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God Hates Geeks now?

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  • God Hates Geeks now?

    Oh joy. Looks like everyone's favorite bunch of fringe lunatics is turning it's lawyer powered gaze upon us now.

    I must admit, I didn't know just how evil this group is until I looked a little more deeply into them. I assumed they were the usual level of 'God hates everyone I don't like' types but these seem to have mastered it. Apparently, the tinyest ammount of people are going to actually go to Heaven...pretty much the Phelps family.

    Plus, they make money off it. Impressive is there evil.

  • #2
    What are they talking about? I don't hate nerds. I hate furries.


    • #3
      Westboro Baptist Church, the notorious "Gods Hates Fags" congregation out of Kansas, will be in San Diego next week to rain down 45 minutes of eternal and inconsequential damnation upon your idolatrous worship of Spider-Man and Green Lantern.

      Yeah I read about this yesterday. I find it completely hypocritical though. It really irks me when Christians preach hate and quote things from the Old Testament, and completely ignore all the teachings of Jesus, such as love thy neighbour, he who has not sinned cast the first stone, etc. He saved a prostitute from being executed. He did not condone their behaviour, but he loved them anyway. I'm not a religious person, but it's fairly obvious that his entire message was about love. It's bizarre to me that someone who has read his teachings could then go on a campaign of hate saying that God hates everything except them and only they will get into Heaven. I have a feeling that God will not be amused.


      • #4
        You are correct. I am not amused.


        • #5
          Remember, lesser beings, I am both religious and extremely easy to offend. Oh yes. Extremely. I got ballistic at the drop of a PS3 controller.

          Still, I'm sorta glad they're mostly there for Al Gore. Partially because no one else knew Gore was there, and partially because I was worried the fuckers were running out of cash and this was gonna be a regular event until they'd milked geek stuff dry.


          • #6
            I think anybody who pickets a funeral should be shot. It's absolutely disgraceful behaviour. I don't know if God exists or if Jesus was his son, but I know if they do, then once again Jesus came and spread a message of love and peace, and humanity interpretted that as hate and war. Burning people at the stake, picketing funerals. It's not religions fault that there's war, it's humanitys interpretation of their divine message.


            • #7
              This makes me think of a Bill Hicks comment, for some reason. "You see a lot of Christians wearing crosses, right? Around their necks. Do you really think when Jesus comes back he's going to want to see another fuckin' cross?" Don't know why, it just seems to fit perfectly.

              On-topic, the Phelps family have been an annoyance for some time. I feel glad I'm English, and I therefore don't have to deal with the temptation to unleash murder or something, because I feel one day soon someone's going to snap, and firebomb their house or something.


              • #8
                The destruction of this nation is imminent - so start calling on Batman and Superman now, see if they can pull you from the mess that you have created with all your silly idolatry.
                Some one quickly develop super powers.

                Silly when you think about it as its hero worship, not deity worship.

                My stance on "God" is simply that I don't think such a good deity, if one exists, would be so calous or self centred to worry about who you worshipped as long as you lead a good life.

                Its sad to see these religious nuts when the message from most religious teachings is to be excellent to each other.

                I'd die laughing if a Green Lantern or "Superman" showed up in an hour of need.


                • #9
                  As soon as I've read this Thread title, I knew that it had to be the Westboro Baptist Church carrying on with God's supposed "warnings".

                  Personally, I believe they're actually "con-artists" rather than actual people of religion, who are using their "God Hates X" charade to encourage others to retaliate, thus making them file a lawsuit against them and win themselves with some unearned dough.

                  Here is a little article I've managed to copy the text from another site a while ago, during my usual "net-surfing out of boredom" routine: -

                  Fred Phelps is a Con Man
                  Why the Westboro Baptist Church is a Scam

                  Disclaimer: The following was written by the user El_Camino_SS in this thread on, 02/21/2006.
                  I do not claim to have written this. This was found while browsing and is being reprinted without the consent of the original author, albeit I don't think this person would mind me having it here, I don't want any mistake made that I claim ownership of these words.

                  I merely agree with them...

                  The Scam of the Decade
                  Fred Phelps does not believe what he is doing. This is a scam.

                  It's a business. They travel the country, set up websites telling you exactly when they'll be there, and using the most inflammatory statements all over the place, just to get someone to violate their rights for profit. Then they sue the military, the police force that was to protect them, and everyone that is around them for money. This is a sham, and it is a trap to get people sued. Every member of his family is an attorney. Phelps does not break the law. What he does is try to make you break the law by trying to punch your sensibilities about everything you hold dear, and then sue you and everyone municipality around him to the max.

                  This is a scam.

                  Whether he believes his posters or not is irrelevant.
                  He's using this as a moneymaking scheme.
                  Lay one finger on him, do one thing that violates him, and he will sue you, and more importantly, the city, the police department, the US Military, and any private property owner he happens to be standing on to make money off of it.

                  Let's look at the ways he's trying to get you up in a tizzy to violate his civil rights for profit:

                  •He says God Hates Fags, God hates the US Govt., that God hates the US Military, God Hates you, and God justifies the killing of others.
                  Phelps knows that saying 'God' and 'Hate' in the same sentence gets people worked up. He knows that. He knows that people have a knee jerk reaction to that.
                  •He says that the US Govt. and the United States are evil.
                  This is another hot button with people who love their country. It is intentional. It is designed to make you take a swing at him. He wants $50,000 from you. He wants a Powerball winner to swing at him so he gets 100 million dollars. It's that simple.
                  •He goes after homosexuals, he goes after people who are making sacrifices. Phelps intentionally targets people that are being victimized, or good people doing their jobs to create more outrage. He kicks people when they're down. He does that so someone will come up and defend them. Then he will sue you.

                  •His boards are laminated on hardwood, because he pulls them out of trucks at least five times a week. He also puts them in bright colors for attention, and makes absolutely sure that you can read them at all time. He's phishing you. Everyone must know that.
                  The most telling tale about all of Phelp's behavior is the schedule he keeps, and the company he keeps as well. The parties sometimes split up and go to two separate state funerals to maximize the profitability of them. There are, at maximum, twelve members to the party. They never stay more than thirty minutes (I assume they realize that someone will do something to them the MOMENT they come out of the vans, and really, after that, they get their camera shots to cause the outrage for the next stop, and then they move on) to maximize their profits, because time is money, and really, they're not interested in the message, because they're just interested in the lawsuit.

                  See? They don't believe this stuff. If they did, they wouldn't have come to Coretta Scott King's funeral. Because in their doctrine, they don't believe that G-d hates black people who tried to promote Christianity. So why were they there? They were there to make a buck when someone slipped up. They were there to petition the police department for a right to protest, and if they didn't get it, take them to court over it.

                  Basically, Phelps is playing the Ken Lay, Karl Rove, "Smartest Man in the Room" game where he is willing to do anything (if it be lying or stealing, or telling you God hates you) to make himself rich and powerful. This is his scheme, and admittedly, it's clever, but just downright evil to promote so much hatred in the world.

                  Tell all your friends about this.
                  This man is a con artist, and he's not a man of religion whatsoever.

                  After all, he makes everyone around him a lawyer.
                  That should tell you right now he is not anything.
                  How do I know that Fred Phelps is suing people? I can tell you I just have too much experience around him. I am a journalist in Nashville, TN, and work at a television station that works the Ft. Campbell area. As a television photographer and journalist, I have been trained in all of the rules of private property, verbal conversation, what is legal and what is not legal, etc. (what you can and cannot say, what you can get away with). Honestly, in the last few months, I have seen waaay too much of Mr. Phelps and his crew. Since the war began, I believe they think this is the moneymaking source of a lifetime.

                  So how am I sure? After the third run in, and not one slip, not one piece of paperwork out of line, I knew something was fishy. My newsman skepticism left me with the idea later that something was more phishy than fishy.
                  I will tell you where I got this truth about Phelps. I looked him in the eye. I saw that he was way too calm and collected for what he looked like in the media. I noticed that he never made personal statements against a person, which is verbal assault, and an out against a lawsuit. Also, for a religious fanatic, a group of people who pride themselves on personal attacks, he was running a protest so terribly by the books that I was impressed by it. He will not bait a person, ever. He will not make personal attacks. He will make blanket statements. He will look at a person in the crowd that he thinks is gay, walk over to his stack of signs, pull out the appropriate, well designed, easily read, laminated bright board, and hold it up and loudly proclaim that "gays are going to hell" or some such nonsense, and make eye contact, but he will never cross the line of telling that person that they're going to hell. That would be the part that would screw up the lawsuit. He just wants to get them after him, but wants to appear utterly blameless for damages.

                  They run too tight of a ship to slip up, and at that point, I realized that the objective of the group was not anything religious at all. Someone told me along the way that they were all turned into lawyers after he got disbarred. After that, the stench was just too intense for me. He makes money off of this. He does this so much he has everyone around him do the legal legwork so he doesn't have to pay anyone else.

                  The last time confirmed everything I suspected about them.
                  A few weeks later, I saw them again (they LOVE to come to big name funerals) and after I saw the laminated signs change for the audience, I knew EXACTLY what they were doing.

                  His 'crew' isn't a 'church' as you and I would know. The 'church' are more of a motley crew of family members. Some of them are six year old children that are doing what they're told. I have spoken to them, and they have a lawyers sensibility on them on how they speak to the public. They never make personal attacks. They never verbally assault anyone. For a group of people that are accusing damn near every group of people around them for going to hell, wouldn't that seem odd to you? Do you know any religious fanatics that don't make personal attacks? I don't.

                  They also don't stick around after the cameras roll. They have an itinerary like a semi truck driver. For them to get cleared for all of these press event protests they're doing, then they have to have someone at home doing all of the setup. For you to get the press clearances by the prescribed times? That's a lot of professional legwork. I should know, I've coordinated a newsrooms credentials when the President comes to town, and that's a lot of phone calls and faxes.

                  They probably file a load of civil rights violation lawsuits. If a police department looks them up and says, "we're denying your protest right," BOOYah. They just got to sue a police department for the very thing that Americans can't stand, rights violation. I am assuming that this is where they get almost all of their money.

                  See my previous post. Their beliefs are so riddled with inconsistency. The 'real inconsistency' is that every position that contradicts every other of their beliefs is designed to maximize the number of people that they offend. You cannot be saved to them. You are evil in their beliefs, no matter who you are, and God will punish you like the evil gays/soldiers/innocent people/people who love America/people who are black/everyone else we can think of.

                  Here's the proof. Who in the world makes a poster that says, "Thank God for IEDs" (Improvised Explosive Devices, aka Roadside Bombs). They are saying God is with the terrorists. Then they say God hates you. And homosexuals. Then when they see you looking patriotic with your American flag shirt, they point the sign at you and say, "Americans are going to hell for supporting this country!" and look you in the eye. NOTICE THOUGH, they never say, "You're going to hell." (That would give a judge an out to deny them their claim.)
                  Last edited by Shadow Stalker; 07-17-2010, 10:43 AM.


                  • #10
                    I am starting to wonder if people forget to use the spoiler tags for long text sentences. It's a pain to scroll down.


                    • #11
                      Well you don't really have to for long posts, just for photos which stretch the page or when people keep quoting the same thing over and over again.


                      • #12
                        The Phelps family has been a never-ending source of intolerance for decades... I'll never understand people like them.


                        • #13
                          Oh it's personal now. I despised these people before, but wow. Thing is, I think they're underestimating geeks...Heheheheh. >D

                          But really, who else wants to see a superhero come out of the fold and vanquish these people?
                          "...and worship them they do!" I think they're closet Star Wars fans. =)


                          • #14

                            Haha, now they're travelling to St. Louis to protest at a Lady GaGa concert! Pathetic!

                            To anyone who doesn't have Facebook, this is what GaGa posted about it:

                            At the risk of drawing attention to a hateful organization,

                            Yesterday at 23:29
                            I would like to make my little monster fans aware of a protest being held outside the Monsterball in St.Louis tonight. Although we have had protesters before, as well as fundamentalists at the show, this group of protesters are hate criminals and preach using lewd and violent language and imagery that I wish I protect you all from. Their message is of hatred and divisiveness, but inside at the Monsterball we preach love and unity.

                            My request to all little monsters and public authorites is to pay these hate criminals no mind. Do not interact with them, or try to fight, Do not respond to any of their provocation. Don't waste your words, or feelings, no matter what you hear or see you are more fortunate and blessed than they are, and in your heart just pray for them. Although I respect and do not judge anyone for their personal views on any politics or religion, this group in particular to me, is violent and dangerous I wanted to make my fans aware of my views on how to approach, or rather not approach, these kinds of hate activists.

                            Be inspired to ignore their ignorant message, and feel gratitude in your heart that you are not burdened or addicted to hate, as they are. X
                            Go GaGa.
                            Last edited by Alexia_Ashford; 07-17-2010, 07:26 PM.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Lightning View Post
                              I am starting to wonder if people forget to use the spoiler tags for long text sentences. It's a pain to scroll down.
                              You'll survive.

                              Originally posted by Alexia_Ashford View Post
                              Well you don't really have to for long posts, just for photos which stretch the page or when people keep quoting the same thing over and over again.
                              Thanks for defending my post. At least I think you were...

                              Haha, now they're travelling to St. Louis to protest at a Lady GaGa concert! Pathetic!

                              To anyone who doesn't have Facebook, this is what GaGa posted about it:

                              At the risk of drawing attention to a hateful organization,

                              Yesterday at 23:29
                              I would like to make my little monster fans aware of a protest being held outside the Monsterball in St.Louis tonight. Although we have had protesters before, as well as fundamentalists at the show, this group of protesters are hate criminals and preach using lewd and violent language and imagery that I wish I protect you all from. Their message is of hatred and divisiveness, but inside at the Monsterball we preach love and unity.

                              My request to all little monsters and public authorites is to pay these hate criminals no mind. Do not interact with them, or try to fight, Do not respond to any of their provocation. Don't waste your words, or feelings, no matter what you hear or see you are more fortunate and blessed than they are, and in your heart just pray for them. Although I respect and do not judge anyone for their personal views on any politics or religion, this group in particular to me, is violent and dangerous I wanted to make my fans aware of my views on how to approach, or rather not approach, these kinds of hate activists.

                              Be inspired to ignore their ignorant message, and feel gratitude in your heart that you are not burdened or addicted to hate, as they are. X
                              At least Lady Gaga has the right idea of how to deal with those clowns.
                              Last edited by Shadow Stalker; 07-17-2010, 08:34 PM.

