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Anders Behring Breivik (32) kills 90+ people in Norway

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  • #61
    Not well, I got booed off the stage in Oslo.
    See you in hell.


    • #62
      Originally posted by Trent View Post
      Apparently the inhuman scum used illegal ammunition (only legal in hunting) during the shootings. This type of ammunition explodes on impact, resulting in fragments inside the body. This has made it very difficult for doctors to treat the children, 18 of them are still fighting for their lives at the moment...
      Yeah hollow point, also used by Cho Seung-Hui who also managed a high kill count at Virginia Tech.. Anders says he injected the bullets with 99% pure liquid nicotine imported from China to turn them into a chemical weapon also, though I'm not sure how "extra" effective that would be exactly...


      • #63
        Sounds like an unnecessary thing to do, seeing as the hollow point rounds would have done the job.
        See you in hell.


        • #64
          Don't try to make sense of insanity.


          • #65
            Actually what's frightening about this is the fact that he was sane and fully conscious and aware of his actions.
            See you in hell.


            • #66
              Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
              Lobotomise him. He'll be happier, and so will everyone else knowing he no longer has the motor control to use a gun.
              Disagreega. A lobotomy would more than likely be a welcome free pass out of the nightmare he will be facing. This seems like a case in which the person will die in prison. If him operating a gun is something that bothers you, why not chop off his hands? I'm very much into old world, brutal practices; I think it definitely discourages others from committing the same sort of crimes.

              These kind of people with the darkest of intentions and meanest hearts are by far some of the most fascinating people on the Earth. Not all of them are completely crazy; it is easy to call them crazy because killing another is deemed unnatural, but really, what drives them to this point? What makes them thrive in hatred and brings them to the deep end of the pool? An overall disdain for your fellow man can make you do terrible things (Look at the flip-side and what some people will do when in love).

              I can also add this to my stockpile of why I detest religion in any form. People mutilate it, and deviate it far from what its supposed to be, thus I see religion as a terrible thing. I think the world would be a far better place if we didn't have religion. People use religion too much to justify hate.

              Viva la Nihilism!

              Everything aside, I do feel bad for those families touched by this. I just don't understand why people can't accept another's differences.


              • #67
                The police are considering charging him with crimes against humanity, which gives a 30 years-sentence. Right now he's imprisoned for 8 weeks, the first 4 in full isolation and on suicide watch. His lawyer is pulling out the insane card.
                Freedom of Information.


                • #68
                  I wouldn't mind being that guy's lawyer if only because of the ridiculous challenge I'd have at trying to defend his actions.
                  See you in hell.


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by Trent View Post
                    His lawyer is pulling out the insane card.
                    Not really. You make it sound like he's trying to get him off the hook and pushing the insane card hard. His lawyer just casually said he was insane in an interview, more or less. Unless I missed something.

                    But the best thing is actually if he WAS declared insane. Then they could keep him in forced psychiatric care are indefinitely. Imagine how that would torture him!

                    But it's not going to happen. He's not that type of insane. He's not the type who would bang his head against the wall for 15 hours. Other than his twisted views and lack of empathy, he does seem to understand what's going on in.
                    lostreleases // demopals


                    • #70
                      Any idea what kind of tests they will do to determine if he is insane? If the government can get him labelled as insane, it would be a great victory for them as Breivik won't have much of platform for his propaganda. However, if his lawyer is telling people he's insane, I'm guessing Breivik will probably want to change him if possible..


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by Scream View Post
                        However, if his lawyer is telling people he's insane, I'm guessing Breivik will probably want to change him if possible..
                        Well not like that, either. He has said things more along the lines of that in Anders' head the killings were necessary, a that normal people don't think like that.

                        I don't think the lawyer ever used the word "insane" to describe him directly, (and it certainly isn't going to be a part of Anders' defence), maybe except only to talk about the process of determining whether he is insane or not. Which will be done, but I don't know how exactly.

                        Again, I doubt he will be declared insane anyway.
                        lostreleases // demopals


                        • #72
                          As they said, if he is to be declared insane he would have to be insane the moment the massacre happened, which according to experts is not the case as he was fully aware of what he was doing.
                          Freedom of Information.


                          • #73
                            Dunno if the same over there, but over here insanity seems be a lot about whether it was a spontaneous act of 'The voice told me to cut up the hooker and use her blood to protect myself from demons' rather than what fruit loop here did, which was carefully and methodically plan this all out. So, if it is the same, he's not insane on legal grounds.

                            Don't get me wrong, the asshole is clearly nuttier than a bag of almonds, just not in a criminal way.


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by Anders View Post
                              He has said things more along the lines of that in Anders' head the killings were necessary, a that normal people don't think like that.
                              Yeah, exactly, not normal but not insane either. I'm sure in Breivik's mind he wanted it to be a deterrent and make people think twice about joining the labour party, it was also meant to be a selfless act in which he would get nothing from it except publicity for his manifesto and jail time/death. I guess to some people that may be insane..

                              Whatever he is doing he's trying hard to manipulate people, for example by "pretending" to be a christian fundamentalist, a much more powerful movement right now than any group with similar views to his. I can only assume he is trying to latch onto that audience and that his real views are actually much more extreme. Similar to how Hitler wanted Christianity to run its course (OK that's not exactly confirmed, but its not like he wanted to alienate those people).

                              The first thing he said to his lawyer was "how many died?", no-one has told him yet.. I think he will be disappointed when he finds out, he said he didn't expect to make it to the island so he would of been hoping that the bomb went off and took many with it (only 8 though). But its weird as I think it was a holiday on that day if im not mistaken? His manifesto says almost nothing about his own plans which I assume means even he wasn't sure what was going to happen..


                              • #75
                                Scream just invoked Godwin's Law.

                                But I expected this from him!
                                See you in hell.

