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  • Grammys?

    Anybody watching (or going to watch)? To be honest, I lost care for it after a few years ago.

    Now, I'm only watching for Imogen (and her TwitDress).

    So, any worthy discussion? Loves? Hates? Oh mainstream, how evil you are.

  • #2
    I've never really given a shit about the Grammys. I do, however, think it's hilarious that so many people don't know what 'grammy' stands for!


    • #3
      ^ Yeah, for me, the last few years my giving a shit kind of faded away.


      • #4
        Only when nothing else to watch, then again Games. Nevermind.


        • #5
          Grammy stands for Gramophone, right? Huh. Well, this year's was nothing special. The opening was awesome (Elton John/Lady GaGa ftw), there were some good performances, but overall... meh. They didn't even show Imogen Heap in the cut version airing on TV. D< Madface.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Ray View Post
            They didn't even show Imogen Heap in the cut version airing on TV. D< Madface.
            Of course not. It was more important to insert a million commercials every three minutes.

            Blergh. Needed moar Gaga. So disappointed she didn't win Album of the Year. I've never sat through the Grammys, because I never cared. But I watched for Lady Gaga, only to be disappointed. At least she took home two awards. And her opening performance with Elton was very neat. When she got thrown into that "Rejected" bin, I just chuckled to myself. She's such a trip, I love that woman.


            • #7
              ^ Yeah, I found the opening to be one of the more creative these past few years. "SHE'S A MONSTAH, I TELL YA!!!"


              • #8


                jwecnuqebfr. The Grammy's were amazing. It sucks she didn't win her other categories, but she walked away with two, so YAY!

                The opening was just beautiful. I loved every minute of it. Since Gaga started I've wanted her to work with Elton John, and last night granted my longtime wish.


                • #9
                  Didn't think Taylor Swift should've won Album of The Year, but as long as Lady Gaga didn't win it, I'm happy.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Vogue_Dirge View Post
                    What a massive twat basket.


                    • #11
                      One freaky person. No, no it's ok, in an interview she said she was totally normal, hates being seen as a freak. Gee..I wonder why she would be seen as a freak.

                      She's alright with me though.


                      • #12
                        The official website of the Philip DeFranco Show. Find the latest content, get exclusive ad-free videos, and support your favorite creator.

                        So the Grammy’s were last night and while I thought most of it was meh, Lady Gaga showed up looking like a slightly less bedazzled Ric Flair. Also looking at this dress her vajay lips were having an argument as they were staying as far away as possible from each other last night.

                        I lol'd
                        Last edited by nemesiswontdie; 02-01-2010, 04:00 PM.


                        • #13
                          Assuming she has a vagina that is!


                          • #14
                            I watched them, and once again Hated them. I'm mostly sick of Taylor Swift winning awards she doesn't deserve. I'm just happy Kayne stayed in his seat this time. It seems that the only time Slash plays is when it's with a hip-hop/rap artist, which annoys the hell out of me. Grammys have sucked the last few years.


                            • #15
                              I never watched them and never will.

