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Alien and Predator Saga Discussion Topic.

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  • Alien and Predator Saga Discussion Topic.

    Well Ive noticed that there are a lot of fans of the Alien and Predator series of films and games here, so I thought Id make a topic about it.

    So here is the place to discuss them, and any new upcoming films and games in the saga, that way we don't have a million separate topics. Like the Alien Prequel, the new Predator film, Predators. And the two games Alien VS Predator 3 and Aliens Colonial Marines. And sadly, inevitably the third Alien Versus Predator film.

    Personally I'm looking forward to Colonial Marines the most, it looks fantastic, it takes place just after Alien 3, were a team of Marines is sent in to investigate LV 426, the Alien planet in the first two films, you can also visit a host of other locations in the series such as The Derelict Space Craft, The Sulaco and Fiorina "Fury" 161. it's being made my Gearbox Software the same guys that made the Brothers in Arms series. The game is set in first person But it has no HUD at all. You rely solely on hand held motion tracking devices used in the films. Which looks great and could add to the scares and tension a lot. Choosing whether to equip your gun, but be somewhat blind, or hold a radar and be able to see, but have no weapon in case they get to close to fast.

    Here's some screenshots.

    Also which films are you favorites all in order? I think I'm definitely more of an Alien fan that a Predator fan.
    Alien 3
    Alien Resurrection
    Predator 2
    Alien Versus Predator
    Aliens Versus Predator 2: Reqium.

  • #2
    Im a fan of both franchises and I believe AVP2 is one of the best videogames ever made. However, while being skeptical about the two upcoming grande Alien themed games, I have absolutely *no* doubt that Colonial Marines will get the concept down far better than AVP3 will. AVP3 has shown to be a graphically impressive bucket of fail.


    • #3
      Aliens, Predator and Alien Resurrection


      • #4
        Originally posted by Member_of_STARS View Post
        Im a fan of both franchises and I believe AVP2 is one of the best videogames ever made. However, while being skeptical about the two upcoming grande Alien themed games, I have absolutely *no* doubt that Colonial Marines will get the concept down far better than AVP3 will. AVP3 has shown to be a graphically impressive bucket of fail.
        What exactly is so bad about the new AVP3 game? Ive yet to play the first two but I want to though. How is it a fail? It looks ok to me.

        Also does anyone think Colonial Marines sounds like it could be a tactical survival horror game?


        • #5
          AvP 3 (the game) will be EPIC.

          Last edited by A-J; 08-23-2009, 09:57 AM.


          • #6
            The original Predator is the only movie that stands out in that list, for me at least.

            Arnold + jungle + alien warrior = epic.


            • #7
              I think in terms of the Alien series, and please don't kill me for this, but I think this is a rare case of the sequel being better than the original. I think Aliens is better, not to say I DIDN'T like the first movie. Love 'em both, just think the second is better.


              • #8
                Originally posted by missvalentine View Post
                What exactly is so bad about the new AVP3 game? Ive yet to play the first two but I want to though. How is it a fail? It looks ok to me.

                Also does anyone think Colonial Marines sounds like it could be a tactical survival horror game?
                Take the gameplay videos and compare them to the movies, youll see that its shockingly similar to Andersons vision, than the themes and ideas shown in the original movies. The lightning doesnt compliment the game too well and theyve gone the classic route of using way too much bloom and blur. Colonial Marines looks to be way more "down to earth" and grittier.

                Everything seen so far in AVP3 videos just reeks of "THIS IS FUCKING AWESOME COOL!" which is exactly the way Anderson makes his movies and not what the original works were about.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Inferno04 View Post
                  I think in terms of the Alien series, and please don't kill me for this, but I think this is a rare case of the sequel being better than the original. I think Aliens is better, not to say I DIDN'T like the first movie. Love 'em both, just think the second is better.
                  I think they're both very close. But I have to say I like Aliens the best as well.

                  Originally posted by Member_of_STARS View Post
                  Take the gameplay videos and compare them to the movies, youll see that its shockingly similar to Andersons vision, than the themes and ideas shown in the original movies. The lightning doesnt compliment the game too well and theyve gone the classic route of using way too much bloom and blur. Colonial Marines looks to be way more "down to earth" and grittier.

                  Everything seen so far in AVP3 videos just reeks of "THIS IS FUCKING AWESOME COOL!" which is exactly the way Anderson makes his movies and not what the original works were about.
                  You know, I think your right. There are a few little things worrying me about it. I don't know if anyone else noticed but the Aliens don't look right, they look, somewhat, mechanical for some reason.

                  I think they are taking for to much inspiration from the AVP films now, which sucks a lot.

                  But I still think the gameplay is gonna be tons of fun.




                  This Facehugger looks oddly weird.


                  • #10
                    The Aliens series is perfect for video games.
                    Hordes of cannon fodder enemies killed by Space Marines with a big boss fight at the end.

                    Colonial Marines will be epic, and AvP3 will be badass.
                    I really hope the multi player part of AvP3 is done well.

                    btw. Aliens Versus Predator is all about "HOLY CRAP AWESOME!!!11!" The premise is taking two incredibly badass alien species and putting them up against space marines in a giant deathmatch. Take each series separately and you get horror. Add them together and you get shit bananas ridiculous.
                    Last edited by BLSR1; 08-23-2009, 11:21 PM.


                    • #11
                      Is the poll at the top even necessary? There's no way that the runaway favorites shouldn't be:

                      - Predator (as CR29 said: Arnold, jungle, alien, and one he forgot to mention - a goddamn sexual tyrannosaurus)
                      - Alien (amazing atmospheric sci-fi classic)
                      - Aliens (arguably one of the finest motion pictures ever)

                      Not all of the other choices are godawful - though a few come close - however, none even come close to the three I just listed.

                      I'll arm wrestle whomever thinks differently!

                      "What's the matter Dylan, CIA got you pushing too many pencils?" - Major Alan "Dutch" Schaefer
                      Last edited by Jill's Boob; 08-24-2009, 12:10 AM.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by BLSR1 View Post
                        btw. Aliens Versus Predator is all about "HOLY CRAP AWESOME!!!11!" The premise is taking two incredibly badass alien species and putting them up against space marines in a giant deathmatch. Take each series separately and you get horror. Add them together and you get shit bananas ridiculous.
                        Its very obvious that you have never played the AVP games, neither game was about impressing the player with the "coolness" factor. Both games were pretty horror oriented, in fact, Id say AVP2 colonial marine segment was scarier than vast majority of survival horror games.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Jill's Boob View Post
                          Is the poll at the top even necessary? There's no way that the runaway favorites shouldn't be:

                          - Predator (as CR29 said: Arnold, jungle, alien, and one he forgot to mention - a goddamn sexual tyrannosaurus)
                          - Alien (amazing atmospheric sci-fi classic)
                          - Aliens (arguably one of the finest motion pictures ever)

                          Not all of the other choices are godawful - though a few come close - however, none even come close to the three I just listed.

                          I'll arm wrestle whomever thinks differently!
                          Well I think Alien Resurrection is pretty much on par with Predator. And Alien and Aliens are far better. I'm not much of a Predator fan. I mean I like it, but it doesn't compare to the Alien series for me. And yes, Id say Aliens is one of the finest films ever conceived, it is brilliant in every aspect, James Cameron is a fucking genius! Definitely in my top 10 favorite films ever.

                          I think if I were to put them in order, Id do it like this.

                          1. James Cameron's Aliens is my favorite. It's just an overall amazing film and is really well done. Private Hudsen is so great! And Ripley's character development is very believable and likable. The Alien Queen was so scary and a perfect addition to the series, and it was a perfect mix of action, suspense and horror and added so much to the story. And the Colonial Marines are badasses!

                          2. The original 1979 Alien film by Ridely Scott. Great film. The pacing and storyline are fantastic. I love how Ripely only starts out of a minor side character, and only gets more screen time after most of the others are killed off. I thought that was highly original and a great idea. And the fact that almost nothing majors happens in the first half hour makes it so much more interesting when something does happen. A Brilliant and terrifying film.

                          3. Predator. A Great action film with an absolutely great start an set up to the film. I love the development a lot of the characters got too. You get to know and feel for them. I thought it was quite good. And the Jungle setting is brilliant. I love jungle settings!

                          4. Alien Resurrection. I think this film is terribly underrated. It's almost as good as the others and is tons better than the third. The plot was a bit off, but the film was brilliantly shot. And the smart Aliens were so cool and scary. It was very interesting. I really liked it a lot. Plus the ending scene were the Human Alien thing dies has to be the saddest most heart wrenching monster death scene ever I think. A mother killing her child is always sad.

                          5. Predator 2. It's good, but it starts off kinda slow and not to the point, and doesn't have the same effect as the first film. But it picks up very well around half way through I think. And adds quite a lot to the series mythology. I don't think the city location was as good as the jungle.

                          6. Alien 3. it was ok, but relied far to much on the undeveloped CGI capability of the time to render the Alien. I think they should have still had a man in suit, but I guess that wouldn't work to well for the Runner.

                          I don't even wanna mention AVP or AVP2, they both suck and are not worth a mention. Although the first half of AVP1 is ok. I think AVP1 is better than APV2.

                          Originally posted by Member_of_STARS View Post
                          Its very obvious that you have never played the AVP games, neither game was about impressing the player with the "coolness" factor. Both games were pretty horror oriented, in fact, Id say AVP2 colonial marine segment was scarier than vast majority of survival horror games.
                          That's what makes me wanna play it. I think playing as the Marine would be the best. I hope they show some Alien gameplay soon though.

                          I don't really see what's so bad about AVP3 though, other than the few things I mentioned. It still looks nice. And the Marines trailer looked quite good.
                          Last edited by missvalentine; 08-24-2009, 12:58 AM.


                          • #14
                            ^My list of Predator, Alien, and Aliens wasn't in order of my own personal tastes, it was just a list (in no particular order) of the only 3 decent films from your poll up top.

                            Alien 3 is not a bad film, per se, it just was so far removed from what was in the beloved, stellar second film, that it ended up alienating (pun intended!) many fans. I know I was personally crushed that Newt & Hicks (the best character from Aliens, IMO) were practically cast aside in a sickening, careless way. Looking back on the film now, I can accept Fincher's vision...but I still mostly feel that it really destroyed everything Cameron set up. Really, I guess I'd like to imagine that 3 and Resurrection aren't canon.

                            Resurrection - I want to like it more than I do. But the characters were too uninteresting (not to mention "cartoony"), and the Alien hybrid was just...dumb. The film had good pacing, and the non-CGI aliens looked bitchin. However, I find it odd that you criticize Alien 3's special effects, when Resurrection's FX (far more advanced in '97) are also quite bad. Only 2 things about Resurrection really stick out in my mind (and neither have much to do with the film, sadly indicating why I think it sucked):

                            - I fondly recall the scene where the raspy-voiced dude is massaging the feet of the lady with the SUPER HOT ass (which the camera lingers on)
                            - and I saw this film the same day I saw Mortal Kombat Annihilation, easily one of the worst things committed to celluloid

                            As for Predator 2...I liked it more when I saw it as a youngster. It's basically the same exact film/story/everything as the first one, only set in a cityscape with different, less memorable characters. (Thinking about the first Predator, RE5 Chris looks like he belongs on Dutch's team of superbuff badass cowboys)

                            AvP1 is utter trash, while I thought AvP2 was gonna be good but it was just too dark of a film to be able to tell what was going on. Honestly, every scene is too poorly lit. I couldn't make heads or tails of what was happening, especially during action scenes. And how can you have the setting be a city and not just have non-stop alien carnage? The recipe is so easy for a fantastic Alien film and no one since Cameron can get it right. I mean, the carnage/action/alien hordes can mask so much that weigh down newer films - bad characters, bad story, etc.

                            I do remember the pool scene though. That blonde girl is also SUPER HOT!

                            EDIT: AvP1 is just such a bad, bad film. God it sucks. Horrible, wooden characters; convoluted inane story; fat bulky predators; Aliens that didn't even feel like Aliens! Isn't the director the same shitsack that does the wretched RE films?

                            EDIT 2: Yup, just looked it up. It's the same worthless director, Paul W.S. Anderson. Not only did he direct, but he wrote the screenplay. This guy is a double-threat (emphasis on the threat) to anything decent. How can you take Aliens & Predators, make 'em fight, and still completely fuck it up? And he could have even stolen from those awesome Dark Horse graphic novels from way back when. Yet he took solid elements and mixed them into a bag of crap.

                            How do Paul W. S. Anderson and Stephen (Van Helsing - almost as bad as Mortal Kombat Annihilation) Sommers still find work?
                            Last edited by Jill's Boob; 08-24-2009, 01:48 AM.


                            • #15
                              Aliens, Predator, Alien, Alien Resurrection, Predator 2.

                              Picked Aliens over Predator because I liked the story and acting better in Alien. I do like Anorld but for me story and acting are more important. Don't even want to bother with AVP in fact wasn't there a AVP game before they made a movie? Reminds me of the Robcop versus Terminator for Genesis.

