on the fingers and the palm, the skin itsself is mirror-smooth and shining, and theres red under that part of the skin (looks and feels swollen, but its not swollen). The burning pain is also not on the skin, but under it. Also, the smooth part started wrinkling up, but like I said, theres no blistering, and no visible damage. Its really weird, but doesnt seem as bad as youve described. Hurts like a mothercracker, though. It gets hot and painful, in cycles. Ive burned myself before, but this is something different.

            [EDIT] I did try the tower+lukewarm water and it helped a little against the pain.
            Last edited by Member_of_STARS; 02-06-2010, 10:40 AM.


            • Originally posted by aris13 View Post
              + Uncharted 1 on Crushing mode.
              Oh...yeah.. I remember that time now. o_e'


              • That bitch Mizuki pretty much made me have sex with her after I tried running away, and now she's probably knocked up. God knows what's going to happen as the story further develops.

                Oh yeah, and I'm talking about the game Yumi Miru Kusuri. It's got me raging a bit.


                • I'm sick as shit. Damn San Diego rain (or is it damn my horrible immune system?). lol

                  Edit: And my internet temporarily shut down, losing all my files for HW. FUCK.

                  Edit: And my homework has piled against me; I'm estimating I'll finish at around 2-3 in the morning. This is so unfair for Middle School.

                  Edit: Coughed up blood HOLY FUCKING FUCK I hope it isn't blood...
                  I HOPE THIS ISN'T CHRIS' BLOOD!

                  Every single fucking thing is frustrating me. I have about 2-5 hours of homework left, and I'm pissy at everything and everything. GAH MOTHERFUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKK-
                  Last edited by Ray; 02-09-2010, 12:44 AM.


                  • I'm angry and pissed off again because of my ex-housemates. One of them came back yesterday, and they all know me and the other housemate (we are on the same course) are pretty much in 9~5 monday, tuesday and wednesday (I'm in 9 to 9 on mon and tues cos of having a job) and the one that came down had the cheek to complain that the house was a mess. Obviously it would be, especially since I do the cleaning fridays or saturdays. But it wasn't that much of a mess, the kitchen benches needed to be wiped down but it wasn't like there was muck or grime anywhere and the other housemate had left a few used plates near the sink to wash later.

                    Even when we don't tidy up, every other guest we have has said how clean our house is compared to most student houses.

                    I'm just getting rather pissed off because the ones that left (and their parents) only care about their needs. Complaining about this that and the other, and complaining if we switch rooms/upgrade. Our contracts did not stipulate which room was who's and the reason they are bitching is because they had the better rooms available. The stupid thing is if I had the better room and left, their parents would tell them to take the sodding room. I'm just getting fed up of this selfish double standard.

                    They also seem to forget that we are still in Uni doing Uni work so its not like we get ample amounts of time to fart around making everything sparkle and shine. A clean house is a sign of a wasted life.

                    So far we have only had 3~4 people interested in looking at the rooms available and only one who has come to see our house. We aren't just going to select the first person who wants the room unless we feel we can get on with that person. Especially since there is the best part of 5 months left on the contract. urgh. And its even more obvious that one of the ex-housemates is selfish because she wanted the one person who actually viewed the house to take it instantly (she couldn't as her contract didn't end for a couple of months and might move in with friends) before we could get to know this person a little better. I know that most people will be ok but I feel I need to know the person a little bit beforehand.


                    • My mother enrolled me in Sunday School. I can't help but cringe. Cringe so, so badly. No offense to anybody regarding Sunday School, but she should have known I lost about half my faith about umpth-years ago.


                      • My grandma died tonight. I am in a sort of shock right now. I haven't cried yet, but I probably will at the funeral. She was 69 years old and died of panaceas cancer.


                        • My sympathies to you and yours, Karui.


                          • Yeah, condolences from this end also.


                            • Originally posted by Ray View Post
                              My mother enrolled me in Sunday School. I can't help but cringe. Cringe so, so badly. No offense to anybody regarding Sunday School, but she should have known I lost about half my faith about umpth-years ago.
                              When I was much, much younger (grade school younger), I used to go to Sunday school. Admittedly, while it never cemented any faith into me, I'm still grateful for the experience. I'd suggest, despite your understandable frustrations, to think of it that way: as an experience. You might not want to learn what they're teaching, but I think everyone can grow from enduring unwanted situations. Besides, as painful and boring as Sunday school might be, at least you can implement it into something, such as learning more about religious symbolism. Could be fun. :] Personally, while I'm not religious at all, the stories that stem from religion are very, very interesting to analyze.

                              Originally posted by Karui View Post
                              My grandma died tonight. I am in a sort of shock right now. I haven't cried yet, but I probably will at the funeral. She was 69 years old and died of panaceas cancer.
                              I'm sorry to hear that. You have my sincere condolences.


                              • Originally posted by Karui View Post
                                My grandma died tonight. I am in a sort of shock right now. I haven't cried yet, but I probably will at the funeral. She was 69 years old and died of panaceas cancer.
                                I can sympasize with you on that one. I lost my mother to a cancer-related brain tumor in late-December, 2008. She was 54 years old.

