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The Official Twilight Thread

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Gideon Quinn View Post
    I agree, a large part of the fanbase are so vocally defensive of the Twilight Saga that it can get a little bit scary. If you have the stomach, watch this video. It's a Twilight fan who seems more than a little agitated about Stephen King's remarks on Stephenie Meyer's writing ability (He wasn't particularly pleasant). It's fair enough for both parties to be vocal, they are allowed their opinions after all, HOWEVER - The girl in this video spits a bunch of inaccuracies that are both funny and tragic. Supposedly, she "Can't remember the last time a movie was made about one of Stephen King's novels", a statement so hilariously absurd that you can only assume that she is joking.
    She also claims that Stephen King is just "Jealous that he isn't getting of the limelight while Twilight most definitely is".

    Tragic, yet funny!

    That bitch needs to calm down. I mean she think's she's the protector of that Stephie Mayer chick. And the fact she's practically got everything wrong about Steven King.


    • #32
      Originally posted by presidentevil View Post
      TWILIGHT FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!
      Having read all the deleted comments (oh the power of the elite moderati), and as the only Twilight fan I've run into willing to, well, really admit to it I've got to ask...why the blue hell do you like it, let alone enough to get worked up about people who don't like it? I love, for example, Dead Space yet I haven't yelled at Alexia Ashford over it. And I see her every couple of weeks. Sure, I infer she's smoking crack cocaine...but, well, she doesn't like Dead Space. Drugs are the most logical conclusion.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
        Drugs are the most logical conclusion.
        Or she simply has taste.


        (I kid, I kid.)
        Last edited by Archelon; 11-27-2009, 07:16 PM. Reason: So I don't risk starting a flame war or something.


        • #34
          Oh, I've long since concluded that you've been possesed by a demon Archelon. One that lacks taste and likes to make it's host suffer by choosing terrible games to play over and over while virtually ignoring good ones. But I've already given Alexia holy water and she did't burst into flames, so drugs seem the best answer.

          Why do I keep holy water in my house? I disolve copies of Twilight in it. And whoosh! On topic again.


          • #35
            Originally posted by Archelon View Post
            Or she simply has taste.


            (I kid, I kid.)
            This. Dead Space sucked. But tbh I'd rather play it 3 times in a row than watch Twilight or New Moon.


            • #36
              Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
              Oh, I've long since concluded that you've been possesed by a demon Archelon.
              That might explain the insatiable hunger for warm, human flesh.

              And here I thought I was simply doing my part to help prevent overpopulation.


              • #37
                Well, as long as you only eat stupid people...


                • #38
                  There's only so much one person can do.


                  • #39
                    I think it's kinda funny to watch people on both sides of the extreme argue about it being so amazing or so shit. I myself am in the middle, it's ok, not worth all the hype it gets but not worth all the bashing it gets either, it's just an ok series. I haven't read the books, but i do intend to, i have however read the first section via Amazon's Look Inside feature and yeah, it doesn't seem to be written very well but you gotta remember this is a kid/teen book, so it's fine for that category. I've seen the movies and the first has pacing problems but it's not bad in the end, the second is better paced and is a better film because of it, but it's still not an amazing movie or anything. It's just a trend, in a few years it'll be completely gone but a new thing will have taken it's place, just how it goes.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by rewak View Post
                      i have however read the first section via Amazon's Look Inside feature and yeah, it doesn't seem to be written very well but you gotta remember this is a kid/teen book, so it's fine for that category.
                      The movie posted by Gideon Quinn is the very reason why it's not "fine for that category". When a teen starts reading books with (let's say) good concept (although I really can't understand how turning vampires into something completely non-vampirish and making a teenage romance out of it is a good concept) but crappy writing and states that the author of said book is the best writer EVER, and to prove it start shitting on other popular and actually talented authors (during a discussion about Twilight my colleague - a fan of Twilight - started to shit on Tolkien, that his books are boring etc ) you know that something is totally wrong.
                      Last edited by Mr_Zombie; 11-27-2009, 08:25 PM.


                      • #41
                        You realise that's what teenagers do though right? What they like is the best thing ever and everything else is nothing but a pile of crap? Doesn't matter it is, that's the defense. As for your colleague, whilst i haven't read the Twilight books i would agree that Tolkien is boring, it's just not my thing, is that wrong?


                        • #42
                          I can understand that someone can find Tolkien boring (hey, when I first started to read "Hobbit" I stopped after the first chapter because I found the book boring too; fortunately, few years later I forced myself to start reading the book again and thus I've ended up reading the whole trilogy ;)).
                          However, comparing Meyer to authors such as Tolkien or even King is a big no no.


                          • #43
                            You can't really compare them no. I do think she ripped a lot of it off (from what i've seen in the movies), but that doesn't make it unenjoyable, just a bit predictable.


                            • #44
                              I have nothing against Twilight, I saw the first movie...didn't hate it, didn't really love it either. I do SLIGHTLY, understand where the appeal is. I just don't really feel that the mass hysteria over the series is well justified. That being said I'm not the demographic these films are aimed toward, so it isn't really fair for me to judge it effectively.


                              • #45
                                It's just a fad for teenage girls. Why anyone seems to feel passionately for it one way or another truly confuses me.

                                Personally, I don't like it since it turns cool monsters like vampires into something "hip" and "cool". But, like I said, it's a fad that will go away as soon as the Next Big Thing arrives.

