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I'm Angry

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  • I forgot the Hobbit book on college my friend lend me, now I'll have to wait till Monday to see if someone found it or I'll have to buy him a new one. And I didn't even finished reading it yet, fuck.


    • Working Black Friday in retail...I just...Dear sweet God, what was that? I've never been so tired and worthlss feelig after something like that, I just came home and started crying. Dumbest thing to cry over I know but I can't explain it, like part of my spirit is broken. Seeing it up close, working on this day, it's so dumb I know but I feel down. Not just that, I'm just plain tired too. Tired, feel disgusting, and have to do it all over again...fuck, will the whole Christmas season be like this?
      Last edited by Inferno04; 11-25-2011, 08:00 PM.


      • Black Friday at the theater. Caught an old lady trying to steal cups, when confronted she threatened to spread her sickness all over us.

        Aren't the holidays delightful?


        • I'm glad I didn't have to work yesterday. >_>;

          But the weekend following Black Friday always sucks.

          Essentially have been in the rain all day because the staff supposed to get the trolleys and the like were too fucking lazy (plus, the customers are practically all herp derp about the polite thing to do would be to leave the trolleys under cover when it's pouring fucking down), came hours late and then did fuck-all work.

          So I had to go outside, get soaked, came back in and had to serve customers whilst being soaking wet... then one customer shoved me whilst I was telling two Aboriginal girls to take the stuff they had shoved into their jackets out since multiple staff had seen it and it was on the cameras. (These are the ones that did the same crap last time).

          They verbally abused, threatened me and tried to call the police claiming that I was racist and was trying to frame them and shit like that. They've done this to other staff before, and they got this huge friend of their's to come up and to threaten me, but LMFAO it's all just fucking tough talk. Not gonna do shit and if they were to actually do anything, they'd be charged with assault.

          Shortly after that, a customer shoved me into a large metal display setup which also had solid wooden buckets that I ended up falling into, had fall on me and now I have a bit of swelling around my left wrist which I haven't been able to sort out with ice because everyone vanished off the fucking registers so I've had to sort out the front end, facing and all of that more or less by myself.

          The other supervisor fucking vanished too. :/
          Last edited by Enetirnel; 11-25-2011, 10:22 PM.
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          • I haven't that many bad experiences in Gamestop. I can only think of a few...

            The only one's I had it that I pre-ordered Skyrim for PS3, paid in full, took my receipt and left. This was about a month back now I come back and they "misplaced" my order on the computer and have no record of it. Good thing I saved my receipt as I took it out and showed them. The manager, named Greg, looked quite confused as to why my receipt was right but nothing was in there system. After some bitter words on my end all I got was a refund because their copies of the game were all pre-ordered. I used my refunded money to buy a copy off Amazon. I haven't touched it yet though as every time I look at it I get pissed.

            Before I start this is at another Gamestop.
            The other was with my Modern Warfare 3 Hardened Edition pre-order. I pre-ordered it back in June and asked for the hardened edition but only put $5 down on it. Came back on launch (afternoon), waited in the lines, got to the counter and was presented with a standard edition. I then stated I pre-ordered the Hardened Edition to which they replied "No you didn't". Good thing my receipt was on hand and the clerk looked it over and called a manger up. The manager then proceeded to look into the PC and found I had ordered the hardened Edition. Well guess what kiddies? They were out of stock of them. No matter how much ranting I did they wouldn't even try to call another store to see if they had extra. After many choice words I got my Hardened Edition, not from Gamestop, but from another shopper who offered it to me for the price of a standard game. It's nice to see when people actually are kind.

            Best Buy irks me as I constantly get asked "Hi, how are you today? Finding everything OK?" every few freaking minutes! Damn ma leave me the FUCK alone already. You can hear me tell the other employee I am fine but then you gotta walk up and ask anyways? Also stop pushing shitty products down my throat. Monster Cables? Heh, more like cheaply produced overpriced shit. Or even better, try to push Beats By Dr.Dre. I don't want those piece of shit headphones. My $50 Koss PRODJ100's blow those out of the water! Really I walk up to the headphone section only to have some employee looming in the next aisle ready to spring. I got kicked out of a Best Buy once for interrupting a sales person pitching Bose' shitty speakers to another guy. Ended up turning him onto Klipsch.

            Few had to rant a bit...
            Last edited by Zombie_X; 11-25-2011, 11:32 PM.
            My Head-Fi Page


            • This year has been terrible for my family. Those of you recalled how my dog had died earlier in the year followed by a family friend. Tonight I'm saddened to say my Father passed away. It's one thing to battle cancer, even an aggressive kind, and when surgery fails to remove it from you there's only so many options you can go through from then on. My father chose not to suffer from the pain any longer and I respect his decision. The last time I was with him was Thanksgiving morning over breakfast. I'm very grateful to have such a fond memory of that day where he set aside his pain to be with his family one last time. I love you Papa Smiley. It'll be hard moving forward, but I'm going to fulfill your wishes and make you proud.
              Last edited by Smiley; 11-26-2011, 03:22 AM.


              • Bloody kids making a racket outside in the flat across from me, they're running up and down the stairs yelling. Just opened the my door and told the breeders to keep their kids quiet, it's seven in the evening and I want some peace and quiet.

                What's worse is that they're foreign, so all I'm hearing is this constant stream of incoherent white noise. It's unimaginable.
                See you in hell.


                • Just to be clear, Spencer, if you ever call my wife a breeder I will kick you in the balls. Literally.

                  Then again, my kids were in bed an hour ago, and don't get to run up and down any stairs...


                  • Pick a number and get in line like everyone else.
                    Last edited by Mr. Spencer; 11-26-2011, 02:12 PM.
                    See you in hell.


                    • At least they're aren't ringing the door bell and running away like the little shits from my street.


                      • Thats nothing, my current next door neighbours actually sent their own kid around to our house, on his own to ask for the dominoes was. strange to say the least. as for making a huge amount of noise, i think thats pretty much my house down to a T. its a good thing im not your neighbour Spencer

                        Also im angry at Eminem. Ok so not so angry as dissapointed with his latest music. He used to be so different to other mainstream rappers but now his sound is so annoyingly generic. honestly every rhyme he comes out sounds almost exactly the same. the words are different but the flow, tone of his voice and the beat of the song are all copy and paste and no originality. Honestly if you listen to the Slim Shady LP or the Marshall Mathers LP and then go on to listen to his new stuff you would know what im talking about.
                        Last edited by I_Am_Nemesis; 11-26-2011, 05:44 PM.


                        • Originally posted by Mr. Spencer View Post
                          Pick a number and get in line like everyone else.
                          I'm number 1!


                          • Originally posted by Inferno04 View Post
                            Working Black Friday in retail...I just...Dear sweet God, what was that? I've never been so tired and worthlss feelig after something like that, I just came home and started crying. Dumbest thing to cry over I know but I can't explain it, like part of my spirit is broken. Seeing it up close, working on this day, it's so dumb I know but I feel down. Not just that, I'm just plain tired too. Tired, feel disgusting, and have to do it all over again...fuck, will the whole Christmas season be like this?
                            I have totally been where you are; Black Friday is one of the worst days to ever work especially if you are in retail. Customers just don't realize what it is like to not be patient, and to remain calm with employees and other customers. I worked Black Friday at my old job (I work every other week to just keep up with people and out of sheer boredom), and I have to say that it was the smoothest Black Friday I've ever worked. Our store wasn't too busy at any point in the day, the customers were actually pleasant, and no one was stressed. It was actually quite awesome and almost eerily too perfect.

                            Though I did hear a story about a woman in California that was pepper spraying people (employees and customers) to get the television and electronics she wanted. I know this sort of thing happens all the time, but is this really the point our society has reached? I want something, and rather be civil about it, I will get it no matter the costs to my fellow man. I just don't understand it from a few different perspectives. The $300 52" LCD television may be a bargain, but it is almost certainly going to be a piece of crap. The manufacturer
                            made it rapidly to meet the demand of retail merchants, so their best work is not in this product. Any of those Black Friday electronics I do not want for this very reason.

                            Humans are stupid, and I do sympathize with the idiocy that only comes around during the holidays.


                            • Originally posted by Wrathborne View Post
                              I'm number 1!
                              Wait your turn, Number 822!
                              See you in hell.


                              • I hate people who don't know how to do their job. Even after months/years/decades of training and experience. It's retarded. I get ANGRY by reading stuff like this - 'cause you don't even need any training to realize how you solve these types of situations (you just need to use your damn head);

                                Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
                                The only one's I had it that I pre-ordered Skyrim for PS3, paid in full, took my receipt and left. This was about a month back now I come back and they "misplaced" my order on the computer and have no record of it. Good thing I saved my receipt as I took it out and showed them. The manager, named Greg, looked quite confused as to why my receipt was right but nothing was in there system. After some bitter words on my end all I got was a refund because their copies of the game were all pre-ordered. I used my refunded money to buy a copy off Amazon. I haven't touched it yet though as every time I look at it I get pissed.
                                This "misplacing" of orders is something that probably occured at closing hour the day you pre-ordered. If they're using the same retarded procedures that we're not using over here (yes, I intended to write things that way), then that means someone punched in the wrong transaction info on their end during some transaction, creating a difference in their system at closing hour (between cash and card transactions). The difference was probably exactly or roughly the same as your transaction. The way some stores correct this at the end of the day (despite it not really being necessary) is that they go through their purchase log, delete a transaction and then re-do it with a change in whether it was paid for in cash or by card. Then problems occurs when they realize that the transaction they just deleted was a pre-order, 'cause they have no way of digging out how the heck that happened ... woops!

                                The other was with my Modern Warfare 3 Hardened Edition pre-order. I pre-ordered it back in June and asked for the hardened edition but only put $5 down on it. Came back on launch (afternoon), waited in the lines, got to the counter and was presented with a standard edition. I then stated I pre-ordered the Hardened Edition to which they replied "No you didn't". Good thing my receipt was on hand and the clerk looked it over and called a manger up. The manager then proceeded to look into the PC and found I had ordered the hardened Edition. Well guess what kiddies? They were out of stock of them. No matter how much ranting I did they wouldn't even try to call another store to see if they had extra. After many choice words I got my Hardened Edition, not from Gamestop, but from another shopper who offered it to me for the price of a standard game. It's nice to see when people actually are kind.
                                This is once more piss poor management on their end. Sure, they cocked up when they let you do a hardened pre-order with only a $5 deposit (at least it should be $10-ish if it was here), but that shouldn't affect the customer. If they felt they needed to correct this mistake, they should've called you. Also, assuming they're using the same system we're using, they should be able to pull up the full pre-order lists by product number (regardless of receipt). One important thing the dickwads often working at these stores seems to always forget is that they're supposed to set aside as many special editions as there are pre-orders for them and if they've received LESS than they have pre-orders -> They're supposed to contact their local/regional warehouse and check whether or not they'll be receiving more shipments of it or not. Based on that information, they'll have to give a heads up warning to the people who pre-ordered last that they "might" not get their special edition (Bla bla Apologize bla bla), evt. offer them a compensation of some sort (usually a tiny discount on the regular version) and also tell them they can sign up for a waiting list (incase someone else cancels their pre-order)

