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  • #91
    Umaga is dead. Scary stuff.


    • #92
      Originally posted by Big Stu View Post
      Umaga is dead. Scary stuff.
      Really saddened by this.

      Probably sounds stupid, but I thought he was really athletic for his size.

      Going to disappear for a while.

      Been using Umaga in recent Smackdown games to beat anybody.

      Obviously that doesn't matter now.

      Going to shut up now.

      Finally playing 1.5. Woo-Hoo!!!



      • #93
        ^WWE is so uncaring. When Umaga died, they didn't even show a memorial message on the next Raw. Nothing. Hell, what about Lou Albano? That guy had not been in the WWE since forever and he was mentioned two, may be three times or more in a week.

        Anyway, I'm glad Cena lost to Sheamus at TLC. Cena is one of the most overrated wrestlers I've ever seen. He always does the same crap. Then again, so does Triple H, HBK, Taker, Etc. But at least they paid their dues.


        • #94
          Over-rated by who?

          And how did HHH and HBK pay their dues? By the fucking the boss' daughter and by being best friends with the guy the fucking the boss' daughter?


          • #95
            I'd still take them over half of the shitty gimmick wrestlers they employ today. =)

            TNA? Ha ha ha ha ha.


            • #96
              Rumors are going around that Bret Hart has signs a Talent Deal With WWE

              The Wrestling Observer is reporting that Bret Hart has signed a short-term talent contract with WWE that will go into effect on January 1st, 2010, and expire a couple weeks after WrestleMania 26. This makes it very possible that he will be guest hosting the January 4th edition of WWE Raw when it goes head-to-head with TNA Impact. Additionally, Bret could feasibly make further appearances for WWE if his contract is in fact as long as the report indicates.


              • #97
                That would totally be enough to get me watching wrestling again.


                • #98
                  Bret Hart was past it in WCW he's slower than Nash.
                  If he had a brain, he'd be dangerous.



                  • #99
                    He'll never wrestle again, no. The stroke rather saw to that. But Brett Hart is still awesome on a stick. I'd say it would be enough to make me watch the WWE again, but I ain't paying to see Vince's product. Not when I get TNA and it's PPV's free.


                    • Originally posted by kevstah2004 View Post
                      Bret Hart was past it in WCW he's slower than Nash.
                      Are you for real? He'll be used on-air, not in the ring.


                      • Trips and Shawn are amazing talents. Who cares if they use politics? That's part of the game.

                        Wrestling is a business so you use whatever business tactics you can to get to the top.

                        And after being held back unjustly for years, Trips had some legitimate claim to keeping himself at the top. It further helped he was the best thing in the WWF in 2000 and saved the company form going down the shitter once the Attitude Era ended.

                        Anyway, I don't watch wrestling anymore. I watch my old DVDs and matches on the net and remember better times.
                        Last edited by Becky's Butt; 12-20-2009, 07:56 AM.


                        • Originally posted by Becky's Butt View Post
                          Trips and Shawn are amazing talents. Who cares if they use politics? That's part of the game.
                          So not the point that anyone is making, so well done.


                          • Um, I got your point fine.

                            Originally posted by Big Stu View Post
                            Over-rated by who?

                            And how did HHH and HBK pay their dues? By the fucking the boss' daughter and by being best friends with the guy the fucking the boss' daughter?
                            Seems to me your point is they used politics and as I already said, that's part of the game so who cares.
                            Last edited by Becky's Butt; 12-20-2009, 03:14 PM.


                            • Good effort though!

                              I wasn't slagging them off for their use of politics at all, i just said they hadn't paid their dues. Which evidently you actually agree with.


                              • Originally posted by Big Stu View Post
                                Are you for real? He'll be used on-air, not in the ring.
                                It was a joke nobody cared about Bret when he was in WCW he was completely out shadowed by the stars of the day, it's not the 80's anymore his career is over why bring him back for a couple of shows just to talk bs to compete with TNA what's next The Rock trump card.

                                Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
                                He'll never wrestle again, no. The stroke rather saw to that. But Brett Hart is still awesome on a stick. I'd say it would be enough to make me watch the WWE again, but I ain't paying to see Vince's product. Not when I get TNA and it's PPV's free.
                                Agreed TNA is the future, WWE is stale the gimmicks are crap, at least TNA is trying to harp back to action packed wrestling the problem they have is screen time they have to cram in too much into each show so the story development takes a nose dive, that and a limited roster which makes it come over as amateurish. WCW pushed the WWF to come out with a better product and as TNA becomes more popular it'll push WWE to do the same.
                                Last edited by kevstah2004; 12-20-2009, 05:28 PM.
                                If he had a brain, he'd be dangerous.


