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A Resident Evil movie, what do you want from it?

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  • A Resident Evil movie, what do you want from it?

    After all my many arguments with Kylie, Alexia, and Kylie(I listed Kyle twice because I've argued with her twice as much ) about the RE films and the varies opinions from other folks here I've actually had this question on my mind for some time:

    What do you want from a Resident Evil movie?

    I know most folks just want to be entertained and dont care whats on the screen as long as its somehow related to the games, and I cant fault you for wanting entertainment.

    As for a guy like me, I want more from my movies.

    What I want from a Resident Evil film is a movie that follows the games storyline, and uses the games atmosphere and creatures to the fullest while being able to give the characters from the game some depth.

    I also want things grounded down and all the stupid matrixy elements that have been used gone. There's nothing wrong with having characters fight like real people.

    I know what I want isn't close to being that hard to do, but it hasn't been done yet since flashier elements sell more tickets.

    So that's what I want. How about you guys?

  • #2
    Well, this is asking for a lot, but...

    - Coherent plot. No giant fucking stupid plot holes, and at least plan some potential story lines to follow on so sequels don't catch you off guard. See having to kill off the Alice Army.

    - Characters that aren't Alice. She can be in the movie, sure, but she isn't the movie. There are other characters. And if you call a character Chris Redfield or Claire Redfield make them resemble the game character, at least a bit. Alice had more of a connection to both Redfields than they did each other, which really says a lot for how massively over the top her presence can be.

    - Some attempts at horror. Slinging monsters at the screen and having Alice kill them all doesn't make it horror.

    - More realism. Yes, I know, it's not the most realistic game series either, but at least acknowledge the limits of human biology a little.

    - Pay tribute to the game. Don't see a trailer and go, 'Hey, that's awesome, I'll use that.' Where the Hell does the Executioner come from? Someone made that axe for him. And how does becoming a Majini Zombie make you able to burrow through rock?


    • #3
      to not exist. wait, that won't happen. ^.^
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      • #4
        It's not so much what I want. Rather it's what I don't want.

        I don't want a series that's based around an ensemble cast to be lead by one character. If you have to have a leading character then don't make it one original poorly written character that wasn't in the source material. It doesn't have to retain the same stories as the source material but events that relate to the characters or plot are welcomed. And it should maintain the atmosphere and feel of what the source material was trying to accomplish. Changes are inevitable, but it's preferred that the changes are not random choices but rather made for the sake of having a good fluid film.

        This is why I enjoy the X-men movies more than Resident Evil. Both aren't masterful films with amazing writing. Both have inconsistencies and flaws. Some characters are done well and others not so much. But the feel and plot is stronger for X-men than Resident Evil. believe the blame for the films relies squarely on Paul Anderson's shoulders. He gave us Alice. The one character that crippled the franchise and boasts Milla's overblown belief that she's the savior of a dying series.

        In a stroke of irony Capcom has taken influence from Anderson and turned their series into the over-the-top action drivel the movies aspired to be after the first film. Only difference is we're not yet at that point where the series has a protagonist like the Alice character. Jill's coming close though.
        Last edited by Smiley; 06-17-2011, 07:26 PM.


        • #5
          I really enjoyed the Silent Hill movie because it used the themes and mood of the games without bogging it down with cannon or directly copying the game. I want the next movies to at least do this. The first Resident Movie tried it and was moderately successful, but its sequels actually detract from it.

          Things I want
          • No Anderson
          • No Mila and no alice
          • Reboot
          • Focus on resident evil 1. Use REmake as an example for the mansion's design
          • Give me a claustrophobic horror movie with an emphasis on gore and ambiance
          • DO NOT have monsters just jump at the camera
          • Do not use the terrible camera work from RE: Apocalypse
          • Use a strong ensemble cast. Keep them true to the characters and focus on their interactions.
          • Handle wesker with care. Make him likeable so that his betrayal isnt really obvious.
          • dont try to cram in everything from the games. Neptune and Plant 42 would probably not be good fits for the movie.


          • #6
            Jill, topless. CGI movie, obviously.

            It 5:30 in the morning, you'll get a serious reply when I read this topic at a better hour.
            Last edited by Dracarys; 06-18-2011, 12:33 AM.
            Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


            • #7
              I like this thread, I have been thinking about writing my own version of a Resident Evil movie just to prove to myself that I can write a better script than P Anderson. If I ever get the time it would take me a good few months if I'm flat out or maybe a year or so if I take my time but I do plan on writing it. I have a few ideas of what I will write about so I will name a few in here because the version I plan on writing is what RE movie I would want to see.

              - Gore is a given, doesnt have to be over the top but there must be blood and brutal death scenes.
              - I want the music used from the original RE and Remake.
              - I want to see all the BOW'S featured in Remake including Crimson Heads and Lisa Trevor of course.
              - Stay true to the cast but also add new elements to suprise the fans. This mean new cast so they dont know exactly who will live and die. Also have one of the new cast to be working with Wesker. With Wesker being the obvious bad guy for the fans he will be revealed early on that he is a trater and even have scenes in the movie where we follow him sneaking around avoiding the others. Have a very likeable new character and make him the babyface then right at the end he is helping Wesker. Sounds abit corny and maybe I will come up with something better but I think it would need abit of a twist ending so the hardcores can enjoy the ending as well as the new fans.
              - BOW fights such as Crimson Head Vs Hunter and Pack of Hunters Vs Lisa Trevor.
              - The setting should be an exact replica of the Spencer Estate in Remake and the only time we see any other setting apart from this would be the STARS office part of the Police Station such as corridors and Helipad and also the Arklay Woods.
              - The STARS team should go in heavy loaded e.g. lots of ammo and a secondary gun such as Shotgun. Although the game got away with it I dont think it would work in a film if they found guns and ammo all over the Mansion.
              - I would want the opening of the movie to be a cartoon style quick backstory showing the construction of the Spencer estate and the betrayal of Trevor with images of his family being captured and experimented on. This would lead all the way up to showing how the outbreak occured. Should be a 2 minute video max while the cast/credits are shown, you could fit a nice backstory in here. Then there would be no need for much of an intro just the STARS finding out the Bravo team has lost contact them gearing up and being sent in. Within 10 minutes of the movie they should be in the woods running for their lives from the dogs.
              - Oh and there would of course be an Alicie cameo with a female lab zombie wearing an Alice name tag and getting her face blown to smitherines by Barry's magnum.
              - I would also like to see a less obvious character die maybe not Chris or Jill because they are to involved in the overall story but Rebbeca or Barry or even both should bite the big one.
              Last edited by CrimsonElder; 06-18-2011, 11:09 PM.


              • #8
                A film that embraces the base principle of survival horror; that being completely alone in a terrifying situation is scary and really making you identify with the character's fear. That pretty much means nothing we've seen so far (and I'm looking at you too, Degen. You only win because of the whole no Alice, etc thing)


                • #9
                  Originally posted by CrimsonElder View Post
                  - I would also like to see a less obvious character die maybe not Chris or Jill because they are to involved in the overall story but Rebbeca or Barry or even both should bite the big one.
                  I would be so irate if Barry was killed in a movie. How dare they.

                  I think Rebecca's death would be more powerful. It would throw off people by killing the young perky girl instead of the large aged man. Especially if Chris is too late to save her and she gets slaughtered by a Hunter on screen.


                  • #10
                    I honestly dont know why people want another reiteration of RE1. What would I want in an RE movie? Something that doesn't simply copy a game exactly. If I wanted to watch RE1 or 2 unfold...I'd either play them, or watch someone do an LP of them. Even if a movie copied the game would be fucking boring. Yes...boring. Why? The game came out 15 years ago...we know what happens. It would be good because it wouldn't be anything outside a comfort zone. Hell...even if someone did try to copy a game completely, people would still find something to bitch about it even if it did manage to be mildly entertaining.

                    I would want some creative characters that are well written (ie not Alice and the completely unmemorable parade of laser/'zombie' fodder). Some gore...some horror that doesnt simply consist of cue the dramatic build up music then....zomg look its a scary moment you're all scared now wooooo. No super powers. None. If evil dude/dudette gets infected, great...but this is Resident Evil...not fucking Star Wars. Leave the Jedi mind tricks with Luke and the gang. When it comes to monsters...borrow from the games with care. Don't make zombie/majini that burrow like rodents. Dont use dogs in every single film and just have them bark and snarl, then get blown apart (or their heads kicked in) in three seconds. Actually use the creatures to slaughter.
                    Are you tired, Rebecca?


                    • #11
                      What I want from a RE movie:

                      - no plotholes, at least not the big glaring ones; at least try to pretend that you've planned the whole thing;

                      - copy the atmosphere, the universe, setting (Raccoon City ), monsters, but at the same time use original cast and story; think of Outbreak, but in a movie format;

                      - if you need to use characters from RE games, give them a purpose for being in the movie and treat them with care; neither Claire nor Chris in Anderson's movies resemble their game counterparts (you could call them Chris and Claire Bluefield and no one would notice the difference);

                      - no superhumans; fuck Alice, fuck post-RE1 Wesker, fuck Brainwashed Jill; this should be a horror movie, not an action flick;

                      - concentrate on people trying to survive (and not fighting in slow-mo, running on walls, shooting coins with shotgun etc.) in a mutant-infested town with some unethical pharmaceutical corporation drama going on in the background;


                      • #12
                        I think one thing Anderson has really failed to do is take advantage of having access to the RE name. For the most part it's been an action movie with a few zombies in it, and a RE game enemy added to try and add few actual RE enemies in to at least try and take advantage, but he really hasn't done much. Lickers in the first and second films, Nemesis, Crows in the third and the Executioner in the most recent offering. And the odd Dog.

                        Alice's superhuman abilities would be off set a fair whack if she was fighting a Mr X or a pack of Hunters. At least, a bit. Enough to make it so all the other, unimportant characters like Chris, Claire and Jill could die anyway.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Wrathborne View Post
                          After all my many arguments with Kylie, Alexia, and Kylie(I listed Kyle twice because I've argued with her twice as much ) about the RE films and the varies opinions from other folks here I've actually had this question on my mind for some time:

                          What do you want from a Resident Evil movie?

                          I know most folks just want to be entertained and dont care whats on the screen as long as its somehow related to the games, and I cant fault you for wanting entertainment.

                          As for a guy like me, I want more from my movies.

                          What I want from a Resident Evil film is a movie that follows the games storyline, and uses the games atmosphere and creatures to the fullest while being able to give the characters from the game some depth.

                          I also want things grounded down and all the stupid matrixy elements that have been used gone. There's nothing wrong with having characters fight like real people.

                          I know what I want isn't close to being that hard to do, but it hasn't been done yet since flashier elements sell more tickets.

                          So that's what I want. How about you guys?
                          I want the same thing in a resident evil movie.


                          • #14
                            I have to admit I would love to see the first game turned into a movie, or more specifically the mansion and the B.O.W's in that game. The story would have to be slightly different though, nothing majour but it would be pretty boring if the film was just the people walking around searching for items and keys. Id use running zombies too because come on they are just way more interesting than those slow shuffling things from the games.

                            Or I wouldnt mind a completely new plot, new cast but in the same universe as the games. for example the story could perhaps focus on a group of citizens holed up in Raccoon City or perhaps in a completely different town or city. One idea I could think of is that perhaps Umbrella have Mansions just like the one in raccon city set up all over the place as a testing ground for the virus.


                            • #15
                              I'd actually not like them to touch the games. At least not make them into a direct movie. Because I know what will happen, people will complain about casting, directing, the ambiance, who did what and when and where and blah blah blah.

                              I'd like them to make a movie in the same vein as Outbreak. With a group of survivors set in Raccoon City. That way we're in the same universe, the same enemies and threats, but they are able to create an original storyline from the soul of the games.

