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I'm Angry

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  • Mum just kicked m'dad out the house, think they argued for the last time, he's packing as we speak.
    To be honest im quite indifferent to it all its not the first time its happened.


    • i'm having similar problems at my house, but i'm more depressed on my end.


      • I breed and sell PitBulls. Bordeaux is a popular blood line. But I perfer one called carver.

        Sorry Dude about your mom (mum.. as you say) kicking your dad out.

        Anyways. Alot of things piss me off. But I try not to let them get to me. The most recent thing that really got under my skin was at work, awhile back. I'm a trained a certifed Security Officer. (Not a Security Guard!!!) and I have my own officer at the site I am contracted to at the time (It's really a huge booth, that has a bath, central air and heating, and etc). It's the middle of the night. I'm bored and lifting my 35 pound dumbell I keep at work, when in pops this shady looking guy. I keep in dark in my office as much as I can (Gotta keep the night vision), but even in the simi-dark I can tell this guy looks shady. He tells me he works at this site and won't to get in to the empolyee parking lot. Says he locked his keys in the car and he wanted permission to use the slim jim I kelp in the office. Well at the time another Officer had barrowed the slim jim. So I tell him that I'd come out there with him and once her showed me which car was his and showed me showhow he really owned it, I'd call for help with the matter. But soon as I got those words outta my mouth and stood up the guy had done ran out the office door and was making his way through a nearby wooded area. I felt like running him down. But once he got off the sites porperty - it was outta my hands. Needlsee to say : The guy didn't work there and was intending to steal someone's car, or just break in to it to steal a radio or etc. He must of thought I was naive enough to just hand him the slim jim to go do it.


        • Originally posted by The John Doe View Post
          I breed and sell PitBulls. Bordeaux is a popular blood line. But I perfer one called carver.

          Sorry Dude about your mom (mum.. as you say) kicking your dad out.

          Anyways. Alot of things piss me off. But I try not to let them get to me. The most recent thing that really got under my skin was at work, awhile back. I'm a trained a certifed Security Officer. (Not a Security Guard!!!) and I have my own officer at the site I am contracted to at the time (It's really a huge booth, that has a bath, central air and heating, and etc). It's the middle of the night. I'm bored and lifting my 35 pound dumbell I keep at work, when in pops this shady looking guy. I keep in dark in my office as much as I can (Gotta keep the night vision), but even in the simi-dark I can tell this guy looks shady. He tells me he works at this site and won't to get in to the empolyee parking lot. Says he locked his keys in the car and he wanted permission to use the slim jim I kelp in the office. Well at the time another Officer had barrowed the slim jim. So I tell him that I'd come out there with him and once her showed me which car was his and showed me showhow he really owned it, I'd call for help with the matter. But soon as I got those words outta my mouth and stood up the guy had done ran out the office door and was making his way through a nearby wooded area. I felt like running him down. But once he got off the sites porperty - it was outta my hands. Needlsee to say : The guy didn't work there and was intending to steal someone's car, or just break in to it to steal a radio or etc. He must of thought I was naive enough to just hand him the slim jim to go do it.
          That guy sounds worthy enough to be on the receiving end of a Failcon Punch. It's like a Falcon Punch, but full of fail.

          The fact that he ran at that point sounds like he was doing it on a friends dare and took the first opportunity to go tell his friends how he got in a knife battle with the guard and barely escaped with his life. What a scumbag.


          • I got what you mean about the scumbag doing what he did on a dare, but I missed the failcon part.

            Anyways. This guy didn't look too much like he was playing any "Truth of Dare" games. He reminded me of that character Dave Chapelle use to play, "Tyron Biggins", on that show he had. If anyone seen it, they would know what I mean. This guy even had that twitchy crackhead scartch. Whatever he was up to, I believe it was nothing good.



              It's exactly like a Falcon Punch, except it emphasizes how much the person fails. At everything.

              I bought RE3 for PS at my fav game store today to find out that it had been hacked so it has a shotgun and magnum with ample ammo for each right at the beginning.


              • Someone hacked the disc? Interesting.

                Haven't had a good nights sleep in a week, im royally pissed.


                • Vbuleltin raised the fee's. I'm now looking at a $60.00 charge for a year of updates. Robbery I tell you! Robbery!


                  • And Im sure the lifetime thing is just as ridiculous ><


                    • Originally posted by LeonsBuddyDave View Post
                      I bought RE3 for PS at my fav game store today to find out that it had been hacked so it has a shotgun and magnum with ample ammo for each right at the beginning.
                      No. You're just playing easy mode. Fool.


                      • "Im sad thread"??? How bloody emo can one get!!!
                        I miss when this thread was about ANGER AND RAGE. -_-


                        • Originally posted by The Dude View Post
                          "Im sad thread"??? How bloody emo can one get!!!
                          I miss when this thread was about ANGER AND RAGE. -_-


                            i just don't want to lose my money, well item at the end of the day


                            • Thats better.


                              • That's a pretty large increase.. it's going to get expensive if your running multiple forums.

