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I'm Angry

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  • Nup, the bus service isn't free. I hate the school bus. 1 hour to school, 1 hr and 30 min from school. That's two and a half hours on the bus EVERY DAY and I pay $25 a week to have the *ahem* privelidge (massive sarcasm there).

    I really hate the bus.

    And I hate my SOSE and Christian Studies teachers even more

    My SOSE teacher, Miles 'Dorothy the Dinosaur' Doherty got me in trouble today when I was doing my work, and the two guys next to me were mucking around. I was like WTF???


    • Used to take me 2 and a half hours to get to work via bus in the mornings, and 3 hours back at night when I worked part time in the city.
      Dunno what you're complaining about mate :p

      EDIT: Just got caught in a hailstorm while running an hour ago, completely drenched so pissed, also theres a postman cowering in shelter 30metres from where I live who's refusing to deliver post despite having some for this house *which pisses me off as he might have my copy of Gears of War 2 which is already 4 days late -_-*
      Last edited by The Dude; 11-10-2008, 07:28 AM.


      • Originally posted by Helegad View Post
        My SOSE teacher, Miles 'Dorothy the Dinosaur' Doherty got me in trouble today when I was doing my work, and the two guys next to me were mucking around. I was like WTF???
        Yes, because I'm sure your teacher would yell at you for doing your work.


        • Acutally it does happen, they can mistake your voice for another, which has happened to me before.
          I hate teachers, they're always "right", and even if you try and correct the situation, you get in MORE trouble for "back-talking", which is stupid considering we should have freedom of speech.
          But it seems because we're kids, we dont have any freedom of speech at all.


          • Originally posted by Gradon View Post
            we dont have any freedom of speech at all.

            Once a girl was writing something in her chair,and I was in the other side of the classroom
            The teacher said that I was "covering" her and that I was an "accomplice"!!
            (If u don't understand,I'll try to say in other words lol)
            Then the teacher said that it's all the same, first u cover someone,other day u're killing someone


            • Originally posted by Nemesis556 View Post
              Yes, because I'm sure your teacher would yell at you for doing your work.
              No, for real. My SOSE teacher is a fuckhead. He picks on everyone for the slightest reason.

              For example: I heard from about 5 people that he gave everyone in the Year 8/9 SOSE class a detention because pretty much no one had their assignment done. Rather than take two seconds to say 'you have till tomorrow to hand it in', he spent all 50 minutes of the lesson writing up 26 detention slips. Now that is a WHAT THE FUCK thing to do.


              • Originally posted by Nemesis556 View Post
                Yes, because I'm sure your teacher would yell at you for doing your work.
                It's happened to me a few times, all because of some other S-head bitching about something and I wind up with the blame.


                • Ok, I'm a little annoyed. My ex girlfriend thinks she can come between me and my current girlfriend who I deeply care for and thinks she can brake us up. Shes been insulting my girlfriend through away messages on AIM cause shes too much of a wuss to say it to our faces and every time my girlfriend and I go out, shes somehow always at the place we go. We went to my school's football game on friday together, and my ex hates the football games, but of course, she was there that friday, taunting us by constantly walking by us and talking to people a few seats from us. Now tonight, my girlfriend and I are gonna be going to a friend's birthday party, and my ex and this girl (whos birthday it is) hate each other with a passion, yet my ex posted a bulletin on myspace saying how shes gonna show up at the party.

                  Shes starting to really irritate me and I'm almost at the point where I just wanna IM her and go "Hey, why don't you fuck off?". The relationship I had with her was just awful, and she used me and cheated on me, along with played with my emotions. My current girlfriend knows all of this and hates her with a burning passion as well and every time her and I are around my ex, its usually not good. My girlfriend and I have been ignoring her which she seems to not like at all, since she flipped out when we wouldn't even look at her at the game. So we're just not saying a word to her and hoping she'd just eventually go away, but oh man, its so tempting to just flip out on her.


                  • Got a horrible flu. Was bedridden on Saturday and felt like complete shit today. =(
                    PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                    • Must be going around, was down and out between Thursday till now, migraines whenever I moved my head or got up from bed, felt like my insides were turning out and blocked up with gas, and couldn't use the bathroom at all, then the floodgates opened on friday and saturday, feel fine today.
                      Must have been a stomach bug.


                      • Originally posted by The Dude View Post
                        ...then the floodgates opened on friday and saturday, feel fine today.
                        That's the most disgusting euphemism I've heard in a long while.
                        See you in hell.


                        • Originally posted by The Dude View Post
                          Must be going around, was down and out between Thursday till now, migraines whenever I moved my head or got up from bed, felt like my insides were turning out and blocked up with gas, and couldn't use the bathroom at all, then the floodgates opened on friday and saturday, feel fine today.
                          Must have been a stomach bug.
                          Either I'm getting the same stomach bug, or reading that made me laugh so hard I shit my pants. I can't be too sure.


                          • Originally posted by Mr. Spencer View Post
                            That's the most disgusting euphemism I've heard in a long while.


                            • I hope not, CR29 Otherwise that's the most disgusting thing I'VE heard all week!


                              • Originally posted by Spera01 View Post
                                Ok, I'm a little annoyed. My ex girlfriend thinks she can come between me and my current girlfriend who I deeply care for and thinks she can brake us up. Shes been insulting my girlfriend through away messages on AIM cause shes too much of a wuss to say it to our faces and every time my girlfriend and I go out, shes somehow always at the place we go. We went to my school's football game on friday together, and my ex hates the football games, but of course, she was there that friday, taunting us by constantly walking by us and talking to people a few seats from us. Now tonight, my girlfriend and I are gonna be going to a friend's birthday party, and my ex and this girl (whos birthday it is) hate each other with a passion, yet my ex posted a bulletin on myspace saying how shes gonna show up at the party.

                                Shes starting to really irritate me and I'm almost at the point where I just wanna IM her and go "Hey, why don't you fuck off?". The relationship I had with her was just awful, and she used me and cheated on me, along with played with my emotions. My current girlfriend knows all of this and hates her with a burning passion as well and every time her and I are around my ex, its usually not good. My girlfriend and I have been ignoring her which she seems to not like at all, since she flipped out when we wouldn't even look at her at the game. So we're just not saying a word to her and hoping she'd just eventually go away, but oh man, its so tempting to just flip out on her.
                                I think your doing the right thing, Spera. Perhaps try thinking of more places where she wouldn't show up and keep ignoring her.

                                Either that, or prank her so bad she won't dare go near you again. Harsh, very harsh, but some big-headed bitches just don't get it, and need to be dealt with.

                                Sometimes, a man just has to put his foot down. [no, not on her head]

