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I'm Angry

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  • Don't you hate it when someone has a problem with you, and they tell everyone BUT you? Yeah, me too. Pet Peeve numero uno!

    Also: Apparently, I just can't please ANYONE today, no matter what I do.

    These two things may or may not be related.



    • I'm angry because I'm SOL. I just took my last final and I learned I got a F***** C on it! I need a 3.0 to keep my scholarship and unless both my 4 hour credit courses give me a B, I won't have that.

      I am f*****. This is what I get for memorizing a list of 30+ terms and thinking I did so damn good on the test that there was no chance it would be that low of a score. Good to know my best effort wasn't worth s***.
      A man chooses...a slave obeys.


      • I´m very angry... the customs dues in germany are unbelievable


        • Originally posted by BadWolfX View Post
          I don't want to go into massive detail but I've never hated someone so much in my life. Ever. I just found out that a person I used to call a friend tried to get someone who was close to me at the time to kill themselves. No reason for it. Just for the lulz.
          As awful as that friend was. It's always nice to hear someone (in this case, you) who finds this innaceptable behavior.
          Last edited by The_15th; 05-10-2010, 11:22 AM.


          • My right leg is playing silly buggers, not holding my weight and causing me a great deal of pain, even by my standards. As some of you know, my left knee is also pretty well messed up, to the point where I sometimes have to use a cane to walk and ride a mobility scooter. If they both decide to mess around on the same day I'm gonna end up unable to walk. At all.

            This annoys the living piss out of me, for some odd reason.


            • Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
              My right leg is playing silly buggers, not holding my weight and causing me a great deal of pain, even by my standards. As some of you know, my left knee is also pretty well messed up, to the point where I sometimes have to use a cane to walk and ride a mobility scooter. If they both decide to mess around on the same day I'm gonna end up unable to walk. At all.

              This annoys the living piss out of me, for some odd reason.
              Hope things have gotten better for you over the past few days.

              I'm slightly sad that Heroes is now officially canceled. Its been falling apart for a while now, but I wanted a bit more of a conclusion.
              Are you tired, Rebecca?


              • ^ I was about to post the exact same thing about Heroes. Well, at least there will be a conclusion via movie of some sorts (as was stated).


                • Okay, now, I'm sure some of you have been in the same boat I am...I currently work retail since I am in between educations (I recently finished my undergraduate, and started thinking more about it and decided I want to eventually go back for my master's degree), and as you know, retail is not the most pleasant of jobs. Now, I knew all this going in, but yes, it still can really piss me off from time to time.

                  I am preparing to close up, and I think "Good, most of these customers are in line, and finishing up their purchases." Much to my disdain I have a woman start asking me questions about the furniture I sell, and I just knew she was going to want a piece meaning I'd have to get the forklift and get some crap down. Of course, she does want multiple pieces of furniture, and decides to apply for my company's credit card to save a whopping 10% on the purchase. She gets declined...(And for those of you that have stores with their own credit cards, you know it is YOUR fault that they were declined because everyone on Earth has excellent credit. Always keep this in mind)...So because she was declined, I had to get a lecture about how she makes $30 an hour and has excellent credit. I tell her in a nice way that that is not my problem, and I can't override what the credit company tells me. She gets mildly pissed by still decides to by the furniture. As I am pulling the furniture she gets the genius idea to have her husband apply...And by some miracle of Satan he was approved. The point of my tirade here is that she did not get out of my store until 9:23 because she had to save that whopping 10% off her sale. My store closes at 9:00.

                  My concern is, why is it some people just have no concern for the time a store closes? Yes, this lady knew my store was closed, but had absolutely no concern for it. I don't think most of you people realize that, yes, we who work in retail environments are people too. We would appreciate the same respect we show you recipricated back unto us.

                  I count the days until I'm back in school and never have to deal with the hell that is retail again. And I will tell you something: I WILL respect the time a store closes. It is nothing short of common courtesy.

                  Sorry, just had to rant and get it out. I literally wanted to stab the woman.



                  • I hate Mexico's power company. 8 hours without any electricity? That's bullshit. But oh if you don't pay the bills you get your supply cut. Fuck this.

                    "I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key


                    • Got to love UK's student support. I was entitled to a new PC, which you would think was a happy thing but its not. The PC they would supply is good enough to run the software they wish to provide for me but not the software I'll be mainly using for my video games design course. Sadly the PC arrived yesterday and is like half as good as my 4 year old PC. So now I have to run two PCs.

                      I also need to reinstall my old pc. Realised it hasn't had a fresh install of XP in over 4 years and the OS is showing signs of degradation. So that'll be a good couple of days reinstalling everything. Oh boy.....


                      • I'm going to vent here, and say the same thing I said to Ene:

                        Hollywood is taking cheap fucking shots.

                        When you want the audience to care or have sympathy for something/hate the villain you
                        A)Develop a character they will like, and then kill them off in a moment of tragedy, or
                        B) Kill a random animal becuase you can, since the audience LOOOVES animals.

                        Most writers go with B, and fuck them for that, fuck them with a sandpaper covered baseball bat, I'm SICK of it. See, it's this bullshit 'animal abuse'(meaning abuse of our sympathy) in movies that pisses me off. Sure, in most cases, the animal isn't truly harmed, but killing an animal to engage an audience's reaction is fucking sick. How about you instead, I don't know, make us care about one of the CHARACTERS, then kill THEM. Something about it just enrages me to no end, it's bullshit when anytime I see an animal, I have to pray, "I know what bullshit you're pulling Hollywood, you keep that animal alive or you'll prove how worthless this script is AND make me sad." It gets me on two levels. First, it really is abusing the USE of an animal on set, I mean you're really gonna bring a properly trained animal in just to kill? And second, it's an insult to my intelligence and horrible screenwriting.

                        If you're wondering where this rant all came from...The Spirit. While I never watched it, because I knew it would be balls, I watched Linkara and Film Brain deconstruct it. Hell, even 'Linksano' said, "That's just wrong dude! I mean, I'm all for melting your enemies faces off, but KITTENS!? That is a line we DARE NOT CROSS!"

                        I'll make the exception for certain situations. Take Artax in Neverending Story. The horse himself was a character, and you knew he had a connection to the boy. The scene where he dies wasn't choppy, or to make you hate an eeeeevil being.

                        And then, oh then we get into the worst, when movies have actually killed animals on set. Thank god this doesn't happen often, but if you want a perfect example: Cannibal Holocaust.

                        God I hate movies these days if they take themselves too seriously...Okay, I'm done, it's over, I'm done. ><
                        Last edited by Inferno04; 05-22-2010, 01:44 AM.


                        • Dear Axiom.

                          I just bought your Axiom 49 key MIDI controller. It looks nice and feels nice. But your fucking installation disc and your software fucking blows fat old guy dick. I cant install the software because it needs a better driver and I've tried every-fucking-thing and still nothing works. I'm going to head back to Best Buy now and get my $302 back. Thanks for the waste of time and gas. I'll never buy another one of your products ever again.

                          Korg R3 here I come!


                          • Well probably the only thing I'd be pissed these days is it isn't easy finding a job but hey that's the economy haha.


                            • Well I'm down my final Grandparent. Why do you think that this makes me angry, simply because the funeral invite, if you can call it so, went missing so I missed it. Gah.


                              • I'm angry because I've been ill for near on 5 weeks. I've had a chest infection and have been coughing loads. It was starting to get better early last week but since then I've caught another cough/cold and now have a runny nose and feel like I may be developing an ear infection too.

