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I'm Angry

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  • Originally posted by Karui View Post
    My grandma died tonight. I am in a sort of shock right now. I haven't cried yet, but I probably will at the funeral. She was 69 years old and died of panaceas cancer.
    Im sorry for your loss.

    EDIT: Just read Yakuza 3 UK and US versions will have parts cut out such as the Hostess and club sections *The excuse being so they could push through the localisation and get the game out on time*

    Seriously beginning to wonder if Sega actually wants to make money of their games, or if their US and European divisions are run by Shaved Primates.
    Last edited by The Dude; 02-24-2010, 07:14 AM.


    • Originally posted by Karui View Post
      My grandma died tonight. I am in a sort of shock right now. I haven't cried yet, but I probably will at the funeral. She was 69 years old and died of panaceas cancer.
      Ouch, that sucks, sorry dude. My condolences.

      For me, my girlfriend just broke up with me last night. Wonderful. Can't say I didn't see this coming, there were obvious signs that it just wasn't working out but I guess the reason was because she didn't have enough time to hang with her friends along with personal matters. Thing I don't get is, I haven't hung out/gone out with her anywhere for over a month, and she's been hanging out with her friends every chance she got. So I don't get it but alright. Almost seemed like she didn't wanna put enough effort into the relationship, but if what she says is true about the personal matters, I guess it kinda makes sense that she can't really juggle a relationship along with trying to deal with other things at the same time.

      Still, the her needing time to hang out with her friends really confuses me. She already was constantly with them more than me and seemed like she always chose them over me, which is fine I mean, but I still don't understand why she'd say that. My question; why does it seem like the nice guy always get shit on? Well, least that's what it seems like for me anyway. Relationships just haven't been working out for me lately.


      • Thank you all for your sympathy. You're all the best. You all have made me feel better. I know that she is in a better place where there is no suffering and misery now.
        Last edited by Karui; 02-24-2010, 09:07 AM.


        • Originally posted by Karui View Post
          Thank you all for your sympathy. You're all the best. You all have made me feel better. I know that she is in a better place where there is no suffering and misery now.
          One thing bothers me is why aren't you with family and instead being in the internet? or are you just wanting people to give you a pat in the back.
          Last edited by Guest; 02-24-2010, 09:40 AM.


          • ...or he's taking his mind off of his real life with some webstuff.


            • Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
              ...or he's taking his mind off of his real life with some webstuff.
              Though that may be the case though it is not a time to be messin in the internet and be with real life family since one has died. Right now as we speak he is on Biohaze, he's been on for hours and hours, I can understand taking his mind of the issue with internet stuff though do you think its the right time and the amount of hours he is spending online more then family time. He should be spending more time with family then internet at this point.
              Last edited by Guest; 02-24-2010, 10:03 AM.


              • Maybe he can't, due to distance or another issue.


                • Originally posted by A.K.47 View Post
                  Though that may be the case though it is not a time to be messin in the internet and be with real life family since one has died. Right now as we speak he is on Biohaze, he's been on for hours and hours, I can understand taking his mind of the issue with internet stuff though do you think its the right time and the amount of hours he is spending online more then family time. He should be spending more time with family then internet at this point.
                  Why do you care what he does? Why are you monitoring his behavior on here and another website? Who are you to judge how someone else manages their grief?

                  Here's a clue...maybe you should stop following all of Karui's actions on this site (making snide remarks about his posts) and just worry about yourself. If I were you, I'd personally spend less time on the internet and more time working on proper grammar. Because your constant abuse of grammar (in your mostly incoherent posts) makes Baby Jesus cry.


                  • Originally posted by Jill's Boob View Post
                    If I were you, I'd personally spend less time on the internet and more time working on proper grammar.

                    Originally posted by Jill's Boob View Post
                    Why do you care what he does? Why are you monitoring his behavior on here and another website? Who are you to judge how someone else manages their grief?

                    Here's a clue...maybe you should stop following all of Karui's actions on this site (making snide remarks about his posts) and just worry about yourself. If I were you, I'd personally spend less time on the internet and more time working on proper grammar. Because your constant abuse of grammar (in your mostly incoherent posts) makes Baby Jesus cry.
                    Did I judge what he should do? I am simply asking why he's online instead of being with family, as to for me telling him to spend time with family is just an opinion of mine for him, he does not need to follow it. Did I say anything that would offend him though your the only one coming up with negative response.I did have bad grammar there though posting to annoy a person and giving people opinions are two different things on both my response and yours. Probably what makes baby jesus cry you mentioning him.

                    He never did say anything about his relative being in the distance.
                    Last edited by Guest; 02-24-2010, 10:34 AM.


                    • It's nothing to do with us how he manages his grief, and anyone with more than two brain cells can tell your post towards him had a negative and sarcastic attitude. It's nothing to do with you how much time he spends on here or Biohaze. Usually you disagreed with him in topics along with other members, but it's beginning to seem like you're following him around here (and Biohaze) for the sake of nitpicking at his posts. If your post was directed at me instead of him, I'd have been a lot harsher than he has been.

                      Another thing, why would he need to explain if his relatives are distant or not? You make it sound like he has to explain himself to you for being on the internet.
                      Last edited by Alexia_Ashford; 02-24-2010, 10:41 AM.


                      • No, I'm simply point out there are possible reasons for him to be online so much. I don't know him or his personal life, so I'm choosing to assume the best.


                        • Originally posted by Alexia_Ashford View Post
                          It's nothing to do with us how he manages his grief, and anyone with more than two brain cells can tell your post towards him had a negative and sarcastic attitude. It's nothing to do with you how much time he spends on here or Biohaze. Usually you disagreed with him in topics along with other members, but it's beginning to seem like you're following him around here (and Biohaze) for the sake of nitpicking at his posts. If your post was directed at me instead of him, I'd have been a lot harsher than he has been.

                          Another thing, why would he need to explain if his relatives are distant or not? You make it sound like he has to explain himself to you for being on the internet.
                          I had not begun to be harsh when asking him on my first post, I am only saying he should be with family rather than being online for a while as I just voice my suggestion. I am not forcing him on what he should do, this is the internet after all. As for me being seemingly negative on him may look like it, I mostly disagree with him in some of his post in other threads though its on debating and disagreement on the other party. That's what debate is after all, there will be disagreement on what is being said on the subject and agreement on the subject. I will admit my post has a negativity into some that may take it the wrong way, I am not offending anybody unless they really deserve it, probably the only trolling I will be doing is to assholes who starts trolling other. And no I am not angry, mad, pissed, or want to insult karui in any way.

                          Eh? Oh well
                          Last edited by Guest; 02-24-2010, 10:57 AM.


                          • I grief alone. I am just like someone said taking my mind off reality. I deal with most if not all my problems like this. It really does help. I would probably hurt more if I spent time with my family right now, because of all the memories attached to them. Plus I'm sure they would like to have time alone as well, and they're hurt too. It's not that I don't care, I just have my method of coping with difficult situations. Thanks to all who understand.


                            • Originally posted by A.K.47 View Post
                              I had not begun to be harsh when asking him on my first post, I am only saying he should be with family rather than being online for a while as I just voice my suggestion. I am not forcing him on what he should do, this is the internet after all. As for me being seemingly negative on him may look like it, I mostly disagree with him in some of his post in other threads though its on debating and disagreement on the other party. That's what debate is after all, there will be disagreement on what is being said on the subject and agreement on the subject.

                              Eh? Oh well
                              Then what about this?

                              or are you just wanting people to give you a pat in the back.
                              That, for a start, is a negative comment and not supportive at all when a family member has just passed away. That and the comment about him being on Biohaze for 2 hours, which really has nothing to do with you. If you had good intentions and just wanted to help him, you could have worded it better. Though to everyone else, it looks like you didn't have good intentions because you disagree with him and make semi-mocking comments to a lot of his posts.


                              • On the first quote of my post, I said I mostly disagree on other people on debating, for example, he sides with the other as I am on the other. Debating always has its lefts and rights heck I do admit some of mine has a negativity though not a direct insult. Its always to prove which is right/better and which is wrong.

                                On the 2nd quote of my post, I've posted that and yes it is negative, I've seen a bunch of boo hoo's in the internet just for getting attention or plan of raising post counts. So not much for me to defend that part.

