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Best Garage Sale Deals Topic

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  • Best Garage Sale Deals Topic

    Everything in pristine condition. The boxes have manuals and games inside of them, and they are also in said condition. Seriously, despite the phone camera quality, the unboxed N64 games look like they just came from the factory and some of them even smell like they just came from it. Plus, I got boxed pristine N64 controller.

    All for $10 American.

    I see DBGT: FB is pretty valuable in online sites, I bought it just for that - to sell. How much could I get for that I wonder? I'm just gonna sell DBGT: FB then. =P Who wants it? I'm open to offers.

    Anyways, anyone found any good deals at garage sales lately?
    Last edited by OKeijiDragon; 05-15-2010, 06:53 PM. Reason: Made the images smaller.
    If you have Twitter, follow me!. =P

  • #2
    DAY-UM. Yard sales are awesome, eh?

    I found my DS for $20 at an indoor church sale.


    • #3
      I don't know of you're likely to get that much off of the re-release of Final Bout, but if you had this one, you'd stand to make a good deal:

      I've had that game for, like, a million years, but mine is the original Japanese version and is a bit easier to come across.


      • #4
        ^The best thing about Final Bout by far is the opening intro.
        Last edited by aris13; 05-16-2010, 02:02 PM.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Dan Corson View Post
          I don't know of you're likely to get that much off of the re-release of Final Bout, but if you had this one, you'd stand to make a good deal:

          I've had that game for, like, a million years, but mine is the original Japanese version and is a bit easier to come across.
          Why would he make a good deal with that one? I have that version and have had it for 10+ years.

