Anyone up for going through the entire series again before the final season starts in late Jan/ early Feb? I figure if we start on September 1st, and watch one episode a day/night, we can have the series finished by December 12th. I'll be trying to lure Ice into the series. Hes made a pact with me that if he doesn't like it by the end of season 1, he won't continue watching it. So, anyone up for it?
Almost all seasons are up on Hulu for free streaming. So it shouldn't be too difficult to watch one a night if you are in the US.
THIA List guide:
Almost all seasons are up on Hulu for free streaming. So it shouldn't be too difficult to watch one a night if you are in the US.
THIA List guide:
SEASON 1: [URL=""]Episode 01 - Pilot (Part 1)[/URL]------------------------------------09-01-2009