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Nightmare on Elm Street (2010) TRAILER

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  • #16
    I believe the Exorcist was planned but outcry fucked it over. The original has awards, and apparently a lot of people are superstitious (if you've heard of the supposed curse on the Exorcist set and crew). Plus I would assume Billy Friedkin is protective of his film.


    • #17
      Yea, I just hope the thing prequel will be good. A sequel could evev work, but only if they get Kurt Russel and Keith David lol.
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      • #18
        Why do all of these remakes of classic horror films fall into the same trappings of making the atagonists somewhat sympathetic? The more development these on screen butchers get, the less scary they become. It just makes them laughable.

        The Texas Chainsaw Massacre...
        Leatherface has cancer? Wat? So he kills NORMAL looking people out of jealousy because they don't have his disfigurment?

        Halloweeen Remake...
        Michael Myers' killing spree is triggered after his stepfather calls him a faggot and his sister refuses to take him trick or treating. What... the.... Chriiiiiiist? That whole film was absolutely pathetic.

        In the original films, these characters were creepy and menacing because we knew so little about them. Why did Michael Myers stab his sister to death? Why was he so evil and what compelled him not to speak for 15 years and just stare at a wall until he had a chance to escape? Why did Leatherface and his entire family cut people up and eat them? Had they been doing it for generations? We don't know, and that's what makes them relatively eerie rather than laughing stocks.

        This is gonna be bad.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Gideon Quinn View Post
          Halloweeen Remake...
          Michael Myers' killing spree is triggered after his stepfather calls him a faggot and his sister refuses to take him trick or treating. What... the.... Chriiiiiiist? That whole film was absolutely pathetic.
          The Halloween remake is one of my least favorite films, particularly because it isn't a supernatural movie like the first one...yet it still has "supernatural" touches. Rob Zombie couldn't comprehend a single thing about the first film.

          I'm also skeptical about Freddy supposedly being sympathetic, but again he could just be a liar. They said Jackie Earle Haley was cast because of his performance in Little Children. In it he plays a pedophile subjected to Megan's law and throughout the movie we don't see his crime or any others. I think they were trying to play up the idea of him having a mental illness rather than him being misunderstood. Now, applied to NoES, this would still be kinda weak, because I can't imagine a town degrading to mob justice over sexual thoughts or actions. Of course it lessens the impact of Freddy's depravity too, but in terms of Freddy's effect taken away because they reveal too much, I don't see the problem. Without actually showing us what happened, we knew enough about Freddy by the first one, and the supernatural aspect was left untouched. I don't think we'll see any dream demons in this one.


          • #20

            I've had this doll ever since I was a kid...still freaks me out lol. When you pull the string he has a high pitch voice and says things like "sweet dreams", "welcome to elm street" and "we can be friends". But if you slowly release the cord, his voice changes into a dark, disturbing tone that is more like Englunds voice. Also, the dolls were recalled in the 80's for being "too scary", which is pretty understandable for little kids lol...thing is creepy.
            "One can only match, move by move, the machinations of fate... and thus defy the tyrannous stars."
            Resident Evil/Castlevania/ Silent Hill/Onimusha/Tekken /Dark Souls


            • #21
              The producer of the film, Brad Fuller has responded to many of the concerns regarding the upcoming movie.

              I have to thank many of you. The debut of the teaser was really amazing. Whether you like it or hate it, the release of it was huge. More that 1.6 million people saw it in the first 24 hours. The traffic to the teaser even clogged up Bloody-Disgusting for a day. As many of you know getting the teaser to you has been quite an ordeal - one that I think deserves an explanation...

              Originally, our teaser was to be released on Jennifer's Body and I was excited to tweet all about it. I announced on my twitter page that I would make an announcement within two weeks, assuming that all the plans came to fruition. But what happened was we liked the teaser, yet felt it needed to be better. Our intention always to reveal Freddy at the very end, but we had three different scenes and couldn't decide on which one was the best. At the same time Mike Jones (Warner bros.) Drew, Bay and I keep reworking the body of the teaser. Asking ourselves, "are we showing too much, not enough etc." We wanted to be sure that whatever we released was the best version. When we finally decided on the final version of the teaser it was too late to be on Jennifer's Body - so we looked at the release schedule and felt that Zombieland could work for us.

              At the end of the day are there things we would like to change in that teaser? Of course. But knowing our team we would keep changing things till the end of the time. Let's be honest, Drew and I know that NOES is the most important film we've made. We know how all you feel about Freddy, and how you feel about us. We don't want to be the guys who screwed up Freddy and as such are pushing ourselves harder than we've ever pushed. Moreover, we have found a wonderful partner in Sam Bayer. He has such high standards and refuses to cut any corner.

              I have been receiving a couple of questions and want to answer some here:

              Is that Freddy's final look?

              No, it isn't - we are continuing to refine Freddy's look. Many people commented about the CGI on his face - and I don't want to give everything away but I will say this - Freddy's face is 98% practical make-up. Moreover, as you now know we went hardcore on what a burn victim really looks like, and I can't imagine what the comments would have been if he DIDN'T look like a real burn victim.

              Is that Freddy's final voice?

              No, Jackie spent so much time on the voice, researching what people who've has their vocal cords burned sound like. He is still working on it and I suspect that we will be refining it, until the last moment.

              Will it be rated PG-13?

              Are you kidding me? Make no mistake about it this is a R-rated movie.


              • #22
                I actually prefer Freddy's original look

                But I guess his new look does represents a burn victim more accurately. It's not Robert underneath the makeup anyways, so it doesn't really matter what he looks like. I just hope they change his voice.


                • #23
                  ^Englund's Freddy does look better, but then again the pic of Freddy from the new film looks like they are using CGI on his face, and it looks incomplete. According the Aris13's Fuller interview, the final product is supposed to be a majority of makeup/prosthetics. Although that begs the question - isn't the scene snapshot from the print cut of the film? I doubt they're going back to do re-shoots at this point...

                  I think this looks promising so far (and it helps that Katie Cassidy is gorgeous).

                  The idea behind the Nightmare on Elm Street films, the fear of falling asleep and being stalked in your dreams, has amazing potential. Craven capitalized on it with the first NoES, whereas the other 6-7 films to follow featured too much humor, too much camp (this is all my opinion, of course). Now, while Englund's portrayal of Freddy was iconic, Freddy's constant joking and slapstick goofs simply ran their course. The idea behind Freddy stayed frightening, but the character lost his fear factor because he became a cartoon, in a sense.

                  I think Jackie Earle Haley was awesome as Rorschach, so I welcome his interpretation of the character, and a less comedic Freddy could pay dividends for the remake/reboot/re-imagining (whatever these films are labeled as).

                  Of course, I also thought the TCM (but not TCM: The Beginning) & F13 remakes were pretty good for what they were. The latest F13 was very good considering that Jason's prior films were complete rubbish past Part IV...especially X.

                  I agree that a detailed analysis of a horror icon's background (like Michael Myers in Rob Zombie's terrible Halloween) really destroys the character. Making the villain somewhat sympathetic just doesn't work. Everyone knows how Freddy was fried (parents with molotov cocktails, ha ha), and I hope there isn't much more shown for that episode besides the glimpse seen in this trailer. As for wondering if Freddy did or didn't commit the crimes he is supposedly guilty doesn't matter at the end of the day - since he is still terrorizing and stalking the "children" through their dreams, displaying his evil nature. So, I don't necessarily believe that Freddy could be considered sympathetic. Tragic beginning, perhaps, but a serial killer is never sympathetic.

                  Just my two cents, and why I am eagerly optimistic for this film.
                  Last edited by Jill's Boob; 10-03-2009, 06:42 PM.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Jill's Boob View Post
                    The idea behind the Nightmare on Elm Street films, the fear of falling asleep and being stalked in your dreams, has amazing potential. Craven capitalized on it with the first NoES, whereas the other 6-7 films to follow featured too much humor, too much camp (this is all my opinion, of course). Now, while Englund's portrayal of Freddy was iconic, Freddy's constant joking and slapstick goofs simply ran their course. The idea behind Freddy stayed frightening, but the character lost his fear factor because he became a cartoon, in a sense.
                    Yeah, I completely agree. The 2nd film still had the dark Freddy as well, but I found the overall story of the film to be somewhat boring. New Nightmare (the last film of the original series) also brought back the darker version of Freddy. I think Robert does both sides of Freddy very well, but I prefer his darker portrayal of the character. It definitely seems like they're trying to bring that back in the remake.


                    • #25
                      NEW PICS

                      Maybe this remake will turn out to be good. Just maybe....


                      • #26
                        ^ Looks... okay. Cinematography looks beautiful but... well... maybe I'm just biased against remakes. Some remakes are good, it's just that it seems so watered-out and... well... so much like something-to-watch-on-Friday-night-with-your-teen-friends than something with actual substance (like the first NOES).

                        *le sigh*


                        • #27
                          I'm sick of remakes. But this is probably better than the Karate Kid remake.


                          • #28
                            i won't go to the theaters. theaters have gotten boring. i'll just wait till i can rent it.
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                            • #29
                              How are Theaters boring? You get what you want to eat and drink. You pick your seat then you wait for the movie to start.


                              • #30
                                wow, i can do that straight from home, ain't that something. not only that, but i can pause the movie and skip the previews.
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