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What are you listening to now/your music taste?

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  • Akira Yamaoka's Theme of Laura and You're not here.


    • Listening to (over and over again) - Dead Can Dance - The Host of Seraphim.

      Also known as the song that plays right at the end of the Mist. It's a very creepy/relaxing/moving piece of music.
      Last edited by Alexia_Ashford; 04-24-2010, 04:45 PM.


      • Originally posted by nemesiswontdie View Post
        I remember my dad showing me the music video for that song on Fuse many years ago lol.
        You are making me feel old Just kidding...

        Listening to Joe Arroyo, the theme is called "Las Cajas".

        You might remember or know this song as it was featured on Scarface: The World is Yours with a wrong name (El Caiman - Bobby Valentin)

        "I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key


        • Currently getting my face fucked by Bullet For My Valentine's new album, Fever. I'm only 6 or 7 songs into it, but I'm really really loving it so far. It's like a mix between The Poison(their first, more hardcore album) and Scream Aim Fire(their second more mainstream album)...a recipe for fucking awesomeness.


          • Read above . Liking the album so far. A few songs are better than others but so far I've yet to hear a song I have to skip over.


            • Your Love Is My Drug, KE$HA- I absolutely dread her music, but this song's decent. Auto-tune is toned down, and her valley-accent is lessened-ish, so her voice actually sounds nice, I guess. Beat's good, at least. However, I love the ending. She actually sounds genuinely stoned. I like your beard.

              Last edited by Ray; 04-29-2010, 01:28 AM.


              • Just got my hands on a heap of Rammstein. All I'm missing is the latest album.


                • Du Hast~Rammstein.


                  • X - Your Phone is off the hook but you're not


                    • Writhe in Pain (Millia Rage) - Daisuke Ishiwatari. Guilty Gear X OST.

                      Love the Guilty Gear series, the last couple had music that simply couldn't compare to the X or XX Heavy Metal OSTs.
                      Last edited by Enetirnel; 04-29-2010, 06:10 AM.
                      Non-blurry Signature Version
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                      • The Clash - The Magnificent Seven


                        • Love Game from Lady Gaga featuring Marilyn Manson.

                          I got a question for you Manson. Why? Just why would you work with her?
                          wtf ever happend to the Antichrist Superstar? Omega and the Mechanical Animals?

                          Yeah we gotta move on but me and A LOT of your fans would like for you to go back to the way things were (you know, like before drugs ruled your life) plzkthnxbye.


                          • I'm listening to The Thing That You Do by Velvet Crush.
                            Last edited by Dan Corson; 04-30-2010, 09:05 PM.


                            • Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne - Normal Battle (Town)

                              This almost reminds me of the band Goblin in the beginning with the drums, piano, and guitar. Great stuff.

                              ...Oh yeah, and The Church - When You Were Mine. Amazing stuff, one more reason why I love the 80s.
                              Last edited by GuardhouseMusic; 04-30-2010, 10:52 PM.


                              • Compression of Time [FFVIII], arranged by Kennedy (Stephen and Jana Kennedy) from the remix album - Project Majestic Mix: A Tribute to Nobuo Uematsu.

                                Love this arrangement of Compression of Time, it differs from the other arrangements as they tend to be trance/dance based whereas this one sounds hauntingly beautiful.

                                I miss KFSS Studios, I hope that they'll return sometime soon in the future as Project Majestic Mix is my favorite arrangement album.
                                Last edited by Enetirnel; 05-01-2010, 12:31 AM.
                                Non-blurry Signature Version
                                Youtube | Steam | Website (Under Construction)

