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  • Oh, and sad news about Survivor Series. The first PPV i ever saw was the Survivor Series where Undertaker beat Hogan, was such a classic event. Vince saying it's effectively outdated is such a bullshit call, the format works when it's used properly.
    It's really is Vince's fault that Survivor Series doesn't work anymore and the show barely had an elimination tag team matches. He tried the Bragging Rights and Breaking Point PPV and they were just horrible. Now he is trying to ask the fans about themed PPV the would feature all mathces of a certain type of gimmick. What he fails to realize is that no matter what type of matches he puts on PPV, people will only care about them it there is the right build up.
    Last edited by Stars1356; 02-15-2010, 12:24 AM.


    • Originally posted by Stu View Post
      So why are you getting excited about Bret Hart's actions on Monday?
      Is there a law that I can't expect something to happen on RAW,Smackdown,Superstars,or the new upcoming NXT and enjoy it?I know its scripted.So what.But you can't always predict whats gonna happen on WWE even though it is scripted.I enjoy wrestling because they put on a good show.If you don't like the fact that its scripted.Then thats why you have a TV remote.change the channel and watch UFC.Im not gonna stop liking WWE because and you don't like it or its scripted.Im gonna like it and get hyped up.I've been like that for 15 years,and im always gonna be like that.


      • Someone's getting a little over-excited.


        • No.Im being honost.

          Like I said.If you don't like wrestling.Don't watch it.It's one is forcing you to watch it.
          Last edited by BrionIrons; 02-14-2010, 05:03 PM.


          • Starting March 9, TNA is moving to Mondays with that show being live and then the week after that being taped. I like TNA but I will watch RAW and record impact.


            • TNA just committed commercal suicide, idiots.
              Originally posted by BrionIrons View Post
              Like I said.If you don't like wrestling.Don't watch it.It's one is forcing you to watch it.
              No, like i said, you're getting a little over-excited. Please don't tell me what to watch. I'll continue to watch whilst the Bret Hart angle plays out, and if i don't like it i'll tell people about it.

              What's the point in watching something if you're never going to acknowledge that it has it's bad parts? Eugh, how boring.

              By the way...we never got an answer about who you wrestle for!
              Last edited by Stu; 02-15-2010, 07:48 AM.


              • Well ECW is over which is probably a good thing. The new show NXT looks interesting where 8 pros train 8 rookies.


                • Originally posted by Stu View Post
                  TNA just committed commercal suicide, idiots.No, like i said, you're getting a little over-excited. Please don't tell me what to watch. I'll continue to watch whilst the Bret Hart angle plays out, and if i don't like it i'll tell people about it.

                  What's the point in watching something if you're never going to acknowledge that it has it's bad parts? Eugh, how boring.

                  By the way...we never got an answer about who you wrestle for!
                  First of all.I was giving you advice.I wasn't telling you what to do.There's a difference,second I train at wrestling school and promotion in Union City,NJ ACE Prowrestling LLC‎.Why do you ask?Oh BTW Tommy Dreamer works there.

                  anyway I can't wait to see NXT next tuesday.
                  Last edited by BrionIrons; 02-17-2010, 12:16 AM.


                  • Originally posted by BrionIrons View Post
                    Can't agree with you more.Im a wrestler.Not a big time but I am.It's not easy falling in the ring.It really hurts.
                    Originally posted by BrionIrons View Post
                    First of all.I was giving you advice.I wasn't telling you what to do.There's a difference,second I train at wrestling school and promotion in Union City,NJ ACE Prowrestling LLC‎.Why do you ask?Oh BTW Tommy Dreamer works there.


                    anyway I can't wait to see NXT next tuesday.
                    About time you said something and wait a minute does a wrestling school ask a wrestler in training if he should have a finisher

                    And use the "SPOILER" when posting something big and besides if you gotta put a pic of tommy dreamer, get a smaller
                    Last edited by Guest; 02-17-2010, 10:31 PM.


                    • RVD Updates His Status & Says He’s Leaning Towards TNA



                      • Hey anyone catch the Elimination Chamber last night?I missed it.
                        Last edited by BrionIrons; 02-22-2010, 12:24 AM.


                        • Originally posted by BrionIrons View Post
                          Hey anyone catch the Elimination Chamber last night?I missed it.
                          Why don't you just go to the website and check for the result.


                          • Raw was actually good tonight from start to finish, though I should expect that since Wrestlemania is coming up.


                            • Four Big Matches Set For WrestleMania XXVI


                              Next HOF Inductee Announced, ECW Stars Now On Raw



                              • This year's Wrestlemania is the last one for The Undertaker... This makes me so sad. And to make things worse, Shawn Michaels is the one to beat the streak? Fuck this. I'm not watching wrestling anymore I hoped the streak would remain intact and Taker would retire after winning his last WM match, but what the hell...

                                "I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key

