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I'm Angry

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  • Yeah, I got that part. I'm waiting for the man who installs this crap on Friday for my firstborn. Sadly for him I'm quite fond of my kids...


    • We've had Sky + for 2 years, its really been a load of misery not to mention the complete package dad and my brother signed up for is ludicrously expensive at 65 a month *including internet*


      • Among other certain "medical" issues with myself, I"m angry because I am stuck doing Anthropology at University this semester. It's not fun and I really need to change.


        • Originally posted by DXP View Post
          Firefox decided to delete all mt I'm trying to remember what I had booked marked not in a good mood at all.
          Check the Mozilla folder (hidden file) in Application Data. Firefox regularly makes backups of your bookmarks and places it there.
          Seibu teh geimu?


          • I'm not angry at this (far from it), but i can't think of anywhere else this fits really. I stumbled over a page at Encyclopedia Dramatica about a very, very well known person (who's name i can't even type cause it just comes up as *'s!) in the RE community, and fuck! Links to THIA, quotes from Dot and various others, way too far! Justice, and funny, but extreme!


            • I sent my train pass through the wash! Had about $60 of value left on it. FUCK!


              • Thats happened to me more then once, usually *in the UK* so long as the code on the card was still intact you can take it to a station and get a replacement


                • Originally posted by TheSelfishGene View Post
                  I sent my train pass through the wash! Had about $60 of value left on it. FUCK!
                  Ouch that would be a pain if that happened to me I rely on my pass too get me to uni everyday.


                  • Oh My God...I dyed my hair blue and my parents are gonna kill me tomorrow, I never showed them and I wore my hoodie when I came in so they never saw, and y'know what? I look horrible, I dont suite the colour, and my Mum told me not to.
                    Im such an ignorant kid, now I'm not going out because I look horrible, my brother laughed at me and said I'm gonna have to shave my hair off, I'm so fucking angry and upset at myself, now what am I gonna do? -_-


                    • now what am I gonna do?
                      Take some photos and post them on THIA
                      Let us be the judge of how 'horrible' you look...

                      You're only young once, Gradon. I wouldn't worry about it.
                      Just die it black or something (after you take the photos )


                      • don't be angry at yourself dude, we've all done something like that one point in our lives, like against my parents decision I grew my hair long, and yeah they got pissed off with me about it but they died down about it eventually now its just an ordinary thing to them, stay positive and optimistic , besides my best mate who's like a sister to me dyed hers blue, i bet ya look cool with it.


                        • Thanks for the support, but I suite blonde hair more than dark blue hair.
                          My parents are gonna be so pissed off, and I'm gonna be laughed at, have been by aprox 9 people already.
                          I thought, "Its my bday tomorrow I can do what I like!"
                          Last edited by Gradon; 08-04-2008, 05:40 PM.


                          • have a good one then , don't let those people put you off your birthday its your day enjoy it too the full.


                            • Thanks, I'm just so worried...I love blue, too much, love it alot, but I didn't know it was gonna turn out horrible; I'm gonna take the colour out and dye it blonde. -_-
                              How the fuck I'm gonna do that when I accidently picked up PERMANENT, my brothers right, ima idiot.

                              I'm just so upset, tomorrows my birthday and I was gonna go town.
                              Go shop, do stuff and hang around with mates, but with hair like this, oh my God, i'll get bullied to the skys go high.
                              Im so ignorant, I'm just upset, my mums probably gonna keel me, ban me from the internet or something, so on Saturday I'm getting my brother to buy brown hair dye.


                              • Just relax, sure your parents will be like hell on earth but don't let it get to you besides blue hair rocks and like skunky said your only young once.

