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God Hates Geeks now?

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  • #31
    True. But some people can't ignore this stuff, so at least they did in the next best way...peacefully with a mocking humour.


    • #32
      Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
      True. But some people can't ignore this stuff, so at least they did in the next best way...peacefully with a mocking humour.
      I understand that Darkmoon. But it's still giving them the attention they don't deserve. All these counter-protests are doing is making them more determined to picket places that (in their view) God "hates".

      I compare this behavior to Feeding the Trolls on Internet Messageboards.
      Last edited by Shadow Stalker; 07-27-2010, 01:43 AM.


      • #33
        lucky for me I became an atheist about 13 years ago


        • #34
          Originally posted by kiedistidus View Post
          lucky for me I became an atheist about 13 years ago
          Nothing to do with being an Atheist. Just because one very small group of people like to misinterpret a faith for their own personal gain, doesn't mean that religious group as a whole is a bad thing or that belief in God is a bad thing.


          • #35
            thats not what I meant alexia people can believe whatever they want it doesnt get my back up or anything what I meant was god cant hate me if I dont believe in calm down
            Last edited by kiedistidus; 07-24-2010, 06:23 PM.


            • #36
              That's not right. If God does exist your lack of belief in Him would be irrelevent. He could hate you all He wanted. He probably wouldn't, because most folks reckon He's all about the love and the forgiving rather then hate, but He could.

              My personal desire is to see people holding up signs with, 'Phelps help Gay Cause' and 'Westboro Church bring sympathy to beleagured Jews' and the like. Because, well, they do. I think they would probably implode too, which is just funy.


              • #37
                Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
                That's not right. If God does exist your lack of belief in Him would be irrelevent. He could hate you all He wanted. He probably wouldn't, because most folks reckon He's all about the love and the forgiving rather then hate, but He could.

                My personal desire is to see people holding up signs with, 'Phelps help Gay Cause' and 'Westboro Church bring sympathy to beleagured Jews' and the like. Because, well, they do. I think they would probably implode too, which is just funy.
                oh "god" looks like ive potentially pissed up a wasps nest

                seriously people why does every comment about religion have to turn into a right or wrong game.
                my point being.... a comment with no real intent has been spun into some kind of ignorant rant.

                I dont believe in god so wether he exists or not is irrelevant to me until someone can actually give me concrete proof! and the point i was making to alexia is she totally misinterpreted my first comment! I wasnt saying anyone was wrong for believing in god i was just saying I DONT, so how could I feel hatred from something I personally dont believe in! but alexia went on a mini half rant that made out that I was some sort of ignoramous!

                The original sacrilegious comment was made with the same semi-seriousness attitude that was there at the beggining of the thread.

                CALM DOWN PEOPLE


                • #38
                  Originally posted by kiedistidus View Post
                  oh "god" looks like ive potentially pissed up a wasps nest

                  seriously people why does every comment about religion have to turn into a right or wrong game.
                  my point being.... a comment with no real intent has been spun into some kind of ignorant rant.

                  I dont believe in god so wether he exists or not is irrelevant to me until someone can actually give me concrete proof! and the point i was making to alexia is she totally misinterpreted my first comment! I wasnt saying anyone was wrong for believing in god i was just saying I DONT, so how could I feel hatred from something I personally dont believe in! but alexia went on a mini half rant that made out that I was some sort of ignoramous!

                  The original sacrilegious comment was made with the same semi-seriousness attitude that was there at the beggining of the thread.

                  CALM DOWN PEOPLE
                  Dude, I think you're the one being hyper sensitive. If I was gonna have a go at you over religion I wouldn't have said, 'Ah, but if God does exist then He gets to hate you regardless of your belief in Him!' I'd have said, 'BURN heretic non believer scum! BURN LIKE WHEN I GO PEE!' The tone wasn't exactly the most serious of posts.

                  You're more than entitled to your opinion. I don't care about your religious stance in the slightest.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by kiedistidus View Post
                    oh "god" looks like ive potentially pissed up a wasps nest

                    seriously people why does every comment about religion have to turn into a right or wrong game.
                    my point being.... a comment with no real intent has been spun into some kind of ignorant rant.

                    I dont believe in god so wether he exists or not is irrelevant to me until someone can actually give me concrete proof! and the point i was making to alexia is she totally misinterpreted my first comment! I wasnt saying anyone was wrong for believing in god i was just saying I DONT, so how could I feel hatred from something I personally dont believe in! but alexia went on a mini half rant that made out that I was some sort of ignoramous!

                    The original sacrilegious comment was made with the same semi-seriousness attitude that was there at the beggining of the thread.

                    CALM DOWN PEOPLE
                    It's funny how you're telling us to calm down when you look like you were probably hyperventilating in this post. You should make yourself clearer when people are talking about religion and then you simply go "Good job I'm an atheist". Like Darkmoon said, it's irrelevant. If God does exist, he'll likely dislike you even more for not believing in Him. FYI, I don't care if you believe in God or not. I'm agnostic. I'm not sure what you expect though when this entire topic is about a very specific group of Christians spreading messages of hate and then you say "Good job I'm an atheist".

                    I'm perfectly calm. You seem to be the one who is losing control at the keyboard, with caps lock and whatnot.
                    Last edited by Alexia_Ashford; 07-25-2010, 04:37 AM.


                    • #40
                      Darkmoon:fair enough but i found alexia to be condescending I didnt really fancy anyone chiming in when I was trying to get my point across to her.

                      Alexia:considering your a moderator maybe you should get your facts straight before making out Im on the offensive about religion.A simple "what do you mean by that" would of sufficed not some snotty comment(if it wasnt meant to be then I got the wrong end of the stick like you have and I apologise)


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by kiedistidus View Post

                        Alexia:considering your a moderator maybe you should get your facts straight before making out Im on the offensive about religion.
                        Don't really see how this has anything to do with being a moderator or not. Unless mods aren't allowed to post/have opinions now? Quote me where I "made out you were on the offensive about religion". I simply said that being an Atheist has nothing to do with any of the points about this topic or to do with Christianity.

                        Let me repeat again:

                        What exactly do you expect with a comment like "luckily for me I became an Atheist 13 years ago" in a topic about Christianity/abuse of Christian beliefs by a specific group?
                        That comment on its own is both insensitive and tactless.

                        Then you go on to say:

                        thats not what I meant alexia people can believe whatever they want it doesnt get my back up or anything what I meant was god cant hate me if I dont believe in calm down
                        Which me and Darkmoon both said, again, is wrong. God can hate you whether you believe in him or not. He is after all, God. We were also calm, which you clearly weren't/aren't.

                        I really don't care whether you found me to be "snotty" or not. You're telling me and Darkmoon to be calm and saying you've "pissed up a wasp's nest", when the original post that I replied to you about simply said that being an Atheist had nothing to do with any of the discussions in this topic and pointed out that because one specific group of Christians like to abuse the faith to make it look bad, not all Christians are like that and there are infact some very good ones out there. Coming into a topic about the abuse of Christianity and saying "luckily for me I'm an Atheist" is tactless and even though the reply I first gave to you was "semi-serious" and merely pointing out the irrelevance of the Atheist belief, I will start to take it seriously now considering you are and you seem to be hyper-sensitive to the subject.

                        Let me re-quote my original comment:
                        Nothing to do with being an Atheist. Just because one very small group of people like to misinterpret a faith for their own personal gain, doesn't mean that religious group as a whole is a bad thing or that belief in God is a bad thing
                        This was in response to your "luckily for me I'm an Atheist, woo!" post in a topic about religious faith/abuse of that by specific Churches. If you don't like what I responded to your post, you should have been clearer to begin with. It's your job on an internet forum to get your point across in your post, not leave people to interpret it in different ways. Your post, as it stood, was actually quite inconsiderate and rude to the Christian members of this forum. I also like how you call this original post a "mini half rant" compared to your above posts.

                        I'm not religious. I don't care if you're religious. Point is, you made an insensitive comment (no matter how you intended it to be read) and you're acting butthurt over the reply that you got. My advice: get a grip. It's an internet forum.
                        Last edited by Alexia_Ashford; 07-26-2010, 12:26 PM.


                        • #42
                          Well God is supposed to love all His creations. So via a technicality (A written-by-man approach) he cannot hate anyone. But yes. If He exists (I'm on the fence--I believe in a higher power, but not a deity per sé, rather just a higher life form much akin to how we seem to insects) He can hate you whether you believe or not.


                          • #43
                            That's the point I'm trying to make to the guy. It's not a requirement to believe in a God for them to have the ability to hate you. So the Atheism point is completely irrelevant. And the fact that I'm not sure what anyone was supposed to "interpret" in a topic about the Westboro Baptist Church saying God hates everyone then he chimes in with "Luckily for me I'm Atheist" as if it's a Christian-only thing, otherwise there'd be no reason for him to be lucky.

                            Bahhh, I feel so..



                            • #44
                              On the plus side, the Westboro church doesn't seem to care much about Atheism. Mostly they care about how the Gays are trying to screw them and the Jews are oppressing them.

                              They also think I'm apostate because I worship Deadpool. OK, they're technically right...but it's Deadpool! He comes in lady, child, dog and zombie flavours now. Mmmm, zombie Deadpool. Headpool! Because he's only a head now.


                              • #45
                                alexia as a moderator you should be more vigilant before accusing anyone because at the end of the day you say who goes and who stays on here.

                                I've broken this down in the hope you might understand what is being said now.

                                This is my final post on the matter because im clearly wasting my time with you.

                                1.On the subject of god hating me,it is totally irrelevant to ME to ME not anyone else because its me we're talking about! there is no solid proof of his existence so you might as well accuse the tooth fairy of hating me because thats what the idea of it means to me.....SOD ALL

                                2.alexia your ignorance astounds me as during this debate you cant phathom you have clearly been proven wrong on one occasion and that was your initial accusation but still you cant bring yourself to murmur an apology(which by the way I did) so ITS YOU WHO NEEDS TO GET A GRIP! a grip on your ego would be a start!

                                3.I'm not butthurt in the slightest but obviously in your impervious wisdom you understand how I feel better than I do!(your talents are wasted here seek a proffesion in therapy)

                                Save yourself the time and dont bother replying as I wont be cos lets face it we're both arguing over a totally irrelevant and pathetic issue that wouldnt of started if you had an inch of common courtesy in your over- inflated head.(but lets face it you always find one ignorant moderator wherever you go)
                                Last edited by kiedistidus; 07-26-2010, 03:49 PM.

