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Wii v PS3 Build Quality

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  • Wii v PS3 Build Quality

    Check it out. Watch that Wii shatter!

    On the other hand, they have serious problems shattering a PS3

  • #2
    its a PS3 afterall, ken kutaragi approved :p


    • #3
      The best built Sony console... yet thanks to Sony themselves, it has a bumpy road ahead.


      • #4
        I know its all just a bit of a joke with the "Smash My Wii", "Smash My PS3" and "Smash My Xbox360"(which they had last year and shattered in 1 blow if i remember right ) but reading some of the comments that have been left, its quite shocking how seriously some ppl take it all...and some of these guys are in their 20's, its sad even

        Its the games that matter, not the consoles or the companies that make them. At the end of the day all of them are only interested in one thing, "YOUR MONEY".


        • #5
          I hear ya.. really, if the PS3 didn't have DMC, Tekken and MGS, I wouldn't be remotely interested in the thing. Likewise for the Wii because of MP3 and Umbrella Chronicles.


          • #6
            surely there will be tons of other great titles to drive the PS3 fuel, lair is one to look forward to.


            • #7
              Originally posted by A-J View Post
              surely there will be tons of other great titles to drive the PS3 fuel, lair is one to look forward to.
              Yes, there is Lair, but there is also Gundam Crossfire. God help the PS3


              • #8
                There are tons of great games heading to the PS3 that i'm looking forward too.

                Resident Evil 5, Bioshock, Devil May Cry 4, Metal Gear Solid 4, Alone In the Dark 5, Heavenly Sword, Castlevania!, Clive Barkers Jericho, The Darkness, Project Zero 4(Fatal Frame 4), Forbidden Siren 3(Siren 3), Final Fantasy, Gradius PS3, Grand Theft Auto IV, Half Life 2, Killzone, Getaway, Lost, Mercenaries 2, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, Omikron Karma, Possession, Rain, Sega Rally Revo, Socom 4, Soul Calibur 4, Tekken 6, Virtua Fighter 5, Zone Of The Enders 3...

                Thats just some anyway. I can imagine some will end up disappointing, but if only half of those turned out good i'd be happy

                And i agree, the Wii is worth getting just for Zelda, Metroid Prime 3 & Umbrella Chronicles. Couple of others that sound interesting too. Anything but Mario, i hate Mario! Never liked him, and i never will...
                Last edited by Cyber_Shinobi; 11-24-2006, 08:32 PM.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Cyber_Shinobi View Post
                  There are tons of great games heading to the PS3 that i'm looking forward too.

                  Resident Evil 5, Bioshock, Devil May Cry 4, Metal Gear Solid 4, Alone In the Dark 5, Heavenly Sword, Castlevania!, Clive Barkers Jericho, The Darkness, Project Zero 4(Fatal Frame 4), Forbidden Siren 3(Siren 3), Final Fantasy, Gradius PS3, Grand Theft Auto IV, Half Life 2, Killzone, Getaway, Lost, Mercenaries 2, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, Omikron Karma, Possession, Rain, Sega Rally Revo, Socom 4, Soul Calibur 4, Tekken 6, Virtua Fighter 5, Zone Of The Enders 3...

                  Thats just some anyway. I can imagine some will end up disappointing, but if only half of those turned out good i'd be happy

                  And i agree, the Wii is worth getting just for Zelda, Metroid Prime 3 & Umbrella Chronicles. Couple of others that sound interesting too. Anything but Mario, i hate Mario! Never liked him, and i never will...
                  yes, but how do you know they are good? No one has played them for what I have seen. With the exception of half-life 2 and heavenly sword, no one has played any of those to our knowledge. So how do we know they wil really be good? Also, how many of those have actually been shown? Like even video? Some of those really seem like your just saying its a sequel thats bound to happen. I don't keep up with PS3 news, so if there is actual gameplay footage for most of those (like actual gameplay, non of that CGI shit) on IGN or something, maybe they will be good. I really think its just going to be the same old same old IMO.

                  Oh, and mario is the only platformer you will ever want to play. Hating him means your racist! You don't support any Italian stereotypes you bastard!
                  Last edited by metaleggman; 11-25-2006, 04:07 AM.


                  • #10
                    Now thats a bit of a silly thing to say metaleggman

                    How do you know if any games that are in development are good? You don't until you've played them. Thats why i said, if even half of those turned out good i'd be happy
                    Those are the ones that definitely sound the most interesting to me though. And i'd be very suprised if a good few of those didn't actually turn out to be good/great.

                    Yeah i hate Italians plumbers, greasy bastards. So what?
                    Seriously though, hate Mario is probably a bit too strong, its just that i've never really seen the attraction. Maybe its because platformers in general just aint my thing.

                    Zelda = the best ever Nintendo game franchise imo, and one of my favourite game series of all time.


                    • #11
                      Well, they need ninja gaiden on the Wii. Nuff said.


                      • #12
                        I don't really think that the Wii can be compared to the other two successfully. Because the PS3 and the 360 are multimedia, and close enough to being computers, while Nintendo have just decided to make something fun. And the sheerdiference in what the systems can do stop any real comparisons between them almost straight away.


                        • #13
                          The wii is multimedia too, just not at "full" yet.

                          Let's have a look at what the Wii has to offer;

                          There's the Internet Channel (should be available before/around christmas), which is a full opera browser.

                          There's the Photo Channel that lets you view MJPG movie files (many cameras/phones use this format) and also do some picture editing.

                          You have the mail feature.

                          The Virtual Console (part of the Shopping Channel, basicly)

                          Nintendo made a deal with a company for a software DVD player, so a "DVD channel" will probably appear sometime next year.

                          And ofcourse, you already have the News and Weather channels waiting to "open soon".

                          I guess the USB ports in the back of the system will probably allow for some sort of usage too (besides using USB Ethernet adapters if you don't have a wireless network)


                          • #14
                            But apparently the PS3 and the 360 have, and will have, much stronger features in this. Although i'm glad that Nintendo have dropped their childish facade now, even if it is only a small amount. I think that may have been part of the reason the Gamecube fell behind, because many of thei games focused on the more 'cutesy' side of gaming.


                            • #15
                              I would only buy a PS3 for Devil May Cry 4 and Metal Gear Solid 4. Everything else to me sounds rubbish. There are so many games out for the Xbox 360 that I want now, and in the near future.

                              Gears of War, Mass Effect, Possession, Resident Evil 5, Grand Theft Auto IV, Assassin's Creed, Fable 2, Halo Wars, Halo 3, Alan Wake, Alone in the Dark: Near Death Investigation, Dirty Harry, Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars.

