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I'm Angry

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  • Originally posted by Mr. Spencer View Post
    If it was akin to the shitty movie Lost in Space -


    Well, gotta say, YOU win that one by a longshot...It's Gary Oldman hamming it up in a shitty movie, how could that not win?


    • Pics! I still remember your beard how it was a year or two ago. Are you telling me its LONGER now? *Brain implodes*


      • I demand a picture too and although this is getting seriously off topic, it's a diversion that I approve of.
        See you in hell.


        • It's attitudes like that which really piss me off, you know. Why can't I wear what I want without fear about getting harrassed over it? That's exactly the same thing all these sodding rape apologist assholes come up with; always blaming the woman because clearly by wearing provocative clothing, we're simply begging for you to put your fucking cock in us. It's sickening really. I hear what you're saying about the internet because it is a congregation of freaks in general, but don't you fucking dare let that translate into real life. That's just pathetic; insulting to women by laying blame on them and insulting to men by implying they all lack self control.

          Agreed. Every time I hear that exact methodology it infuriates me. If anyone ever said that in front of me I'm not sure I'd be able to control my actions.

          (Serious for a change) When I was 14 years old my mother was raped by her friends drunken brother and his excuse for not stopping as he forced himself on my mother was that he thought "No' meant "yes'.

          My mother somehow managed to do the whole christian thing and forgive this man years later, even told that to him in person. Me on the other hand I didn't realize how much this scarred me mentally until I was about 26 and even today this is a very touchy subject with me that I don't exactly have a calm temperament with.

          There's no excuse for rape whatsoever, and anyone who says otherwise is a filthy fucking peice of shit.

          And you know what? Cosplaying Jill isn't the same as wearing clothes I know are going to get me male attention; it is celebrating my love for the character and that is anything should be bloody well respected.

          People who cant seem to get that through their head really do ruin the experience for everyone. Creepers need to get some real social skills and grow up.

          Also, I didn't get perverted comments in the first place; just some jackass who kept calling me Jill and commenting on my deviantart page all the time. You can surely understand why that was starting to grind. "OMG, TITS" me and most women are all pretty hard to because we get that all the time, but it is the creeping weirdo people that make life just a little bit difficult. I've just never been able to come to grips why I should ever be treated so ridiculously differently because of my appearence. It's old, dudebros, it is really fucking old.

          Creepy weirdos are everywhere, more so on the net. I'd recommend you toughen you skin against this crap, but that advice is easier to give than take.

          Don't let a couple pieces of shit ruin take the fun out of your life if you can.

          Best of luck calming down.


          • All I have to say to rape apologists is - Dead or alive you're coming with me.
            See you in hell.


            • It can be annoying in person when this sort of thing happens, but men are generally more sexually driven creatures than women. Even lesbians can be like it in gay clubs. On the internet, I wouldn't let it bother me. Anyone on the internet needs thick skin, imo. I know it's celebrating a character you love, but a lot of men wouldn't really know, or care, who Jill Valentine is. It's just "mini skirt" and "boob tube". I don't know whether I'm more desensitized than most but I don't let it bother me.


              • Originally posted by Alexia_Ashford View Post
                On the internet, I wouldn't let it bother me. Anyone on the internet needs thick skin, imo. I know it's celebrating a character you love, but a lot of men wouldn't really know, or care, who Jill Valentine is. It's just "mini skirt" and "boob tube". I don't know whether I'm more desensitized than most but I don't let it bother me.
                This, this, just all of this. <33


                • Originally posted by Mr. Spencer View Post
                  All I have to say to rape apologists is - Dead or alive you're coming with me.
                  Actually the novel and Movie 'Deliverance' were made to prove that men could be raped too. apparently there was a time when it was only thought that women could be raped and that if they were raped, they were asking for it. this film changed all that.

                  I still think the film is a bizarre trip to turdsville, but if it had a purpose to enlighten, then I cant fault it as harshly.


                  • How can men be raped? Obviously they can be raped through the rear entrance by other men (or a woman if she was so inclined), but how can they be raped by penetration? Surely it needs to be "up" before it can go in.


                    • Unfortunately, most social norms don't apply thanks to the internet not having repercussions for such crap. And having a large percentage of horny teenagers on it.


                      • Originally posted by Alexia_Ashford View Post
                        How can men be raped? Obviously they can be raped through the rear entrance by other men (or a woman if she was so inclined), but how can they be raped by penetration? Surely it needs to be "up" before it can go in.
                        Body saying 'yes' and being aroused but the mind saying 'no', I suppose. I've heard of women having involuntary orgasms during rape before, then feeling guilty for it after. Same principle.


                        • Originally posted by Alexia_Ashford View Post
                          How can men be raped? Obviously they can be raped through the rear entrance by other men (or a woman if she was so inclined), but how can they be raped by penetration? Surely it needs to be "up" before it can go in.
                          It is possible to force a gentleman to have an erection and take advantage of it. It doesn't cause as much physical harm as it does to a woman, but it has all the emotional issues that come from being raped.


                          • Really? Isn't it possible to stop it though? Like, I dunno, thinking of Susan Boyle or something really gross. I didn't know it was possible to force an erection without some sort of aid like viagra. Then again, I've never tried.


                            • Originally posted by Alexia_Ashford View Post
                              How can men be raped? Obviously they can be raped through the rear entrance by other men (or a woman if she was so inclined), but how can they be raped by penetration? Surely it needs to be "up" before it can go in.
                              *blinks* um...Are you being sarcastic? I'm genuinely confused here...could just be the insomnia doing the thinking for me right now though.


                              • No. Women have a hole to put something in, they don't need any preparation for sex, which makes them easier to rape. Men need an erection which is something that happens when he is sexually aroused. I have never tried to force a man to have an erection, so I didn't think it would be possible to MAKE him have a hard on without drugging him.

