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I'm Angry

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  • Originally posted by Project Omega View Post
    As long as you rule out tuberculosis, you should be in the clear.

    From your symptoms, I can guess you have either one of two things. Either you have pertussis (known as whooping cough) or you have acute bronchitis. Be careful though, acute bronchitis can turn into pneumonia if leave it to get worse and you don't take care of yourself.

    Have your doctor test your phlegm/sputum (don't know what you guys call if over there) for bacteria/viruses and get the appropriate anti-biotics or anti-virals and tell them to stop being pricks or you'll sue for neglect if you have to get a second opinion from a doctor not covered in your insurance plan That'll get their panties in a bunch!

    Paracetamol will only reduce the fever and temporarily alleviate discomfort. If acetaminophen is not working for you, try other pain retrievers like ibuprofen or naproxen. Otherwise, try upping your dosage to something like 500 mg every 8 hours. From your pictures I've seen, you didn't look that heavy so you wouldn't want to take more than 1000 mg a day.
    Damn! This is turning into

    Attached Files


    • Wow, scary dentist dude, sorry to hear he was sadistic Rewak.

      And telling you the illness will send you into a killing rage, Darkmoon?
      That's quite silly, no matter how you put it.

      Right, on my matter:
      We asked if there was a hospital nearby, and there was, so I went there to see what they thought.
      It turns out I have a chest infection, and its not helping my asthma one bit, she also said that I'm choking because of thick mucus(?) (Whatever you guys call it), and that its thick because im not eating or drinking properly.

      Right, so I got antibiotics, capsules, and I have to take three a day for five days.
      Hopefully these'll take away the infection, and make my asthma calm again, I dont want anymore attacks.

      And about coughing up blood, my Mum said its just because Im straining my stomach so much, the coughing is so tight and that its happened to her before, so all is good...

      Originally posted by Twist
      I think your infected by the G - virus!... *Looks at Gradon nervously* o___o
      *Puts down half-eaten brain* What're you talking about? >_>
      Last edited by Gradon; 08-28-2008, 12:47 PM.


      • Ah it's alright, he's not my dentist anymore :p

        Hope the antibiotics clear up the infection!


        • rewak, you should try visiting another dentist. Not all of them are psychos

          The temporary filling has been pushed into the hole a bit. I'm not sure how that happened, but I hope it can last these next two weeks.

          Oh yeah, my 360 RROD'ed , so I'm angry!11


          • Don't spill coffee on your sixaxis. Even just a few drops on the face. Because now mine isn't working. Fucking hell. I was gonna buy a DS3, now I just have to do it sooner

            EDIT: With the help of youtube, I opened her up, and had a look around.
            There's like a sheet which detects contact I guess. I could spot a tiny bit of liquid under there. Mopped it up with a cotton ear bud, and now it's working
            Last edited by TheSelfishGene; 08-28-2008, 10:11 PM.


            • If i need to see a dentist i'll go to a different one Been fine though, for now! And how many 360's is that now? I'm on my third.


              • The one that arrives will be my 5th 360. Number one went down because of disc read errors, and this one I'm sending back to them now is the one they sent me as a replacement. I had another kit that RROD'ed, but I got it replaced with a new HDMI one.

                So 5 sad. I haven't even owned these things since launch and I've already owned more of them than any other console previously. Unless you count the 40 psx's I owned when I was into repairing them
                Last edited by Dot50Cal; 08-29-2008, 06:03 AM.


                • You'd think that they would have found a way to fix it by now. Which is why I'm curious to learn more about these alleged "RROD-resistant" models that they're rolling out.
                  See you in hell.


                  • Theres a good post on it.


                    • And thus, the line between PC and console grows ever blurrier.
                      See you in hell.


                      • They have been trying to make consoles into PCs for years. I don't think consoles can compete but they don't have too.


                        • Ya'll know what ya call a doctor that couldn't hack it in medical school?

                          .................................................. ............A dentist!!!

                          So Vouge you didn't try to stop the robbers? I think gamestop is okay. But last time I was in one, I felt like clocking the cashier. Little nerdy bastard kelp asking me for ID. Now I was only 20 when I joined the the original T.H.I.A. , but I'm almost 27 now. I sure as hell don't look under 18. The little nerd was pushing his luck with me. Went in to this whole speech about how these video games are too violent now and days, and I should be monitored.


                          • Just went to McDonalds and ordered a garden salad, and the stupid 18 year old serving me looked at me like I was a piece of shit. WTF did I do to deserve that?


                            • Originally posted by Helegad View Post
                              Just went to McDonalds and ordered a garden salad, and the stupid 18 year old serving me looked at me like I was a piece of shit. WTF did I do to deserve that?
                              Made him do his job, the lazy bastard. XD

                              Seriously though, I know where your coming from. I can't even sit the f**k down in McDonald's without some punk [sometimes, a literul Punk, with spikey hair, ect] staring at me.


                              • I have long hair, a beard and walk with a cane. People seem to think I'm going to savagely attack them and stare me. So I bought a shirt. 'I look this way to offend you.'


                                Of course, Helegad, you did do one thing to deserve momckery and scorn. You ate in a McDonalds.

