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Bin Laden is Dead, nee Gay topic

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  • Originally posted by ANDYARKLAY View Post
    One more reason to keep undisclosed where i'm from)) I know that as a mod you can see where i'm from, please, don't say it to him.
    I'll send you a love letter, straight from my heart fucker! Do you know what a love letter is? It's a bullet from a fucking gun, fucker. You receive a love letter from me, you're fucked forever! Do you understand, fucker?

    Last edited by Mr. Spencer; 05-09-2011, 02:36 PM.
    See you in hell.


    • There is a difference between "shouldn't we stay on topic" and "the forums have gone to shit". One is reminding other members, the other is moaning. If someone has a complaint, then they should take it through the correct channels and derail a topic.

      The forums are based on rules which it is up to the staff to interpret. There is a disclaimer in the rules to this effect as we will obviously have different interpretations of them. If me and Darkmoon have joined in this new subject then we obviously don't have a problem with it. I'm not gonna stop a good discussion because its entertaining, and it tends to die off when you make a new topic.


      • I just think this topic was suffering a lack of Frank Booth.
        See you in hell.


        • A flame war, no matter how off-topic and ridiculous it may be, is okay as long as the "moderators" think it's funny. Gotcha.


          • Flame war? When? Where?


            • Exclusive new footage of the siege on Osama Bin Laden's hideout.

              Last edited by valentinesdead?; 05-09-2011, 02:47 PM.


              • Sorry, flamer* war.

                Last edited by Vector; 05-09-2011, 02:48 PM.


                • O...K...y'know what, I think we're not going to get anything more out of this thread. At least nothing remotely useful to anyone. Since it's now cutting into my comic reading time, I'm closing the thread and will take a look through to see who needs infractions later.

